The COVID-19 Pandemic: 1245780

Context/perspective of this research 

In late December 2019 an undiscovered pneumonia cluster has been found in Wuhan, China (Wu & McGoogan, 2020). A few days later, the novel causes of this mysterious pneumonia were identified as a corona virus (Bai et al., 2020). This causative virus was momentarily alluded to as severe acute respiratory syndrome 2, which was renamed corona-virus disease (COVID-19) 2019 by the World Health Organisation. The COVID-19 outbreak is already spreading across China and around the world. Corona viruses are an extremely stable RNA virus population, with a favourable envelope (World Health Organization 2020). Since March 2020, the Corona virus (COVID-19) became recognised and extended to many countries and territories as a global public health issue. With the spreading of COVID-19, it is important for communities to take measures to avoid more disclosure, raising the effects of the disease and promote preventive efforts (Zhou et al., 2020). Particular emphasis has been assigned in securing children and education facilities due to this epidemic.

As of today, the novel corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) had caused 1,529,975 human infections and 89,427 deaths worldwide, including more than 3000 infections among medical staff.  The possibility of contamination with COVID-19 will trigger severe psycho-social stress for healthcare staff. Unfortunately, several young medical personnel who were infected with COVID-19, whose cases seem to have recently deteriorated and died mildly at the early stage of the disease, have added more fears of the virus (Huang et al., 2020). The complexity of their jobs raises the risk of communicable diseases, like COVID-19, for healthcare employees. If large numbers fall sick during an epidemic crisis, the very elevated degree of burden on the healthcare sector is exacerbated. That is why it is so critical for patients to be easily detected and separated and has access to security equipment. Care staff devote a lot of time in near partnership with the individual performing high-risk practice (, 2020). Emergency department doctors and nurses are drenched with sweat and essential care nurses searching for safety gear have rapidly come to personify the courage and catastrophe of the corona virus pandemic. The complexity of their job puts healthcare staff at an elevated risk of contracting some communicable illness, like COVID-19. Health staffs are at the frontline of the epidemic response and are also susceptible to risks of disease-pathogen infection (in this situation, COVID-19). The threats include illnesses, work long hours, psychological deprivation, tiredness, workplace burnout, loneliness and psychological distress (, 2020). Most contaminated COVID-19 patients come first to an emergency hospital (ED) unit. ED nurses are also the first healthcare workers to take charge of current infected patients. In addition, during the COVID-19 epidemic, there were many instances of exposure to the EDs. ED nurses experience hectic, volatile and constantly shifting conditions relative to nurses in other fields (, 2020). As they contend with various illnesses, stressful experiences and immediate circumstances, they don’t have much time to rest and thus put themselves into significant stress and anxiety. As a consequence, ED nurses in many medical units are reported to suffer from much more burnout than other nurses. Burnout is a long-term effect of long-term exposure to such work pressures, as well as a response when someone can no longer tolerate the discomfort they experience (Kim & Choi, 2016). Health care staffs are also at risk because people with COVID-19 are not detected rapidly. Thus, this qualitative research will explore the experiences of Emergency Department (ED) nurses while treating patients with COVID-19 by conducting interviews and knowing their perceptions regarding the same in the Sydney metropolitan Hospital.

Research question

The qualitative paper will explore the experiences of the Emergency Department nurses while treating patients with COVID-19. Thus the research question is “What are the lived experiences of Emergency nurses while treating patients with Covid-19 in Sydney metropolitan Hospital?”


Study design: This is a qualitative study that will be conducted using hermeneutic phenomenology approach to explore the experiences of Emergency Department (ED) nurses while treating patients with COVID-19 by conducting interviews and knowing their perceptions regarding the same in the Sydney metropolitan Hospital. Hermeneutic phenomenology involves gathering lived experience of a particular group (focus group) that enables profound understanding of the phenomenon. Hermeneutic phenomenology has been chosen for the study. This is because Hermeneutic phenomenology is regarding the nature of life or the perception of the human being. Throughout the perception that can be viewed as apparent across the experience, the focus point is to highlight information and even insignificant things to build context and a sense of awareness and understanding. This research will focus at creating an understanding of the lived experience of the ED nurses and thus, this method will help in understanding of their perception and gathering knowledge regarding the same.

