Request For Remark: 955288

I appreciate the feedback and comments on each part where the marker felt that I fell short of the requirements. However, I have reasons to believe that the paper was not marked according to my expectations. I am confident that the marks awarded do not reflect my efforts. Therefore, I would like to appeal the score and request for remarking after which I am confident that I will score higher marks. There are various instances where the marker has given unfair comments on the items that I have covered. For example, in the executive summary I have mentioned the two models that I will use in my analysis that include SWOT and VRIO. The reason for mentioning the models in the executive summary is to give a snapshot of what is in the research paper in regards to environmental analysis. However, the marker has disputed the inclusion of the models citing that they are not important. However, I believe that the models make a very important part of the research, which warrants their inclusion in the executive summary.

In the introduction, I included information about the company and then gave the reason for the research. Therefore, it is not clear to me why the marker said that I did not provide a reason for writing the report in the introduction.

In the stakeholder analysis, I mentioned customers and scientific researchers as the major stakeholders. Therefore, kindly remark the section and consider the mentioned stakeholders.

Finally, in the recommendation and conclusion part, I have mentioned the necessary points such as;

  1. Achievement of objectives
  2. Preparation of deliverables that signal progress
  3. Application of the various strategic models
  4. The deficiencies that could result in failure.