Podcast: 813584



When you complete this section, you’ll be able to prepare an informative speech.

For your next speech assignment, you must create a five-minute informative podcast for a website. A podcast is a digital media file distributed over the Internet. The file can be downloaded and played back on a computer or an appropriate portable player. Although you won’t actually be putting your file on a website, you should prepare it as if you were going to. Podcasts are typically part of a series, but you’ll be recording only one. You can approach it as though it’s one of a series or as a single podcast designed for a specific website. Remember to consider your website and audience. For example, if your designated website is for Corgi owners, your audience will already have a background knowledge of Corgis and won’t need to learn the basic concepts.


Use the following procedure to complete this assignment:

  1. Search the Internet for a website on a topic that interests you or on one with which you’re familiar.

  1. Determine the topic for the podcast you’ll develop.

  1. If necessary, gather information on your topic. If you use outside sources, be sure to give them credit in your speech.

  1. Make a list of the main points you want to address.

  1. Write your thesis statement.

  1. Choose an organizational pattern, and then outline the main points and subpoints of your speech. To ensure that the audience can make the most sense of your speech, you should choose from one of these four organizational patterns:

  • Time sequence: Ordering your speech chronologically


  • Narrative order: Using a series of stories that contribute to making a point


  • Topical order: Presenting your material in general terms and then following that with more and more specific topics


  • Reasoning: Using a logical approach or presenting information in a format that says, “If this, then that.”


  1. Create a strong introduction and conclusion.

© PENN FOSTER, INC. 2018                           SPEECH 2                                                             PAGE 2

Graded Project

  1. Prepare at least two presentation aids to use during your speech. Audio/video aids shouldn’t be longer than 30 seconds for a 5-minute speech.

  1. Practice your speech in front of some friends or relatives. Ask them for feedback on your presentation. If necessary, revise your speech based on the input you receive.


Once you’ve reached the point that you’re satisfied with your delivery, record the speech.

  1. Begin the recording by reading the following sentences. (Fill in the blanks as you read.) The website for which I’m preparing this podcast is _______ (give URL). The organizational pattern I’ve chosen is _______ (time order, narrative order, topic order, or logical reasons order).

  1. Pause a few seconds (count to five in your head), and then begin your speech.

  1. Watch the recorded speech. Ensure that it fulfills the requirements for the assignment.


To submit your speech for grading, you must record yourself using a digital camera, mobile phone, or other recording device. Use the following procedures to record your videos:

  1. Ask a friend or relative to do the recording for you. Before you record the first speech, practice making a few sample videos. Make sure you and your presenta-tion aids are in frame for the entire speech in order to avoid zooming in.

  1. When you feel confident about your speech, make the recording. If the assign-ment asks you to give your speech in front of a group of people, have your partner include a quick shot of the audience.

  1. Watch your video before you submit to ensure that your lighting, sound, and camera work won’t interfere with the elements of delivery on which you’re being graded.

  1. Once you have your speech file, rename the file. To do this, right-click on the file and select Rename. The new name should consist of your student number, the exam number for this speech (35035100), and your name, with underscores between each naming criterion. At the end of your new file name, be sure to include the file extension, just as it was on the original. For example,

01234567_35034900_Doe_Jane.wav or 01234567_35035100_Doe_Jane.wmv

  1. Submit your speeches via your student portal using the digital dropbox.

Graded Project

To submit your projects via the digital dropbox, follow this procedure:

  1. Save your speech projects to your desktop or designated folder.

Note: Ensure that your speech file is compatible with Windows Media Player. If an instructor can’t open or view your speech, it will be returned to you ungraded.

  1. Go to your student portal and select the button labeled Digital Dropbox.

  1. Upload your speech project to the folder created for the submission:

  1. Click on Add a File.

  1. Select Browse to locate and upload your speech file.

  1. Click on Add File.

Note: Do not choose Select Folder or Create New Folder.

Once you’ve submitted your speech, your instructor will receive a notification via email to review your project.

When your speech has been evaluated, your grade will be posted on your student portal. Click on the View Project button next to the exam number to download the Instructor Feedback File and view the instructor’s comments on the grading evaluation form.

If you’re unable to use the dropbox to submit your projects, email your instructor for alternative submission instructions.


Your instructor will ask the following questions in grading the speech.

  • Is the speech aimed at the audience of the website?


  • Does the speech clearly state the thesis statement?


  • Is the speech developed according to the chosen organizational pattern?


