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Abuse can be a mis-utilization of power intended to cause harm or control another individual. Such ill treatment in the form of physical, verbal or emotional tends to cause immense pain and psychological suffering. While, abuse tend to leave psychological harms which can be highly challenging to heal in comparison to bodily injuries and survivors tend to have intense, harmful feelings long after the abuse has ended. However, abuses do not need to have permanence (Tay, Kuykendall and Diener). Thus abusers often seek happiness and wish to change. The following paper will evaluate the necessity of seeking happiness for abused. In addition to this, the paper will focus on film Precious and the Pursuit of Happiness which symbolizes individuals’ ability of managing misery and experience peace in challenging times.


Therapy can facilitate abused to leave destructive associations and recover from the dreadful experiences. One of the imperative ways in which individuals can help themselves in seeking happiness is to understand the life in positive terms. The movie ‘Precious’ based on the renowned novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire is an American drama film. All through the movie, Precious has used the word ‘Push’ as a intonation further reminding her of the critical time when she had to give birth to a baby at an young age of 12. The film offers the readers with a influential experience primarily owing to the storyline which has exhibited a narrow ray of hopefulness in the dark clouded life of Precious. On the contrary, Ricard has argued that hope must not be present in all such despair. However, Precious has developed as an odds-defying blizzard which has beaten the emotional turmoil and significantly influenced the soul and still becomes successful to put silver-lining on the darkest environment which many have found to be impossible. Pradana Aquatama has mentioned that the movie Precious revealed that the protagonist of the story preferred to speak on the personal account of rape incest survivor as she had not been able to view it in print prior to this. However, Sapphire the writer of the novel stood up against the critics who precluded the narrative owing to their belief. Such convictions have revealed the black community as a whole. Moreover, it had been the strength of the community which has been considered as one of the aspects which has been highlighted.

On the other hand, the film “Pursuit of Happyness’ sheds light on the American Dream from an individual viewpoint. Thus, aligning with the title of the film, the story accentuates on the constitutional right to “pursue” pleasure and joy, instead of perceiving the right to be happy (French). Thus, the film has managed to evade focusing significantly on influential racism and ways in which these factors intended into achieving the dream of the protagonists. On the other hand, the film managed to shed light on the connection between father and son, through all the phases of ups and downs of personal conflict in addition to economic unpredictability, and further takes center stage and produces lovely results.

Meanwhile, Allott in their studies have mentioned that individuals are their own pursuit of happiness. Individuals tend to seek every possible way which will produce utmost joy and contentment to them. However, often individuals encounter other individuals who appear to show greater level of happiness than them. This is due to the fact that these individuals may truly be at an advantage since happiness acts as a choice which one can take along into their own lives. The film is considered as a great example of a person who has attained minimal achievement in life but inclines towards greater degree of happiness and avoids any situations which tend to disrupt his life. Protagonist Chris Gardner experiences his own pursuit of happiness with several unconstructive and challenging moments. But his great optimism has driven him to the ultimate pursuit of happiness (Hitokoto and Uchida). At this juncture, it is vital to note that community help to manage stress by reassuring the distressed to relax through meditation or other such happenings.

Meanwhile, Ricard has noted that Shirley Temple, an American actress dominated the Hollywood box office as a child artist with her optimistic nature during the period of Great Depression. While she had to deal with inconsistent moviegoers who lost attention in her when she grasped adolescence, Temple responded to all these challenges with utmost prudence.


To conclude, the main reason why happiness is imperative is that it facilitates individuals to attain additional cherished individualistic ambitions and objectives. Thus, being happy will help individuals to gain the capacity to transform several lives.


Allott, Daniel. Shirley Temple Cheered Up Depression-Era Film Fans. 2015, https://www.investors.com/news/management/leaders-and-success/shirley-temple-cheered-depression-era-movie-audiences/. Accessed 22 Jan 2020.

French, Philip. “Precious | Film Review”. The Guardian, 2020, https://www.theguardian.com/film/2010/jan/31/precious-review-philip-french.

Hitokoto, Hidehumi, and Yukiko Uchida. “Interdependent happiness: Theoretical importance and measurement validity.” Journal of Happiness Studies 16.1 (2015): 211-239.

Pradana Aquatama, R. I. O. “Illocutionary Acts On Chris Gardner’s Dialogue In Pursuit Of Happyness Movie.” Language Horizon 4.4 (2016).

Ricard, Matthieu. Happiness: A guide to developing life’s most important skill. Atlantic Books Ltd, 2015.

Tay, Louis, Lauren Kuykendall, and Ed Diener. “Satisfaction and happiness–the bright side of quality of life.” Global handbook of quality of life. Springer, Dordrecht, 2015. 839-853.