Case Study: 1510761


 The purpose of this paper is to analyze the condition of the family of Hamilton during the COVID crisis which is given in the case study. The social-economic challenges and social welfare services are studied and analyzed in this paper. It has been noticed that an individual faces a lot of social economic challenges in different circumstances. Socio-economic challenges mainly referred to society related challenges which have economic factors. These social challenges impact and influence one another. These are interrelated for example the employment of an individual decides his income, and the income of an individual is correlated with the level of education. This education then helps to dictate employment for an individual. Hence it can be said that these factors are linked to one another (Snell & Abrams,  2011).

Answer 1

  There are various socioeconomics challenges which Hamilton’s family  facing during this pandemic. The relationships between Hamilton and his family are also affected by this pandemic. It has been noticed that there is a strong relationship between the socioeconomic status of the family and the academic achievement of the children. In this case, the pandemic had worse effects on the family of Hamilton. The source of income from Helen was snatched by this pandemic and she had very few resources left. Now she is completely dependent on Hamilton (Bauer, 2018). Hamilton was employed as ground staff in a hotel and he is furloughed from the hotel for a certain period due to this pandemic. Hence Helen has become completely dependent on Hamilton and on the other hand, Hamilton is given an unpaid leave of absence (Bunche & Ahmed, 2020). This will automatically impact the education of children. It is known that social economic status has been defined by three dimensions and these dimensions are family income, education of the parents and occupational prestige of the parents. This socioeconomic status have an impact on the stability of the family which includes parenting practices and it also impacts the developmental outcomes of children. There is various socio economic challenge faced by the family of Hamilton. Helen has been fired from her job as she cannot work in the USA because of increasing cases of Covid 19. There have been very few employment opportunities in the village and Covid19 worsen the situation (van Vuuren & Carter, 2014).

Answer 2

   In this situation, social services can help to measure the needs of the family. A social welfare system is mainly , the aid which is provided to the family of individuals. Social welfare must help children and families who are in the need of support. In this case, social welfare services can help the family of  Hamilton by providing benefits and facilities  which includes food subsidy, health care, and education. Hamilton’s family is in the need of these services as Helen lost her job and Hamilton is given unpaid leave from the hotel because of the effect of the pandemic on the hotel industry. The benefits provided by two different families vary in different countries (Samir & Lutz, 2017). The welfare system also includes disaster relief and provide educational assistance to families. The eligibility to avail the benefits from social welfare depends on several factors which include income levels of the family and size of the family. In this case, there is a need that health and nutrition, education and  food subsidies should be provided to the family of Hamilton as his family is hit hard by this pandemic. Social welfare ultra includes disaster relief assistance, assistance to education, and also provide agricultural loans. This program of social welfare is government support which is intended to ensure that citizens of the country can meet these human needs and these basic human needs include food and shelter. Hamilton has been granted unpaid leave from the hotel and his wife also lost her job which have worse impact on the economic condition of his family and he needs some assistance which can be provided through social welfare programs  (Dellink, Chateau & Magné, 2017).

Answer 3

  In this community, there is a need for some changes, so that families in this community can change their living condition. The people of this community should follow the guidelines of the state and it is important that people should understand the guidance of the state and adhere to it. There is a need of practicing social engagement. There is a need to communicate with family friends and other people through technology so that boredom can be reduced which is caused by this pandemic. There is a need that people of this community should support local businesses, schools, and child care centers (Jones & Murphy, 2011). There is a need for the creation of a support system within the family between family members. There is a need for the childcare system should continue to operate and the local support system should function fully . The people of this community should manage stress and anxiety. Kindness should be shown by neighbors and friends. The small act of kindness in providing food, books, and clothes can reduce differences. It has been noticed that during this pandemic, children are being abused and neglected and there are chances that they are more likely unnoticed. It can be understood that parents and caregivers have many reasons to be stressed but it does not mean that they abuse or neglect children. There is a need that parents should focus on the positive side and they should work to minimize the experiences that can cause wounds for a child for life. During this, it is needed that expectations should be tempered and there is a need to be kind to others. There is no need to embrace a state of regional flexibility and should fixed product people routines which help  humans  to thrive(Ghuman, 2012).

Answer 4

 As it has been noticed that the corona virus pandemic is spreading and the focus of governments and emergency services on immediate needs to address hunger and should focus to protect families from bankruptcy. To recover from economic losses caused by Covid 19, there is a need for job creation which can automatically help to boost the economy. There is a need for the introduction of such projects which have long-term growth potential and it has an impact on human natural and physical capital. Very projects help and contribute to the improvement of human capital. For improving the human capital there is a need to build future skills by promoting the use of technologies that provide important public goods like modern energy(Lightweis, 2014). It can be seen clearly that Covid 19 Is impacting the business community all over the world it is because the nature of today’s business environment mainly deals with global supply chains. And Covid19 can result in a significant loss of revenue which can have a hazardous impact on global economies. There is a need for the development of a plan which mainly focuses on people first mindset. The priority of any organization or community during this pandemic Is it the safety and well-being of its people. To reduce the impacts of Covid 19 on the economic condition of people of a community there is a need to plan for geographical segmentation or functions and activities of a particular organization or community. There is a need to pay closer attention to geographical concentrations and segment them for work so that locations and sites can be altered. More investment should be made in technology and infrastructure so that remote work and collaboration can be supported. To activate remote working capabilities there is a need for employees to stay at home and work from there (Maes & Jacobs, 2017).


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