Study population and eligibility criteria: A total of 12 Emergency nurses of Sydney metropolitan Hospital will be included in the study following Purposive sampling method. Thus, the focus group will be 12 ED nurses and they will be chosen based on their involvement in the ED. The chosen participants will be all registered ED nurses and have highest qualification. They must also be in charge of many COVID-19 patients. They all will be informed before conducting the research and informed consent will be taken from all the participants. Each of the ED nurses will be informed about the purpose of the study following which written consent will be taken. 

Sampling method: Purposive sampling method will be followed while selecting the participants. ED nurses have been chosen for the study because they are mostly involved in the patient care and they are more exposed to the infection. Purposive sampling (also referred to as judgement, selective or subjective sampling) is a sampling method that is focused on researchers’ judgement when choosing participants to engage in a study.  Purposive sampling is an unusual sampling process which happens when components chosen for the collection are identified by the researchers’ judgment. Purposive sampling is also assumed to produce a representative sample using a rational judgement that saves time and money.  Conversely, a purposive sampling method can prove successful if the purpose and objectives of the research design and only a small number of people can be used as primary data sources. Target sampling is one of the most inexpensive and time effective approaches used for sampling (Ames, Glenton & Lewin, 2019). Purposive sampling may be the only approach possible if a few primary data points are present and may lead to the analysis. This method may be productive to investigate anthropological circumstances in which an intuitive methodology should be utilized to explore significance (Palinkas et al., 2015). Thus, this sampling method will be used in the study to involve participants based on some criteria mentioned above.

Data collection: All the participants will be interviewed face-to-face in a separate room and their responses will be recorded with the help of a tape recorder. During the interview they will be asked open ended questions and also about the precautions they are undertaking to save themselves and their families.  Perhaps the most common and oldest method of data collection in qualitative researches is the face-to-face interview, often called an interview in person. It is also the safest method of data collection if one wants to eliminate non-response and optimize data efficiency. Face-to-face interviews are also used to inquire for details in initiatives that may be deemed very sensitive. While online and mobile surveys have become increasingly common, face-to-face interviews are still a traditional form of data collection. Face-to-face interviews assist for a more reliable screening process. There is no denying that a face-to-face interview can collect verbal and non-verbal ques, but this approach often allows the capturing of non-verbal ques, like body language, and can suggest a degree of discomfort with the queries. On the other side, it may also suggest a lack of interest for the subjects addressed in the interview. Face-to-face interviews will certainly catch the feelings and actions of the interviewee. Moreover, the research aims at exploring the perception of nurses regarding the management of COVID-19 patients, thus, the research will use face-to-face interviews to create an understanding of the perception of the ED nurses regarding the same.

Data Analysis: Their responses will be recorded and recording of each participant will be listened from the tape recorder and transcripts will be made that were further analysed to identify the key points they are addressing. Their responses will be recorded so that none of the points or responses stated by them are missed somehow. Also, transcripts will help keep a track of their responses and find the common themes they are addressing.

Study limitation: The sample size is very small for Generalizability of data and hence, the data findings cannot be applied to any other local population. The data findings cannot be applied to a wider population and thus, the research hypothesis may not be generalized.

Ethical considerations: Written consent will be taken from all the participants after informing them about the study. The study will also be approved by the institutional head. All the participants will be informed about the purpose of the study and they all must participate voluntarily. Voluntary participation ensures that individuals engage free of coercion in the analysis. Participants will be entitled to quit at any point without negative effects for their interest in prospective programmes or in the existing programme. They have the right to either participate or withdraw from the study. Thus, the focus group of 12 ED nurses will take part in the study voluntarily. All answers will be kept private and no questions will be posed that would trigger their psychological discomfort, anxiety and a decline in self-esteem. All of the responses will be kept confidential. The participants will be asked relevant questions and no other sensitive inquiries will be asked that could impede or harm their privacy. They will be given an introductory session on the purpose and rationale behind conducting this study. They will only be involved when they will show interest and will agree to participate in this study. The head of the organization will also be informed and permission will be obtained from him about the research to be performed in the hospital prior to their participation in the process.

