Management and Counselling: 1031127

Different approaches to modelling as a form of counselling training and their relative effectiveness: –

Modelling is a tool which determine and developed the required skill for a counsellor. This tool may have the following approaches: –

  1. Observation of counsellors: – In the time of training, the trainee may influenced by the other counsellors (Murphy et al, 2019). Hence, each counsellor need to observe the other counsellor in real life to develop his own unique skill and genuine style.
  2. Role Play: – This is effective in learning to do the work effectively with role differences, cultural and individual. This also help to gain and use the professional knowledge and skills in terms of their attitude, values and beliefs.  
  3. Demonstration: – Demonstration helps the counsellors to explain his objective in more effective way which can be easily understand by the trainee.
  4. Video: – This is also an effective approach of modelling. This not only easily clears the concept to the trainee but help the trainee to keep in mind for a long period of time.


Murphy, D., Slovak, P., Thieme, A., Jackson, D., Olivier, P., & Fitzpatrick, G. (2019). Developing technology to enhance learning interpersonal skills in counsellor education. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling47(3), 328-341.