HR Management Assignment Study writing Help Analysis:: Internal and external change agents in an organisation

HR Management Assignment Study writing Help Analysis:: Internal and external change agents in an organisation

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Internal and external change agents in an organisation


Every organisation is required to change in order to remain competitive with the changing scenario. These changes can be either seldom required or are needed when an organisation requires a specific change. This change can either be in the structure of the organisation or in its processes and operations. These changes are important for an organisation in order to satisfy the changing needs of its loyal customers (Rayner, 2011).  Change management is defined as a situation that is required to fill the gap between what is happening and what is possible for an organisation.

There may be change in terms of technology up gradation, or if the organisation finds opportunity growth it undertakes certain changes in order to achieve growth. Economical conditions are also one of the major reasons due to which changes in the organisation are found. This change in an organisation is brought by change agents (Lewis, 2011). They are the specialised people who are experts in the field of implementing and managing change practices in an organisation. The change agent can either be internal to an organisation or a consultant who is hired from the outside. Both the internal and external change agents have certain specialisations and defaults that will be elaborated in the discussion below.


 In this paper, there will be an analysis of whether an organisation should involve internal change agents in their change process or hire specialised consultants from outside. There has been a discussion about the importance of change and change agents in an organisation. There have been various benefits and drawbacks for an organisation in using internal as well as external change agents in the change processes. There will be a discussion about organisational development theories and factors that will determine the adoption of these theories. Finally, this discussion will also highlight the impact of internal and external change agents on the stakeholders of the organisation.

Critical Analysis

            Change management is required in an organisation in order to bridge the gap between what is current situation and what is the possibility of improvement. The traditional ways of bringing organisational change were to identify the root cause, which created loopholes in the organisational processes and expert leaders to lead the process of change. Nowadays, things have changed and better practices are adopted by organisations for implementing the change process. An approach called positive deviance approach is used by the organisations today. This approach is used to bring about behavioural and social change (Waddell, 2007). This is done by identifying certain people whose behaviour is uncommon but is successful in finding better solutions to an organisational problem than others. These individuals have access to the same resources. These individuals are defined as positive deviants. Thus, positive deviance approach aims at providing a sustainable change in an organisation.

The transformation of culture is undertaken by developing new behaviours of the people so that these behaviours become their habits. An example in this case may be of the processes adopted by the engineers of Hewlett- Packard in order to bring technological change in the organisation. A company called Genentech has also adopted this approach, in which there were two positive deviants identified who performed beyond the median results of all the performers. Thus, positive deviance model is effective as it provides verifiable and justifiable results that can be measured (Crowther, 2004). This model is asset based and follows a bottom up and inside out approach, which initiates change by identifying and utilising innovators. This approach provides learning to the employees as they act in a new way of thinking and action. This approach is also helpful in identifying the needs of stakeholders and the impact of change on them.

         Another theory of organisational development is Lewins’ three step theory of organisational development. This theory is defined in three steps, which involve freezing, transformation and refreezing. The first step defines the state of realisation of change by the organisation. In this step the organisation realises the need for change. In the second step the changes in organisational development take place (Waldman, 2012). The last step requires adopting and refreezing the new change in the routine processes of the organisation. This model of organisational development follows problem identification, development and testing of hypothesis and finally analysis of the data is done.

Lewin’s three step model follows a modern approach while the positive deviance approach is based on the traditional model. Lewin’s model identifies the problem within the organisation and brings modifications within it while the positive deviance approach is based on new approach towards the problem and utilising it in the organisation.

         There are various factors that are necessary for an organisation to undertake the theory of organisational development into practice. An organisation is required to have trained and efficient people to bring about the change in the organisation. It is necessary that appropriate resources are there in an organisation to undertake the process of change and organisational development (Holbeche, 2011).  Positive deviance approach is applied in situations where there are proven and justified solutions to the organisational problems. This theory is suited for the situations, in which behavioural and attitudinal changes are required. Lewin’s three step model is appropriate for organisations, in which major transitions are to be made. This is a straight forward approach to change management, which is applied in the stable business environment. This model is applied in situations where people are resistant to organisational change. They are more comfortable in their safe zones and do not prefer any kind of change in the organisation.

         The role of internal and external change agents is essential in identifying the organisational problems and providing solutions for improving the existing conditions. The external agents called consultant are called experts who have specialised knowledge about the change management principles and practices (Sternin, 2005). They have much experience and are credible for bringing an effective change in the organisation as a whole.  On the other hand, internal change agents are the ones have limited perceptions.

         These projects are required mostly in the situations, which involves implementation of sensitive change projects and transformation decisions. External consultants also lack in certain points like they do not have expertise about the internal aspects of the organisation. Contrary to this internal change agents have expert knowledge about the internal aspects of the organisation (Zimmermann, 2011). There are various factors that are considered in using internal agents for change or hiring consultants from outside.

          The internal change agents have a ready access to the client and have a complete knowledge about the root cause of the problem or challenge. Analysis by an internal change agent is a time efficient step while an external consultant would take much time in analysing the problem and finding the solution. An internal change agent works in an informal and friendly manner while bringing the change. On the other hand external change agent has to work in a stressful and formal phase of change (Steed, 2005).

          For an internal agent there is no choice, it is an obligation of working with everyone as required while an external agent has an option of selecting the clients and projects with, which they can work. An internal agent gets a specific salary for this purpose while an external consultant gets an unpredictable amount for this job. In the context of an internal change agent there are no restrictions on the information to be shared with them while in case of an external consultant all the information cannot be shared with them. Information is to be maintained confidential from the external consultants hired by the organisation (Sims, 2002).

         The impact of bringing organisational change also affects its stakeholders to a certain extent. Stakeholders are a group of people who are directly or indirectly influenced and affected by the change process initiated by the organisation (Scott). They play an important role in determining the success of the change decision undertaken by the organisation. The benefit of stakeholders depends upon the success of the change initiative undertaken by the organisation. Therefore, a successful change process will lead to profitable situation for the stakeholders, either directly or indirectly.


         Thus, it can be concluded that in order to undertake organisational change it is necessary to have detailed knowledge about the root cause of the problem due to which change is to be sought. An organisation can make use of both the internal agents and external agents, depending upon the type and level of change to be undertaken. Various theories can be applied in this concern, which depends upon the root cause of the problem and the manner, in which the change has to be undertaken.

         Therefore change is an integral part of every organisation and has to be adopted by every organisation at certain point of time. This change is essential for every organisation in order to remain in competition with other existing organisations. Both the internal and external change agents are important for bringing organisational change depending upon the sensitivity of change to be undertaken. The change initiatives of an organisation should be such that they do not have an adverse impact on the stakeholders who are directly or indirectly affected by the change decision.

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