Demonstrating rigor in qualitative experiments is important to ensuring that study results of “integrity” have an effect on practice, policy or both. Reliable analysis technique usually includes questioning and/or studying individuals who are fundamental to the research subject (Ghafouri & Ofoghi, 2016). The data generated are typically (though not always) in the form of a text that details what the interviewees said and/or did. The results are then interpreted, sometimes by the individual questioned or examined, adding to the possibility of subjectivity and prejudice. Qualitative experiments have also been questioned for lack of rigor, clarity, rationale for the compilation of data and the forms of research used. However, this research will be free of any bias or confounding factors (Hadi & Closs, 2016). The research will use Hermeneutic phenomenology approach and thus, will take into account the perception of the participants and their beliefs, thus, enabling a deeper understanding of the issue.  Also, the study will explain a natural phenomenon and will lead to a hypothesis based on the research area. The data collection process that will be used here will serve as authentic since it involves primary data collected from the ED nurses, who will be able to provide relevant data on this study. The methodology chosen to conduct this study is also rigorous and will provide relevant research findings.


Ames, H., Glenton, C., & Lewin, S. (2019). Purposive sampling in a qualitative evidence synthesis: a worked example from a synthesis on parental perceptions of vaccination communication. BMC medical research methodology19(1), 26.

Bai, Y., Yao, L., Wei, T., Tian, F., Jin, D.Y., Chen, L. & Wang, M. (2020). Presumed asymptomatic carrier transmission of COVID-19. Jama. (2020). Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Retrieved 9 April 2020, from

Ghafouri, R., & Ofoghi, S. (2016). Trustworth and rigor in qualitative research. International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research7(4), 1914-1922.

Hadi, M. A., & Closs, S. J. (2016). Ensuring rigour and trustworthiness of qualitative research in clinical pharmacy. International journal of clinical pharmacy38(3), 641-646.

Huang, L., Lin, G., Tang, L., Yu, L., & Zhou, Z. (2020). Special attention to nurses’ protection during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Kim, J. S., & Choi, J. S. (2016). Factors influencing emergency nurses’ burnout during an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Korea. Asian nursing research10(4), 295-299.

Palinkas, L. A., Horwitz, S. M., Green, C. A., Wisdom, J. P., Duan, N., & Hoagwood, K. (2015). Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research. Administration and policy in mental health and mental health services research42(5), 533-544. (2020). Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak. Retrieved 9 April 2020, from

World Health Organization. (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): situation report, 67.

Wu, Z. & McGoogan, J.M. (2020). Characteristics of and important lessons from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in China: summary of a report of 72 314 cases from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Jama.

Zhou, F., Yu, T., Du, R., Fan, G., Liu, Y., Liu, Z., Xiang, J., Wang, Y., Song, B., Gu, X. & Guan, L. (2020). Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study. The Lancet.



Answer 1: The case of Mexico’s balance of payments

  • The trend in Mexico’s key economic indicators –

The nations all over the world are engaged in doing transaction at international level, wherever all the documented statistical information in the record considered as the balance of payments. There are certain transactions that involve bank’s accounts, real-estate, security, bond, and investment. These transactions also include the import or export of services as well as products. Additionally, it is essential to have the balance of payment data in different manners, involving rendering data in relation to the demand along with supply of the currency of the nation. It also plays an important role as the signal of the potential of nation to become the partner in business with different nations. It can see that the nations can operate the balance of payment surplus or balance of payment deficits. In this way, the nations can run them by getting involvement in the different supported central bank reserve dealings. In this relation, there are certain key financial indicators like foreign reserve holdings, the balance of payment along with exchange rate (Romero, 2016). These key indicators are discussed below –

  • U.S. Dollar V. Mexican Peso Exchange Rate (1st November 1994 – 31st January, 1995)

 Source: Eun and Resnick (2015, p. 50)

  •  Mexican Foreign Reserve

Source 1:  IMF Statistics

Source 2: Curtish, Gladish, Guntupalli and McElna (2005, p.4)

  • Spot Exchange Rates 1994 (Jan-Dec): Mexican Pesos/US Dollars

Source 2: Curtish, Gladish, Guntupalli and McElna (2005, p.2)

  • Lending rates of interest in Mexico

Source: Curtish, Gladish, Guntupalli and McElna (2005, p.4)