  • Does the speech have a strong introduction? Conclusion?

Graded Project


Your instructor will use the following rubric to grade your project.

Grading Criteria A B C   F
100-90 89-80 79-70 69-0
Presentation – 55 Points        
Podcast—The speaker chose an appropriate topic that 20-19 19-17 16-14   14-0
relates to the general or specific purpose of the speech.          
The speech was organized according to a particular          
organizational style: time order, narrative order, topical,          
or logical reasons order. The podcast was appropriate for          
the designated website and followed the organizational          
pattern. The speech used clear, vivid, and appropriate          
language to present the topic. The presentation was          
effective in conveying the purpose and message of          
the podcast.          
Speaking Skills—The speaker exhibited enthusiasm in 15-14 13-12 12-11   11-0
the delivery. The speaker maintained appropriate tone,          
pitch, volume, and rate. The speaker articulated and pro-          
nounced words clearly and correctly. The speaker used a          
script or notes minimally and maintained an appropriate          
level of eye contact. He or she identified the audience          
and formed a bond between him- or herself and the          
Presentation Aid—The presentation aid clarified, 10-9 9-8 8-7   7-0
emphasized, or dramatized what was said, used more          
than just words, and was large enough to see. If audio          
aids were used, they were easy to hear. Audio aids were          
no longer than 30 seconds for a 5-minute speech. All          
aids were incorporated and introduced smoothly.          
Appearance—The speaker’s general appearance was 10-9 9-8 8-7   7-0
appropriate. His or her facial expressions, gestures, and          
body language didn’t weaken or take attention away from          
the point of the speech.          


Glass ceiling is perhaps the most widely known and discussed phenomenon in today’s world. It is a metaphorical term that is commonly used to describe the unseen barrier that divides a part of the population from improving beyond a certain point.
Do anyone of you know when this term was first used and where? Yes, it was first used in the Wall Street Journal in 1986 by two reporters.

Now, we all know that this is widely used in the context of women who are high achievers. In fact, it was a term first coined by feminists.
In fact, all these women have been exposed to problems of harassment, glass ceilings and a huge list of gender based problems. It is the virtue of staying honest and true to the chosen path which has driven these women continuously and helped them in achieving what they all they wanted to achieve.

Another thing that I think we all need to earn and exercise everyday is the distribution of our work by setting targets. This can be done properly by setting a proper time-table and framework. It is equally important for them to be indifferent to mentalities posed by others

Feminism is the practice of advocacy of rights of women based on grounds of equality of the sexes. It is dependent on a number of opinions, beliefs, practices and stereotypes. There are actually many perspectives related to this issue and it is being addressed will increased concern currently all over the world. This is experienced and witnessed in various aspects including political, economic and social realms of life.

These situations have led to feminism being addressed as a revolution slowly and I don’t know if you are aware of this but there are various types of feminism depending on which various issues are addressed related to the stereotyped problems I just discussed.

Socialist feminism for example deals with inequalities that exist in the social realm and respect. It relates to the capitalist issues and raises concern about the question of women staying at home and not being able to earn for themselves like men are able to. This has been reduced to substantial levels as we all know in today’s world.

The next type of feminism is reformist feminism in which the legislative aspects of feminism are correlated along with radicalism to actually bring about pragmatic changes in the systems. It is mainly concerned with bringing about changes faced by the middle class women as well as women in the lower realms of society who are not exposed to enough opportunities so that they can overcome the problems of gender gap and achieve their dreams.

I think that it is the best form of feminism because it is the type of feminism that causes changes to happen. The last form of feminism is radical feminism wherein, problems related to the dominance of male over female by using their physical or psychological oppression happens.

As we all know, we are gathered here to discuss the concepts of emerging economies. What do we understand by the term emerging? It can be understood to be gradually arising or improving , right? And what are economies essentially?

The systems that run the livelihoods of citizens and also en sure the running of nations at large by generation of gross domestic product (GDP) and revenue generation. So now, if I have to answer I posed earlier, emerging economies are countries or nations that are more developed than the developing countries but are not as strong as developed countries. Can you name some of the emerging economies? The five largest emerging economies in today’s world are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa

These are commonly known as the BRICS countries as they are increasingly improving the situation in their countries in terms of economy by increasing the amount of globalisation the countries are essentially involved with.

