Qualitative Dissertation Review Post: 1420605


This review post will evaluate the qualitative research study by Everson (2019) investigating blended learning implementation. The evaluation is based on the efficacy of the type of research design used and the researcher’s measures to address ethical issues adequately.

What type of research design is used in the study?

The study by Everson (2019) leveraged a descriptive qualitative case study methodology as the primary approach. Thus, the researcher was able to explore the unquantifiable aspects of a study population, including emotions and thoughts that cannot be analyzed quantitatively. Therefore, the methodological approach was the most suitable to handle the research question under investigation.

Have Ethical Issues been addressed adequately?

The researcher ensured informed consent among participants by availing a consent form for signing after careful reading and assured anonymity participants. The researcher also stated that unwanted data would be destroyed by the elapse of the mentioned period (Taylor, 2011). Thus to a large extent, the researcher handles ethical concerns. However, the study does not clearly explain how the researcher handled intellectual property utilized in the literature review.


Everson, I. M. (2019). Implementation of Blended Learning Following a Yearlong Professional Development Program: A Descriptive Case Study (Doctoral dissertation, Johns Hopkins University).

Taylor, J. (2011). The intimate insider: Negotiating the ethics of friendship when doing insider research. Qualitative Research, 11(1), 3-22. doi: 10.1177/1468794110384447