  • The causes of Mexico’s Balance of Payment Difficulties prior to Peso Devolution –

               It is essential to know about the reasons for which the balance of payments of Mexico complexities take place prior to the Peso devolution. It can see that there are two important causes that are accountable for the balance of payments of Mexico prior to Peso devolution. As per the first cause, under the direction of Ernesto Zedillo (President of Mexico), the government diminished or undervalued peso in against of dollars by fourteen per cent. In this way, this decision of the government of Mexico controlled the urgency of sales of Mexican stock or bonds, as well as pesos. In subsequent period, it became the reason of falling or Peso in against of the US dollars by as much as forty per cent by the earlier period of 1995. Therefore, it was noticed that the government or administrative body of Mexico was powered for better floating of the Peso. Therefore, it was the significant cause that lead to the balance payments (Koczan & Loyola, 2018).

Moreover, when it is analysed that what was the second cause of balance payments, then it is found that the second cause was deterioration in the faith of investors as the outcome of the current accounts’ deficits along with the overrated money. It is found that there was political uncertainty in Mexico. Various events took place that led to this political instability. These events were uprising Chiapas in the earlier period of January, 1994, as well as murder of Jos Francisco Ruz Massieu. Further, the kidnapping grinded down the faith along with belief of the investors, who later decreased the holding in Mexico. In this way, it can say that these above discussed causes were two reasons of the issues or problems in the balance of payments of Mexico earlier than Peso devaluation (Havisha, 2018).  

      (C)  The policy’s action that may have mitigated or averted the issues of business of payments and later Peso-collapse –

There is important role of policy actions in averting as well as mitigating the problems related to the business of payments. With the help of proper policy actions, the government broke down the Peso. The government made transparency as well as clearness in relation to the actual state of the affairs in economy. In this way, it might have stopped the Peso disaster in Mexico. The Salinas management was disinclined for disclosing the accurate and related condition of the economy of Mexico. In addition, the Salinas management had no desire to disclose about the quicker reduction of enormous trading activity’s deficit as well as foreign exchanging reserve that finally resulted into the Peso crisis in Mexico. In this manner, it is clear that the limpidity in relation to the economy’s real estates might have averted the challenges related to the balance of payments.

In addition, the development of the multinational security net was another key policy action for securing the economic system of the world from this collapse of Peso crisis. It is also observed by Monras (2018) that the procedure of politics is improper individually. It is not possible to face or end the challenges of the business of payments by only using the political process. The establishment of the multi-national security net would be difficult to prevent the collapse of currency. It can see that the multi-national security net includes G-7 nations that sanctioned about fifty Billion dollars bailout funds to be managed by the IMF to the nation in the economic crises. These policy actions were the answers given by the Mexican government to the financial crisis. 

Moreover, it is found that Mexican government was in the great depression. To end this depression, the government of Mexico adopted the approach of ISI (import substitution industrialization). As per the import substitution industrialization, the government of nation implemented the series of rules as well as policies for securing the local sectors from the competition at international level. The approach did not only install higher import tariff. However, it also implemented the non-tariff barrier on the import of international products. In addition, it rendered subsidy for helping the sectors of Mexico. Thus, in the ISI model, the producers of nation had no incentives for the exporting manufactures for the reason that they enjoyed the captive local marketplace with no competition or less completion. In this way, it was very good decision of government to implement the import substitution industrialization policy. Furthermore, the government of Mexico also followed policies for deregulating various sectors, started the massive programme for privatizing several government owned entities, as well as started to liberalize the trading activities through the board. For instance, the management of government individually reduced the upper limit of import tariffs from one hundred per cent to twenty per cent and lowered another tariff barrier along with non-tariff barrier (Villarreal & Bielma, 2017).

  • Lessons from the Mexican experiences that can be helpful for different developing nations –

In spite of the point that Mexico had practiced constant trade deficit until December 1994, the currency of nation was not permitted for depreciating for party-political motives. Additionally, it was not required by the government of Mexico to make peso devaluation prior to the election of President conducted in 1994. In a case when the Mexican peso had been authorised to progressively criticise it in against of main currencies, then peso crisis would have averted. In this situation, three key lessons can be understood from this peso crisis. As per the first main lesson, it is found that Mexico was very much relied on the short-run international portfolio capital (that is simply reversible) for the financial development. Further, the nation maybe should have protected more nationally and be governed by more long-run international capital. In this relation, it is very helpful or significant lesson for various developing nations.

