Is It Ehical To Purchase Human Organs: 1445030

Comment By Manowaffle

Yes exactly, this is what the article refers to. There is no point of letting people die when there are donors willing to donate. Getting money in exchange of donating a kidney might help the donor as well because the money will help them in a way. People who need kidney to save their life compensate as much as they can for the donor. Moreover, the option of opting out from the donation is also available for many even if it is legalised to donate the kidney of a deceased person. People who buy organs are made to feel squeamish because it is somewhat a thinking that it is ethical. It is not actually morally acceptable to make the person feel disgusted for taking a kidney and paying in exchange, in fact, it is a logical decision to save one’s life without harming others. Of course, taking up an organ cannot be considered as slavery because only the organ is brought, not the whole person. It is fine to donate an organ because it shows no signs of destroying someone’s life. The life can be saved by transplanting a deceased kidney, but it has been observed that the number of such kidneys do not match up to the amount needed. Therefore, buying kidneys have come into play. Giving someone another life is one of the greatest things that can be done and if harmless for both the parties, then why not. It would be a wonderful thing to do.

Comment By Pizzarocket_

It is not wrong if we say that for the wealthier section of the society, this will be more advantageous because, in case of need of any such organ, it would be convenient for them to get a donor in exchange of money. If buying the organs becomes legal, the rich people can increase their chances of saving the other’s life. But anyone can need transplantation. On the other hand, what has been stated, the poor people might not be able to afford the kidney or the organ so they will not get benefitted which is also true to certain extend. The price of buying organs is so high that it is difficult for the poor to afford it. But it is possible for them to get hold of any family member/relative eligible to donate the same. What you have suggested, “We should instead push for education and strategies so that no organs go to waste” is also a very valid point. If refers to the implementation and execution of strategies via the education system which would ensure no wastage of organs which will eventually decrease or nullify the need to purchase organs from others. The education and the strategies should aim at reducing the risk of kidney failure. But it is also a fact that a lot of people are there now who need a donor, so this current problem, needs a solution. On the other hand, the implementation of these strategies might take some time.