Communication Essay Assignment: 1496529

Explain what it means to say “culture is something as organization is” vs. “Culture is something as organization as has”. Provide an example to illustrate. Evaluate the theory using 3 evaluation criteria.

“Culture is something as organization is” means that the organizational culture is something that can be observed in the way that group members act out their collective values, beliefs, and norms of behavior. The organizational culture shows that what is the goal and vision of the organization through its working. Whereas “culture is something as organization has” means that the organizational culture is based upon the tasks, processes and operations carried out by the physical and human resource to get desired outcomes. This statement focuses on the perception that organization culture is developed to manage its resources. The organizational culture is responsible to manage and control its internal and external environment by designing tasks and processes in order to meet their values and beliefs. The organization culture is responsible in determining the efficiency of the operations and success of the organization in the market. The management and leadership are responsible to design an effective organization culture by considering internal and external factors.

The organization culture influences its operations, business and management. This can affect the performance of the employees that will ultimately have an influence on the organization’s success in achieving its goals. The goal of the organizational culture is to provide a framework to the processes and managing all the resources in order to get desired results. The evaluation of the theory can be done by observing the behavior and operations of the organization to understand the culture that is being practiced in the organization. The organizational culture can be developed by creating a framework for the operations and management. This theory helps in understanding how the organizational culture is part of its structure and strategies. The culture can be understood by observing its processes and management of its resources.

Identify an example of systematically distorted communication, explaining how communication is distorted or stopped as well as described the meaning of discursive resource.

Systematically distorted communication is described as the communication where the receiver reconstructs the meaning of the message with a different interpretation. This affects the effectiveness of the communication as the meaning of the message is misunderstood by the receiver, this can be due to wrong interpretation or presentation of the message. This can be seen in the example where Marla received an email from June, which was not properly communicated. This created a difference between them as they were not able to convey their messages properly (Muir, et al., 2017).  Marla handled the situation with her intelligence and discursive resource concept was used by Marla to make June understand about the wrong interpretation of her email, and how she can improve it in future to avoid that kind of situation. The discursive resource are tools that guide interpretations of experience and shape the construction of preferred conceptions of persons and groups.

Stakeholder democracy model helps in providing chance to the organization members in participation in the decision making, organizing and governance in corporations. This model helps in providing a fair chance to the organization members in decision making and organizational operations. This helps in building a positive environment in the organization where employees can effectively communicate with the management. This helps in building strong relations with the employees that boosts employee engagement in the operations and various processes taking place in the organization. The environment of the organization is also maintained properly and helps in integrating different sections of the organization to cooperate with each other. This is conflict management approach as it helps in making the communication effective and conveying the message effectively so that it is not misunderstood. This can be helpful in managing the workforce to meet the organizational goals. The stakeholder democracy model helps in providing a chance to the responsible employees in decision making process of the organization.

Provide an example of where you have converged or diverged in a communicative interaction. Explain whether your motive was affective or cognitive. Evaluate the theory.

The several examples are interconnected with the converged or diverged in communicative interaction as communicative interaction is one of the main important part of the overall process. The example of converged behavior is the one boy Justin is more talkative among people and continue doing conversations with friends. Then he needs to do group project with Noelle. She is calmer and does not talk much among people and she prefers to be stay in quiet spaces. Justin cannot understand that they work well together but afterwards he understand he needs to remain calm to work with Noelle and it improves their working (Parveen, et al., 2015).  This shows the converged or diverged communicative interaction as communicative interaction is highly effective in all the situations.

The communication accommodation theory suggests that communicators need to select convergence or divergence behaviors that include affective and cognitive motivation. Both the motivations are majorly affected the overall communication and the communication accommodation theory is included in analyzing these motivations strategies. Affective goals include gaining social approval and maintaining a positive social identity for proper maintenance of positive and social identity (Isaboke, 2015).  Whereas cognitive goals focus on improving overall efficiency f the communication and it directly affect the different aspects of motivation as motivation is important in the process of communication. I think that affective process is more motive as compared to other process and it largely impact the overall process of communication in different manner.

Create a scenario which illustrates understanding of FNT model. Be sure to address at least 3 elements of the model.

The scenario which illustrates the understanding of FNT model includes the situation related to the work place issue in China. Director Wang has hired Ms. Chen two years ago. As it has been analyzed that quality of Ms. Chen’s work was excellent ad it decreased after few months. Director thinks that it decreased the performance reviews so he thinks about change in the person. This issue is related with the face negotiation model. After some days, Ms. Chen start communicating with other director Lin who is a friend of her father. Due to regular communicating, her quality of work gets improved in different aspects. This scenario is much related with FNT model.

FNT model is related to the overview of behavior of different people. As different aspects include different models included in the FNT model (Jayakumar, et al., 2015). There are various elements included in FNT model the defines the different culture of the different countries. As it has been determined that China is more collectivist culture that improve the likelihood that its citizen prefers more on interdependent self-construal.

The major three models of FNT includes individualism, collectivism and concern for self-face. As it has been determined that US has individualistic culture that increase the likelihood that largely affect overall process in different manner. Apart from it, China is collectivist culture as people with interdependent self-construal tend to focus on different mutual face concerns. The other model is concern for self-face. This likely impact the overall process of the mutual- face concerns.  

Select an organization and identify four types of identification inducements from organizational identification theory.

The Ryanair organization is selected for analyzing the different identification inducements. As identification inducements defines the rhetorical nature. The first identification inducements of Ryanair are common ground technique that improve association and it improve overlap of individuals values with the various values of organization. This improve the various aspects of organization expressing concern. It is overall related to the employees for different aspects.

The other identification inducement is strategy of antithesis where the organization become against a common enemy. The idea is that dissociation from one target encourages the overall association with another. The governmentregualtions largely affected the overall process of industry.

The other identification inducement of Ryanair transcendent that affect overall process of relation between organization and individual. This largely affect the overall values in different manner.   The government regulations largely impact overall process in different manner.

The fourth identification inducements include unifying symbols that link the Ryanair with different symbols. As organizational identification increases different aspects of organization.

The organizational identification largely impacted overall process in different manner. This theory affects overall organizational contexts. This process also affects the different changing structures of the different manner (Miao, et al., 2019). The employees are also affected different manner and it largely impact the overall process in different manner. This affect the creation of virtual workers. The relationship between different organizational identification largely impact the overall process and it affect overall process in different manner. Ryanair improve the overall targets in managing overall behavior for different manner (Ewalt, 2018).  Research continues to explore identification of workers for different manner.


Ewalt, J. P. (2018). Cultivating consubstantiality with the land institute: Organizational rhetoric and the role of place-making in generating organizational identification. Communication Monographs85(3), 380-398.

Isaboke, C. M. (2015). Influence of organization culture on strategy implementation in selected universities in Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management3(9), 806-820.

Jayakumar, K., Revathi, T., & Karpagam, S. (2015). Intrusion Detection using Artificial Neural Networks with Best Set of Features. International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)12.

Miao, Q., Eva, N., Newman, A., & Schwarz, G. (2019). Public service motivation and performance: The role of organizational identification. Public Money & Management39(2), 77-85.

Muir, K., Joinson, A., Cotterill, R., & Dewdney, N. (2017). Linguistic style accommodation shapes impression formation and rapport in computer-mediated communication. Journal of Language and Social Psychology36(5), 525-548.

Parveen, S., Senin, A. A., & Umar, A. (2015). Organization culture and open innovation: A quadruple helix open innovation model approach. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues5(1S).