Secondly, an absence of consistent financial data was another subsidizing element to the peso disaster. It can see that the Salinas management was unenthusiastic for completely exploring the correct state of the economy of Mexico. While the investors had knowledge about a fact that the country was practicing  severe deficit and speedy lessening of foreign exchange reserve, peso may have been steadily dissing, in place of unexpectedly misshapen as this ensured. The transparent disclosure of economic data can help prevent the peso-type crisis. According to the third lesson, this is very significant to secure the financial system from this type of crisis like peso disaster. In this way, the multi-national security net requires to be in place to have crisis like Peso in earlier time (Binelli, 2016).


Answer 2: Case of Shrewsbury Herbal Products Ltd.

Broadly described, the foreign exchange market (FX market) includes the adaptation of buying power from one currency in other currency, bank’s deposit of foreign currencies, an allowance of credits denominated in the foreign currencies, selling foreign currency option, selling future contract, as well as foreign trading finance. In the provided case, assume Shrewsbury Herbal Products Ltd. trades at markup of 20% (Bokhtiar, Delowar & Wahid, 2018). In this way, the cost to Shrewsbury of £ 320,000 order is £ 256,000. Thus, the appreciation of the pound can be as follows –

= € 465,184 / £ 256,000

= € 1.8171/ £ 1

= € 1.8171

From the above calculation, it can say that pound can be appreciated to € 1.8171 prior to elimination of all the profits. It appears rather improbable. However, 10% appreciation of the pound (€ 1.4537 x 1.10) to € 1.5991 /£ 1, will be the yield of the profit calculated as below –

 = [€ 465,184/1.5991) – £ 256,000]

= £ 34,904

Further, Shrewsbury Herbal Products Ltd. May make hedging of the exposure by the trading of euro forward for the £ at –

   3 months forward rate (€/£) =   3 months forward rate ($/£) ÷ 3 months forward rate ($/€)

 3 months forward rate (€/£)   = 1.8990 ÷ 1.3154

   3 months forward rate (€/£)    = 1.4437

In this way, Shrewsbury Herbal Products Ltd. may “lock in” the cost of £ 322,217 (€ 465,184 / 1.4437) for purpose of selling the at above calculated forward exchange rate 1.4437. The forward exchange rate indicates that the euro is trading at a premium to the British pound in the forward market (Rambo, 2019). In this way, it is clear to say that the forward hedging gives the permission to Shrewsbury Herbal Products Ltd. for locking-in the huge amount of £ 2,217, only then receivable Euros were changed in the pounds at current spot rate (Hendrawan, 2017). In addition, it is a point to be considered is that when euros were selling at the forward markdown, in that case the company will end up the lock-in the amount not more than cost to company of £ 320,000 (Vaishya & Sarkar, 2017).

Therefore, whether it will lead to the losses for the organization that will be depended on the level of discount, as well as the profit amount built in a cost of firm to £ 320,000. Merely if a forward exchange rate is even with spot rate will Shrewsbury Herbal Products Ltd. get accurately £ 320,000.

As per the above analysis, certain points are advisable to Mr. Peter. These are mentioned as follows –

  • Evidently, Shrewsbury Herbal Products Ltd can make sure that it gets correctly £320,000 at the end of 3 months account receivable’s period if this can be invoices in Pounds (Hall, 2018).
  • Even though, it is not satisfactory to a French supplier. In a case while the invoice has been made in euro, then Shrewsbury Herbal Products Ltd can develop or provide euro invoice’s amount by the utilisation of forward exchange rate in place of the current spot rate (Banaei & Oloomi-Buygi, 2019, April).
  • The invoice amount will be the following –

Invoice amount = £ 320,000 x 1.4437

Invoice amount = € 461,984

Thus, the company may currently lock-in the receipt of £ 320,000 if this concurrently hedges the euros exposure through trading € 461,984 at forward rate of 1.4437. That is to say, £ 320,000 = € 461,984 / 1.4437.


