Lymphedema: 1337059

Lymphedema states to bump which normally happens in one legs or arms. In some cases, it is noticed that both legs or arms swell (Smykla et al., 2013). It is most commonly instigated by the elimination of or impairment in the lymph nodes as a part due to ongoing cancer treatment. Breast cancer linked lymphedema is the difficulties which resulted from treatment (Pekyavaş et al., 2014). It is well-defined as oedema of arms among breast cancer patients instigated disruption of movement for axillary lymphatic classification in surgery or else during radiation therapy, that resulted now accretion of fluid inside the subcutaneous tissue present in arm, along through reduction in tissue dispensability round the joints in addition to the increased heaviness of extremity.


a. Lymphedema

The population which displays lymphedema is the individuals who are suffering from breast cancer post-mastectomy. In USA, it had been observed that lymphedema is occurs in around 8-38% of individuals undergoing breast cancer treatment as well as directly connected to the surgery that are being conducted over them (taradaj, 2016). It is a common consequence for the breast cancer treatment caused due to the destruction in the radiotherapy that are used for treating the disease. This disease leads to the growth of the protein-rich liquid in the soft tissues leading to interruption in the flow of the lymph’s causing loss in functional ability, physical discomfort, deformities in the cosmetics and psychological stress (Melgaard, 2016).

The symptoms include pain, heaviness and well as tightness, change of sensation, change in ROM (range of motion), social well-being, increase in fatigue, poor body image abd psychological distress (Tremback-ball, 2018).

Lymphedema, is a long-term illness where additional fluid assembles in tissues leading to edema or swelling. The lymphedema is triggered by an obstruction in lymphatic system. Lymphedema is commonly instigated by lymph node elimination or impairment due to cancer action.

Secondary lymph

The secondary lymphedema can emerge because of hormonal therapy, radioactive radiation, chemotherapy as well as removal of the axillary nodes of lymph which causes lymphatic stasis as well as edema at upper extremities (Taradaj, 2016).

Breast-cancer related arm-lymphedema (BCRL)

Breast-cancer related arm-lymphedema (BCRL) have several side impacts for breast cancer treatment in addition intensely negative influence on the QoL (quality of life). Females who diagnosed intended for breast cancer have enduring risk of emerging lymphedema. Breast cancer patients are treated with radiotherapy which provides increased dose of radiation for killing the shrink tumor and cancer cells. At lower dose, the radiation can help in seeing the inside of the body clearly. The radiotherapy is given that stimulates the fibrosis formation as well as scars the armpits as well as closes the lymphatic vessel causing edema (Taradaj, 2016).  Reports have shown that about 89% women suffer from edema who are affected with breast cancer (Tremback-ball, 2018).

Researches have shown that secondary lymphedema resulted in the loss of functional capability and other physiological distress. Researches have also found KT (Kinesio taping) is an intervention which can treat edema management after mastectomy, which means surgical removal of one of the breast (Hassan & Ismail, 2015).

KT have possessions comprising declining discomfort or else irregular awareness, subsidiary the undertaking for muscles, eliminating lymphatic fluid congestion in the skin, in addition modifying misalignment in the joints. After put on K-tape, the region system intricacies to upsurge the area amongst the skin as well as muscles. After skin is lifted, the blood movement occurs and lymphatic fluid is endorsed.

A treatment plan is conducted by CDT (Complete decongestive therapy) that cooperates MLD (manual lymphatic drainage) through the use of necessary workout as well as skin care (Tremback-ball-2018).

Malicka, 2014 stated that CDT includes MLD which is a compression technique that are used for compressing the sleeves and bandaging, skincare, and physical exercise whereas CDP also includes MLD but is the compression is low stretch bandages, exercise and skincare. Melegaard in 2016 demonstrated that recent lymphedema protocols which vary over the best treatment measures inspite of having necessary consensus and treatment plan. The bandages and compression garments, physical exercise are all included in CDP (Tremback-ball, 2018). The transition is observed as

Transition = Population-interventions

However, KT plays an essential role on lymphedema. It is defining unconventional treatment for women having secondary lymphedema after breast cancer treatment. Different research studies have obtained an implication regarding the use of Kinesio Tape for women suffering from (BCRL) breast cancer-related lymphedema (Tantawy et al., 2019). There are several treatments which are combined to diagnose secondary lymphedema in populace of women after breast cancer. The most superseding is kinesiotaping. The welfares of KT are being researched in several labs researched as well as showing possible influences on circumferential dimension exclusive of volumetric capacities.


KT is a tap which is placed helps in creating a negative impact on the system. The tape is placed against the skin which gets lifted gently from the tissues beneath which the space is allowed among such that fluid movement is easier to the lymphatic vessel. Kinesiology taping an allowance of taping  of Japanese Kinesiology which is designed by Dr. Kenzo Kase. The new outset depends fashionable attainment besides diagnostic competences of fascial mechanics in addition the preparation of muscular chains (Collins et al., 2018). The KT can perform well by assisting the muscle activation by creating muscle pump for heavy flow of liquid. KT reduced pain, enhances overall circulation and fibrosis. Breast cancer–linked lymphedema cured with comprehensive decongestive rehabilitation. Kinesiology taping is a substitute intervention that is currently being explored. (Tremback-ball, 2018). Linear measurements for upper limbs, communal to control questionnaires regarding the patient’s QoL, stress levels, besides other demographic data (Pop, 2014) as well as focuses on ROM besides grip strength. The applications applied causes mechanical changes expansion of the interfacial space along with the microvasculature of lymph is improved in addition accordingly, coordinated the flow of the lymph by quicker emigration from swollen limb (Pop, 2014). Kinesiology taping techniques applied by treating patients suffering from lymphedema. The lymph circulation in lymphatic vessels simplified to the abridged compression which is under applied tape (Pop, 2014).