Hence, as you all can guess, that these countries are increasingly becoming attractive in terms of areas of foreign direct investment. This is for the obvious reason that investing in these areas will cause huge amounts of returns at correct times if the investments are done in a scientific way and by that I mean after rigorous research and analysis of the sector or the industry where the investment is being done.

However, as these are emerging economies, there are a lot of risks associated with investments in these areas. Effectively it becomes important to keep valid back up plans and inventory ready before investing in these economies so that the situation is safe. Because of increase in the total amount of foreign direct investment in these areas there has also been an increase in the total amount of employment generation in these countries. This will in turn help in increasing the per capita income generation in these countries and economies at large.

This is because the return amounts for the investors in these areas are larger than average investment returns. The powerhouse of emerging economies are China and India together as these countries constitute 40% of the world’s labour force and population. I think it is very astonishing but true that these two economies have experienced a total economic output of $32.6 trillion together which is much higher than the economic output that has been for either the European Union or the United States in the year 2017.

So now the question how can we be sure that the investments that we will be doing are safe and are definitely going to yield average returns if not great returns. This has to be done by diversifying the investments done. If you invest in many different sectors or ventures you might end up winning all or some but not losing all. This is a technique that we all end up using consciously or unconsciously don’t we? This will again cause the saving rates for us to increase and hence investment in these countries will lead to increased revenue generation.

You all must be curious as we have all gathered about a very interesting concept which is Catch Up Effect. Now, please don’t feel it is a complicated concept. It is really easy as you only need to understand the concept of convergence, that is, the method by which  developing countries try to fasten their speed of development so that their income levels match with the income generation levels and capacities of the developed countries.

This is easier for the developing countries to do because of the generation of higher per capita incomes as compared to the already developed countries. Now it is possible that many of you are thinking now is it possible that developing countries can have growth rates higher than the already developed countries.

The possibilities of growth in the developing countries are way more than that in already developed countries and so the catch up effect occurs. Try to understand it this way – the returns to capital for developing countries will inevitably be higher than the returns to capital in developed countries. This is so because the technology levels in the developed and developing countries are different.

The developed countries are already used to the advanced technological levels and when these highly advanced and innovated technological skills are applied and used in the developing countries, these countries having higher growth opportunities grow way more than the developed countries.

Now, please note that the amount of catch up varies from one developing country to another. This is so because there are a number of factors that affect the opportunities and growth rates of different countries which can be social, political or even  institutional. In fact, this is an empirically proven fact. So the GDP generation rates of developing countries start to match with the developed countries’ GDP.

However, you should know that the catch up effect does not even in the regular course of the development but requires a great happening in a nation like an invention, discovery or huge investments from other countries in the form of Foreign Direct Investment.

However, you should know that the catch up effect does not even in the regular course of the development but requires a great happening in a nation like an invention, discovery or huge investments from other countries in the form of Foreign Direct Investment.

Lives of people, income levels and even  the infrastructural basis of these countries get bettered because of the increased growth rates and opportunities in these countries. So as the phenomenon of catch up effect occurs, the individuals of the country are able to shift their focus from problems of surviving to problems of increased capacity development and potential usage. The catch up effect thus is indeed a miraculous phenomenon

It has been occurring across a large number of developing countries. Few countries have been able to use this and grow at levels higher than the other developing countries. These countries are now termed as emerging economies.

Currently, Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa are the largest emerging economies in the world with some of these countries together having income generation higher than that of the European Union or the United States at large. Catch up effect is thus an important economic concept.

© PENN FOSTER, INC. 2018                           SPEECH 2                                                             PAGE 5

Graded Project

Content—35 points

Introduction—The introduction got the audience’s 10-9 9-8 8-7 7-0
attention in a creative way. It established a connection        
between the speaker and the topic. The student included        
a clear goal statement.        
Body—The podcast made a point and had at least two 15-13 13-12 12-11 10-0
to four main ideas that were developed and organized        
well. There were clear transitions from one idea to the        
next. Supporting details were incorporated and used        
to strengthen the main point of the speech. If outside        
sources were used, they were cited properly.        
Conclusion—The speaker’s conclusion summarized the 10-9 9-8 8-7 7-0
points in an interesting or creative way. It wrapped up the        
speech, making it clear to the audience the speech was        
at its end.        
Format—10 points        
The student included the required opening line: The 10-8 8-7 7-6 6-0
audience I am addressing for this speech is _________.        
The student followed that line with a 5-second pause.        
The speech was 5 minutes long. One point will be        
deducted for every 10 seconds over or under 5 minutes.