Banaei, M., & Oloomi-Buygi, M. (2019, April). Forward Contract Negotiation Equilibrium in Uncongested Electricity Markets. In 2019 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) (pp. 497-502). IEEE.

Binelli, C. (2016). Wage inequality and informality: evidence from Mexico. IZA Journal of Labor & Development5(1), 5.

Bokhtiar, M., Delowar, M., & Wahid, A. N. (2018). Application of Forward Contract and Crop Insurance as Risk Management Tools of Agriculture: A Case Study in Bangladesh. Asian Economic and Financial Review8(12), 1394-1405.

Hall, M. G. (2018). Exchange rate crises in developing countries: the political role of the banking sector. USA: Routledge.

Havisha, T. (2018). Crisis, trends, and Economic slowdown: a global perspective. USA: Springer

Hendrawan, R. (2017). Forward, forward option, and no hedging which one is the best for managing currency risk. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan21(3), 356-365.

Koczan, Z., & Loyola, F. (2018). How do migration and remittances affect inequality? A case study of Mexico. International Monetary Fund. New York: Springer

Monras, J. (2018). Immigration and wage dynamics: Evidence from the mexican peso crisis.

Rambo, R. G. (2019). Hedges of Recognized Foreign Currency–Denominated Assets and Liabilities. The CPA Journal89(8), 54-58.

Romero, L. Q. (2016). Crisis neoliberal y reforma laboral en México. Cuadernos del CENDES33(93), 113-123.

Vaishya, S. R., & Sarkar, V. (2017). Implementation of lossy FTRs for perfect risk hedging under the marginal loss pricing. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution11(1), 166-173.

Villarreal, C. C., & Bielma, L. H. (2017). Integración económica, crisis económicas y ciclos económicos en México. Contaduría y administración62(1), 64-84.

1. Introduction

The aim of an HVAC system is to ensure a safe and comfortable indoor environment for human use. Health here involves primarily the indoor air quality or IAQ, which means that the indoor air should have adequate oxygen and should be free from harmful gases. Of example, comfort is based on the perception of humans that can vary within the boundaries. ASHRAE describes “comfortable air quality as being one with which a substantial majority (80% or more) of people exposed do not express dissatisfaction,” which the US Association of Heater, Refrigeration and Climate Engineers (AHR) identifies.

2. Design data

3.HVAC system

The design is based on the data provided in assignment 2 indicated below.

Table 1 designed hvac systems based on the data given in table below

 Heating, kWCooling, kW
Level 4  
Open-plan office13.2349.868
Conference Room 15.5576.273
Conference Room 25.5576.409
Lobby/Lounge 22.4352.199
Conference Room 35.5576.391
Conference Room 45.5576.255
Lobby/Lounge 12.4352.181
Level 4 Sub-Total40.33239.576
Level 3  
Open-plan office21.92123.724
Level 2  
Open-plan office21.92123.724
Level 1  
Open-plan office21.92123.724
Level 0  
Level 0 Sub-Total29.52123.001

Duct sizing

A.AIR VOLOUME (L/s)1000 
B.DUCT SIZE (MM) 200200 
G.DUCT VELOCITY (m/s)25.0 
I.REYNOLDS NO.(Re)332,000 
K.DUCT FRICTION (Pa/ M)35.656 
 For this calculation please check only duct friction & height factor 
B.DUCT SIZE (MM) 250250
I.REYNOLDS NO.(Re)398,400
 For this calculation pleae check only duct friction & height factor

Outdoor Conditions

Location: London, England
181 m
-16.1 °C
31.7 °C
22.8 °C
Dry Bulb:
Daily Range:
Wet Bulb:
Method: Simple
Exposure Category:
Num Fireplaces:
Net Air Changes (H/C):
Net Flow (H/C):
Three or Four Exposures
56609 L/min/29794 L/min

Indoor Conditions Floorplan/Levels

21 °C
37.2 °C
24 °C
7.8 °C
Room Temp:
Design Temp Diff:
Moisture Diff (Grains):
Main Floor 1466.2 m²
Second Floor 1466.2 m²
Third Floor 1466.2 m²
Fourth Floor 1466.2 m²
Total Heated Area:
Total Cooled Area:
5865.0 m²
5865.0 m²


