Ensemble Coding is a Major Advancement in Medical Coding: 1017393

Chosen Topic: Ensemble coding is a major Advancement in Medical Coding

Chosen Article: Ensemble coding of faces occurs in children and develops dissociably from coding of individual faces

Link: http://eds.a.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=c21edd1a-ccf4-4d46-85c3-cc2cb7042244%40sdc-v-sessmgr03&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#AN=128453784&db=pbh

2. Why did you choose this topic?

With the advancement in medical coding system in psychological coding system is also evolving. This topic can shade light on how the new coding techniques are advancing the conventional medical coding in the field of psychology. This is the reason of choosing this particular topic.

3. Summarize the article in paragraph

The chosen article is an empirical study based on experimental method regarding the factor that Ensemble coding is currently allowing the adults to access useful information about average properties of groups. The study also proved that it could be even equally effective in the absence of detailed representations of individual group members.  This facility increases the access on average age based information from ‘6 – 8 years’ to ‘6 – 18 years’ range. To conduct this experimental research, 2 sets of photographic images were taken and the results were presented in scattered plot. This research provides the first direct proof that distinct processes underlie ensemble and individual coding of face identity.

4. Discuss the connection between your profession and the field of psychology

My profession is medical billing and coding which requires knowledge on medical coding system in any field of medical study which also involves psychology as well. Therefore concerning this fact it can be said the field of clinical psychology needs the medical coding as well as billing system as well. Therefore, these vice versa dependency develops the strong connection between my profession medical billing and coding and psychology.


 Rhodes, G., Neumann, M., Ewing, L., Bank, S., Read, A., Engfors, L. M., … & Palermo, R. (2018). Ensemble coding of faces occurs in children and develops dissociably from coding of individual faces. Developmental science21(2), e12540, doi: 10.1111/desc.12540.