Personal Statement and Personal Presentation: 1003069

  1. Family Highlights

I come from a family of Arabic ethnicity. There are four of us in our family, my father, my brother, my brother and by sister. All of us are very close to each other. We communicate well with one another, sharing our daily experiences over phone, email and at home when we get the opportunity to be at home all together at once.

  • Community Highlights

The community that I come from is orthodox and conservative. My community does not believe in being too liberal when it comes to women members of the community. Women have to dress conservatively and be careful of how they behave in public and what they say to other people. There are no liberties given to women so this is a bit of a problem. Otherwise, the community that I come from is quite alright. People care for one another, are there always to help one another if the need arises, and are capable of religious and cultural tolerance.

  • School Highlights

I studied a co educational institution from nursery until the twelfth grade. Thereafter, I pursued a graduate degree course in the subject of commerce. I love dealing with numbers and in cracking numbers, hence commerce was the right subject for me to pursue as far as bachelor’s education is concerned.

  • Dreams and Aspirations

I dream of working for a financial organization of top repute preferably in cities like New York and London. These are two cities that are very close to my heart and I dream of being able to work here someday. I also dream of being recognized for my efforts in the professional realm. I am as a person very hard working and persevering and I really want this to come across in the work that I do as a professional. Additionally, I dream of being acknowledged by all and sundry as a good human being who bears no malice.

  • Personal Talents

I cannot say that I am too talented. However, I do like to sing and dance a lot. I am not very good at this but it is a passion of mine, and those who have seen me engage in activities such as singing and dancing say that I am pretty good at it. I am also good at recitation. I have been reciting Arabic verses and poetry from a young age at family gatherings and I have been praised for doing so. Hence I can say that being able to recite poetry well enough is a talent that I have, which is worth speaking of.

  • Accomplishments

I don’t have too many academic accomplishments to speak of, but I won first prize in a debating contest that was held in my hometown when I was in school. The topic was on politics, and I remember feeling very passionately while speaking at the debate. There were as many as ten participants in the debate and although I feel that some of the speakers were really good, I ended up getting the first prize and I was so overwhelmed when I did. I remember that day with great clarity and vividness. It will be forever etched in my mind.

  • Additional Information

Some of the additional details that I would like to divulge about myself as a person is the fact that I am a huge believer in the performance of charitable and good deeds. I take part in charitable activities quite a lot, both back home in Saudi Arabia, where I live, as well as in the United States of America where I study. I believe that social work is one of the best ways by which we can get closer to God while getting rid of our own bad karma at the same given time.

  • Academic Perspectives

My academic perspectives are those that border on liberalism and left liberalism at that. Since I hail from a conservative background as I have mentioned earlier, I make it a point to challenge the norms of society and work for causes that my community at least would not give its support to. I feel passionately about the cause of members of the LGBTQ community. I also feel that religious tolerance is something that should be practiced all over the world and one of the ways to encourage religious tolerance in the developing world at least, would be to educate people.