Technology and Spiritual Development:935275

Technology has fostered significant spiritual growth in my life. Millions of individuals have developed spiritually due to technology (Safta, 2018). There are multiple ways in which technology has helped me achieve several milestones in my spiritual growth. Through note taking apps on my tablet, I can effectively take notes during sermons and go through them later. This has helped me refer to those sermons anytime of the day and through this, my spiritual wellbeing has been strengthened. Apps from my electronic devices also helps to manage my tasks through reminders. I am able to plan my day and have adequate time for bible study and listening to gospel worship songs. In addition, these apps help me to set goals and achieve them. This has contributed to self-improvement when it comes to time management. In a nutshell, these applications have enabled me to create more time for my spiritual nourishment.

Through Christian blogs and online video sermons, I am nourished spiritually. This is because I can easily browse on my Smartphone at any time and at any place. There are numerous Christian blogs on the internet that are helpful for any believer (Campbell, 2017). Examples of such blogs are Pastor Mark Driscoll blog, Bible gateway blog, Women of faith, Christian today, among others. Some of these blogs contain an online segment where you communicate to men and women of God on a live platform. Here, you can ask questions or share personal problems which are well addressed through the bible and prayer. Online video sermons by men of God such as Paul Washer, Max Lucado, and Timothy Keller among others are effective platforms for spiritual nourishment.

How technology has hindered my spiritual development.

Although technology offers numerous platforms for spiritual nourishment, there are some disadvantages that are associate with it. There are certain ways in which it has hindered my spiritual growth. Despite my efforts of seeking God and drawing closer to Him, I sometimes feel like I continually draw further from His presence.  Sometimes I wonder why. On reflecting, I have discovered that technology has to some extent contributed to a decline in my spiritual growth. This is through spending too much time on social media and other websites. Sometimes, I am completely carried away by these sites.  This has made me spend hours on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, among others. Influence of these media may hinder an individual from achieving consistent spiritual growth (Buie, 2018).

The negative effects of technology on our spiritual development is comes as a result of diverting our attention to unspiritual matters (Ononogbu, 2019). When reading my New International Version bible on my tablet, it takes just a second for an ad or an advertisement to pop on the screen for me to be completely distracted. Here, I tend to focus on that beautiful dress being advertised by a dressing firm and end up losing focus on the word of God. If is important for Christians to learn to be rigid in faith. In addition, Christians should understand the negative aspects of technology and endeavor to avoid them.


Buie, E. (2018). Exploring Techno-Spirituality: Design strategies for transcendent user experiences. New York: Routledge.

Campbell, H. A. (2017). Religious communication and technology. Annals of the International Communication Association. San Diego: Spring Publishers.

Ononogbu, D. C., & Chiroma, N (2019). Social Media and Youth Ministry. Seattle: Routledge.

Safta, C. E. (2018). Spirituality in the Post Human Age: Digital Technologies and Screened Divinity. New York: Routledge.