System Development: 1069244

Functional and non-functional requirements with FURPS

FURPS represents an abbreviation for classifying a software model with quality attributes. In general, it focused on the necessity of the consumers’ needs so that the organization can think about the different aspects of the software requirements. FURPS mechanism basically focused on the requirement which is top of priority list of the customer’s necessities and requirements. FURPS+ offered to develop functionality of a software, reliability of a software, performance of a software, and supportability of a software over a time period and the solution from various resources. To understand various types of functional requirements and non-functional requirements of the system, FURPS+ technique is used. The “+” sign of the technique FURPS specifies the constraints such as interface, design, implementation, and other physical constraints.

  • Functionality – The  ‘F’ in the term FURPS+ define the primary features of the product those are familiar in the domain related to business solution that are being implemented. The functional requirements of the business solution are also technical oriented. There are various functional requirements involves licensing, auditing, mail, localization, online, printing, help, security, and reporting, work flow or system management.
  • Usability – The usability of the software requirements involves stating, capturing and looking at the requirements based on the issues associated with the user interface such as aesthetics interface, consistency in user interface and the accessibility of the user interface.
  • Reliability – The main aspects related to reliability such as accuracy, recoverability and availability. For example, recovery from the system failure (e.g., shut-down failure) or computations of the system.
  • Performance – Performance related to the response time the usability of the system performance, throughput information generated from the system, start-up time and recovery time.
  • Supportability – Lastly, the supportability functionality specifies a range of additional requirements includes adaptability, testability, compatibility, install-ability, maintainability, configurability, localizability, scalability and the list goes on.

Stakeholder Map

A method to identify the individuals or the organizations that are included in the project and is termed as ‘stakeholder analysis’. These are the following steps used to support the process of analysing various stakeholders:

Identification of various external and internal stakeholders and mapping between them – the process of arranging various stakeholder is known as stakeholder mapping. This process investigate the target groups (organizations or individuals) and collect information about them as much as possible. In an organization the internal stakeholders are the employees, managements, etc. and the external stakeholders are customers, suppliers and competitors, etc. The internal stakeholders are those who participated in funding, co-ordination, resourcing, and publication of a well-being strategy. And, the external stakeholders are those who contributes their experiences and views to addresses the issues related to cares, service users and the members of the community.

Access the nature of individual stakeholder’s influence and the importance of them – it is necessary to identify the behaviour of various groups and individuals when different situation changes. The stakeholders may associated with the organizational policy, project and strategy to establish a relation either with the organization or with issues related to various concerns, or both. The influence simply states that how a powerful stakeholder influencing the direction of the project to end with a good outcome. The importance states that stakeholders needs, problems and interest for the organization.

Build a matrix that helps to identify the importance of individual stakeholders – this is the basic tool to analyse the importance or the influence matrix. However, it is important to identify a map between stakeholders that should be dynamic. This means that the stakeholder must be able to move around with the consequent of changes.

Finally manage and monitor the relationship between various stakeholders.


The following questions may often help stakeholders, in the initial days of meeting or for the later interviews to agreements about:

Business need or goals to perceived problem

  • What would be the goal of the business organization? What would it trying to achieve?
  • What would be the time required for the organization to achieve the goal?
  • How many and what types of levels would require to achieve the goal?
  • What types of performance issues or problem would require to be identify? Or, which kind of performance required by the organization in order to achieve the organizational goal?
  • If no problem are addressed then what would be the outcome of it?
  • What are the potential constraint? (financial, political, etc)
  • What are the possible solutions?
  • What are possible cases?

Partners and stakeholders

  • Who are key stakeholders for the organization?
  • What would be the different functionalities and responsibilities performed by a stakeholder?
  • Who are the competitors and partners of the organization?
  • What would be the way of working of various stakeholders to achieve the organizational goal?

Performance and performers

  • Which type of performers or components would require to achieve the above specified business goals? What are the components affect the above identified problem area?
  • How to improve the organizational or staff performance to reach the goals?
  • What type of the tasks and processes performed to produce desired outcomes?
  • What standards would be required to measure the performance of the processes and tasks?
  • What are the factors that affecting the desired performance?
  • What will helps the employees to do their job well?
  • How the management system (human resources, finance, logistic or supply chain) would be efficient?

Knowledge and skills

  • What would be the required skills and knowledge to perform the job?
  • Basic math skills and literacy?
  • Technical, clinical, professional or vocational skills and knowledge?
  • Leadership skill, critical thinking and problem solving skill?

Brief use case description

User LoginThe actor log in to the warehouse system.
Create customerCreate a new customer information.
Delete customerRemove customer information.
Edit customerModify customer information.
Create productCreate a new product.
Edit product descriptionModify product description.
List product descriptionList product information description.
Create retailerCreate a new retailer information.
Delete retailerRemove retailer information.
Edit retailerModify retailer information.
Create supplierCreate a new supplier information.
Delete supplierRemove supplier information.
Edit supplierModify supplier information.
Create orderCreate a new order information.
Edit orderModify order information.
Delete orderRemove customer information.
Create paymentCreate a new payment information.
Edit paymentRemove payment information.
Record transactionSystem will update the relevant information after payment transacting has been done.
System log-out                       Logs out to the system after using it.

Fully developed use case description

Use case name:Request for a product
Scenario:Adding a new product to retailer and supplier
Triggered event:A product required to be purchase by the retailer and supplier
Brief description:An actor request for a product, select product’s descriptions, quantity of product and the supplier or retailer or customer to whom the product is to be delivered.
Actors:Retailer, Supplier
Related use cases:Receive required product
Stakeholders:Consumer, retailer, supplier.
Preconditions:Actors required to be log into the system.Product categories required to be selected.Supplier of the product required to be selected.Delivery address of the product required to be selected.
Post conditions:New product required to be created and updated.
Flow of activity:                      Actor                                             System1. Create new product order details.  1.1System create new product with a new product ID.                                                            1.2 System prompts selects descriptions.2. Select relevant product                   2.1 System updates the selected product into database.           descriptions.3. Selects relevant consumers,              3.1 System update the selected customer, retailer ,  suppliers or retailers for the products or supplier info with the product info into database.
Exception conditions:The product information is not complete. The product categories are required to be selected.Quantity of product required to be selected. Product retailer and suppliers are required to be selected.

Use Case Diagram

Domain model class diagram

Activity diagram

System Sequence Diagram


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