Exploring Social Media: 1141699

Leonardo DiCaprio

  • He is a well-known actor, film producer and an environmentalist
  • Uses different forms of social media for communication
  • Recognized as the most influential person in the globe
  • Formed a foundation to focus on health and wellbeing of the citizens
  • Support innovative and creative projects by developing collaborative partnership
  • Race and ethnicity of Leonardo DiCaprio is American
  • Won various awards for acting and environmentalism like Oscar award
  • His website reflects his determination as well as brand image

Speaker notes

Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the popular Hollywood actor, film producer as well as an environmentalist who used various types of social media sites for communicating essential information to the public. Moreover, he is also recognized as the most influential individual whose race or ethnicity is American. He has created a foundation in order to focus on the health along with the wellbeing of the inhabitants of the planet. Besides this, he had won different awards for his work that represents his determination towards the people.

Communication theories

  • Cognitive dissonance theory is one of the communication theory used by Leonardo DiCaprio
  • The theory reflects that he used to avoid hearing opposite viewpoints
  • He mostly follow Twitter to communicate his information
  • However, failed to receive huge engagement of followers in Twitter account
  • He ignore different viewpoints and continue tweet information
  • After winning award, attract more than 100,000 engagements within three days
  • Used to retweet the essential information about the environmental effects

Speaker notes

One of the communication theories used by Leonardo DiCaprio is cognitive dissonance theory that states that he ignore hearing opposing perspectives. He used to follow Twitter for communicating his relevant information about the environmental effects. Earlier, he has a limited number of followers and engagement in Twitter but consistently communicates information in his account. However, after winning the Oscar award, his account attracts millions of followers within three days. Leonardo retweet essential data on his account to communicate to the public.


  • Confirmation bias is the other communication theory used for communication
  • The theory states that person select specific media to reinforce his beliefs
  • Use Twitter and Facebook to deliver messages to the target audiences
  • Communicate all environmental impacts of climate change to the affected public
  • His engagement with tweet rise up to millions of likes and retweets
  • Gained number of new followers on Twitter and long lasting relationship with internet

Speaker notes

Another communication theory used by DiCaprio is confirmation bias that indicates that a person chooses certain media in order to reinforce his beliefs. In this case, Leonardo uses Twitter and Facebook social media sites in order to convey messages to the target population. Besides this, he communicates the relevant impacts of climate change on the public through social media. His engagement with Twitter has given rise to millions of likes along with retweets of the information. In addition, Leonardo has achieved a number of new followers that indicates his long-lasting relationship with social media.


  • Interpersonal communication theory used to communicate ideas and information
  • A link develop between the public and the communication through social media
  • The theory indicates the process of exchanging information between two or more people
  • Data shared in Twitter led to high engagement of users and increase in rate of followers
  • Primarily tweets about climate change program and awareness
  • Mostly tweet the climate change word that reflects his intention to use social media power

Speaker notes

Interpersonal communication theory is the other theory used by Leonardo DiCaprio for communicating his ideas as well as information. Moreover, the interpersonal communication theory refers to the process of exchange of information or data between two or more persons. He shared numerous data in his twitter account that increase the rate of engagement as well as followers. He normally tweets climate change word to promote climate change program or awareness. His tweets represent his intention of using social media power.

Gender differences

  • Exist gender differences in social media use
  • High percentage of males engaged in social media
  • Low number of females are involved in social media sites
  • Young male users are highly targeted by Leonardo in Twitter
  • Worked with mostly male directors as compared to female directors
  • Difference in the way of using social media creates a gender difference  
  • Many men used social media to share business information and other relevant activities

Speaker notes

A gender difference exists in the use of social media. It is observed that a high percentage of males are engaged in social media sites and follow celebrities. While a low percentage of females are engaged in social media who used to follow celebrities. Moreover, Leonardo DiCaprio primarily targets the young generation through social media account to bring change in the environment. He used to work mostly with male directors instead of female directors. It is noticed that gender difference formed due to the difference in using social media of people.


  • He generally used to bolster the masculine depiction of men through his role
  • Communication used for females generates negative feedback for Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Highly involved in Twitter to communicate the young users
  • Females are less engaged in Twitter as compared to other social media sites
  • Negative feedback occurs while communicating through only one account
  • Young users find parallelism between his character and real life

Speaker notes

It is observed that Leonardo DiCaprio use different means of communication theories for communicating both the genders which create gender difference in communication. Moreover, gender differences led to the generation of negative feedback among females. It is noticed that Leonardo is highly involved in Twitter account with the young users who have obtained parallelism between his real life and characters played in various films. Besides this, females are engaged in Facebook or any other sites that prevent them to follow Leonardo in Twitter.


Bieniek-Tobasco, A., McCormick, S., Rimal, R. N., Harrington, C. B., Shafer, M., & Shaikh, H. (2019). Communicating climate change through documentary film: imagery, emotion, and efficacy. Climatic Change154(1-2), 1-18.

How the Internet Fell in Love with Leonardo DiCaprio. (2018). Medium. Retrieved 25 November 2019, from https://medium.com/the-social-reader/how-the-internet-fell-in-love-with-leonardo-dicaprio-c5216e0b8e75 

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Leonardo DiCaprio; the meme, the environmentalist.. (2017). Medium. Retrieved 25 November 2019, from https://medium.com/digital-society/leonardo-dicaprio-the-meme-the-environmentalist-d2da358dd2ad 

Mavrodieva, A. V., Rachman, O. K., Harahap, V. B., & Shaw, R. (2019). Role of Social Media as a Soft Power Tool in Raising Public Awareness and Engagement in Addressing Climate Change. Climate7(10), 122.

PRIHANDINI, A., & PUTRA, I. P. (2019). Interpersonal Metafunction in Leonardo DiCaprio Speech. English Journal Literacy Utama3(1), 40-46.

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