Application of the tape

There is specific strategy for tape application. There are 6 steps of application of the tape such as corrections. They can be space, fascial, functional, regulatory and mechanical that differs in different ways of putting tapes the figure of tape is X, Y as well as I and all depends on level of stretch (Tremback-ball, 2018). The lymphedema treatment, KT is applied as a fan shaped pattern from proximal towards distal limb for dry stretched skin (Figure 1).

Figure 1: application of KT tape (Ozsoy-Unubol et al., 2019)

The lymph is measured by using a measuring tape and KT tape is used accordingly. The limb circumference had standardized measurements, where patient’s wrist, elbows, and metacarpophalangeal are measured (Ergin et al., 2019). Limb volume is assessed by the use of opteoelctric Perometer 400T by connecting it to the computer. Many researches showed water displacement as well as opteoelectric measurements to assess the KT application effectiveness for reducing the affected limb volume (Tremback-ball, 2018).


Collins, S., Bradley, N., Fitzgibbon, S., & McVeigh, J. G. (2018). Kinesiology taping for breast lymphoedema after breast cancer treatment: A feasibility randomised controlled trial. Physiotherapy Practice & Research, 39(2), 107-116. doi:10.3233/PPR-180113

Ergin, G., Şahinoğlu, E., Karadibak, D., & Yavuzşen, T. (2019). Effectiveness of kinesio taping on anastomotic regions in patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema: A randomized controlled pilot study. Lymphatic Research and Biology, 17(6), 655-660. doi:10.1089/lrb.2019.0003

Hassan Maha, & Ismail Smah. (2015). Kinesio tape versus compression garment on post mastectomy lymphedema . Lymphedema (pp. 263-271). London: Springer London. doi:10.1007/978-0-85729-567-5_32

Malicka, I., Rosseger, A., Hanuszkiewicz, J., & Woźniewski, M. (2014). Kinesiology taping reduces lymphedema of the upper extremity in women after breast cancer treatment: A pilot study. Menopausal Review / Przeglad Menopauzalny, 13(4), 221-226. doi:10.5114/pm.2014.44997

Melgaard, D. (2016). What is the effect of treating secondary lymphedema after breast cancer with complete decongestive physiotherapy when the bandage is replaced with Kinesio Textape? – A pilot study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 32(6), 446-451. Retrieved from,cookie,url,uid&db=cmedm&AN=27260219&site=ehost-live

Ozsoy-Unubol, T., Sanal-Toprak, C., Bahar-Ozdemir, Y., & Akyuz, G. (2019). Efficacy of kinesio taping in early stage breast cancer associated lymphedema: A randomized single blinded study. Lymphology, 52(4), 166-176. Retrieved from,cookie,url,uid&db=cmedm&AN=32171183&site=ehost-live

Pekyavaş, N. Ö, Tunay, V. B., Akbayrak, T., Kaya, S., & Karataş, M. (2014). Complex decongestive therapy and taping for patients with postmastectomy lymphedema: A randomized controlled study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing : The Official Journal of European Oncology Nursing Society, 18(6), 585-590. doi:10.1016/j.ejon.2014.06.010

Pop, T. B., Karczmarek-Borowska, B., Tymczak, M., Hałas, I., & Banaś, J. (2014). The influence of kinesiology taping on the reduction of lymphoedema among women after mastectomy – preliminary study. Contemporary Oncology (Poznan, Poland), 18(2), 124-129. doi:10.5114/wo.2014.40644

Smykla, A., Walewicz, K., Trybulski, R., Halski, T., Kucharzewski, M., Kucio, C., . . . Taradaj, J. (2013). Effect of kinesiology taping on breast cancer-related lymphedema: A randomized single-blind controlled pilot study. BioMed Research International, 2013, 767106. doi:10.1155/2013/767106

Tantawy, S. A., Abdelbasset, W. K., Nambi, G., & Kamel, D. M. (2019). Comparative study between the effects of kinesio taping and pressure garment on secondary upper extremity lymphedema and quality of life following mastectomy: A randomized controlled trial. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 18, 1534735419847276. doi:10.1177/1534735419847276

Taradaj, J., Halski, T., Rosinczuk, J., Dymarek, R., Laurowski, A., & Smykla, A. (2016). The influence of kinesiology taping on the volume of lymphoedema and manual dexterity of the upper limb in women after breast cancer treatment. European Journal of Cancer Care, 25(4), 647-660. doi:10.1111/ecc.12331

Tremback-Ball, A., Harding, R., Heffner, K., & Zimmerman, A. (2018). The efficacy of kinesiology taping in the treatment of women with Post–Mastectomy lymphedema: A systematic review. Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy, 42(2), 94-103. doi:10.1097/JWH.0000000000000098