Outside Air:
Sensible Eff:
Heat Recovery
45073 L/min
50 %
Num Occupants: 100
Outside Air:
Sensible Eff:
Heat Recovery
45073 L/min
50 %

Load Breakdown
*Average Load Procedure
JSHR: 0.58
MJ8 Tons: 15.59
SqFt/Ton: 4049
CFM/SqFt: 0.06
Est. Heating CFM²: 4779
Est. Cooling CFM²: 4002
Heating ΔT¹: 38.9
Cooling ΔT¹: 12.2

Name Heating Sensible Latent
Windows* 0 0 
Skylights* 0 0 
Doors 0 0 
Walls 28,458 6,966 
Below Grade Walls 0  
Ceilings 9,917 5,772 
Floors 25,102 3,372 
Infiltration 42,391 4,662 6,782
Internal 7,092 5,902 
Other 0  
Duct Loads 0 0 0
Ventilation 16,876 3,526 10,259
Humidification 0  
Piping Load 0  
Radiant Back Loss 0  
Blower Heat 500  
AED* 0  
Total 122,744 31,891 22,943
Total Area 5865.0 m² 5865.0 m² 

Fenestration Load vs Hour of Day – Block Load (Summer)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Hour of Day

Load Line
30 Percent

Average Load: 0 W
Excursion Limit: 0 W
Peak Load: 0 W
AED Load: 0 W

Table 2 showing main supply duct sizes, with their flow speed

 Duct size- mainsflow
Level 4  
Open-plan office250 x 2501
Conference Room 1200 x 2001
Conference Room 2200 x 2001
Lobby/Lounge 2 
Conference Room 3200×2001
Conference Room 4200 x 2001
Lobby/Lounge 1
Level 4 Sub-Total  
Level 3  
Open-plan office2501.2
Level 2  
Open-plan office250 x 2501.2
Level 1  
Open-plan office250 x 250250
Level 0  
Social/Open-plan250 x 2501.2
Level 0 Sub-Total  


Natural ventilation of the following rooms

  1. Breakouts
  2. Reception
  3. Lounge


 The indoor and outdoor environmental comfort technology is heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC). This helps to ensure thermal efficiency and indoor air quality are appropriate. A system design sub-discipline based on thermodynamics, fluid-mechanics and heat transfer principles is HVAC system design. Often, as in the ACR (such as the classification of HACR-rated circuit breakers) “refrigeration” is included in the sector abbreviation, so HVAC&R or HVACR or “ventilation” is removed. Ventilation (the “V” in HVAC) is the process of air exchange or replacement in any room to provide high indoor air quality that involves control of temperature.

Table 3 open office layout dutcing

Figure 1 level 1 ducting hvac systems

Figure 2 ducting layout

Electrical services

The following considerations must be taken into account when deciding the amount of lighting fittings (luminaires) required to achieve the desired lighting for a certain work zone:

Installed Luminous Flux (Ø)

To calculate the installed flux (or light), the following formula is used:

Ø   =        E x A  

        Uf x Mf           


Ø =

E = Illuminance

        A = Area of room in M2

Uf =  Uin

Mf =  

Nominal Lamp Luminous Flux n)

Lighting Design Lumen (LDL), ØL

Maintenance Factor (Mf)

mIn normal working conditions (Extreme conditions) both the luminaire and the surface of the space, the proportion of luminance provided by a luminaire gives the light to the same light in clean conditions. A maintenance factor of 0.8 was introduced for this building, ensuring the room surfaces are kept reasonably clean and the luminaire is washed periodically.

Utilization Factor (Uf)

This is the proportion of luminous flux of the lamp reaching the working plane. This factor depends on the following parameters:

Room index, Ri represents the geometrical ratio of the room, and is given by the equation

9.3.2 Load Calculations

i) Fluorescent Lightings


A multiplication factor of 1.8 is used on rated lamp wattages for fluorescent light fittings which takes care of losses in control gear and harmonic currents.

For a given number of fluorescent lamps, N; the presumed Load in watts TL, is calculated as follows:-

TL     = N x W x 1.8 Watts;


TL     = Total Load in Watts N = Number of lamps.

W = Lamp rating in watts.

1.8 = Factor for compensation of losses for fluorescent lamps.


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