HR assignment essay help: National unified vocational education and training (VET) system

 HR assignment essay help: National unified vocational education and training (VET) system

National unified vocational education and training (VET) system: purpose and philosophy for its adoption

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            The workplace training is an essential aspect of the organizational strategies of a business organization, which allows it to gain desired efficiency and effectiveness. In context to this, different countries are undertaking different measures and systems for the business organizations operating within their territory regarding training of their employees and workers at workplace. The paper aims to highlight the evolution of National unified vocational education and training (VET) system employed within Australia. VET is method of providing the training to the workforce which allows the employees to develop some specific professional skills. The paper also reveals different philosophical theories and other reasons behind the adoption of this non conventional training system by the government of the country. Also this paper focuses on competency-based training/learning (CBT/CBL) and work-based learning (WBL). These terms define a moderate form of learning of an individual which shows that a person should be provided with the customized learning and training according to his personal competencies and work, which is required to be performed by him. The significance of these different learning is demonstrated within the paper in the adoption of VET system undertaken by the government of Australia.

Assignment Help AustraliaHistorical background of the context

            The workplace training and development has a vast historical background. Since from the time of industrial revolution, the need of proper and structured training had been considered by various business organizations. In the beginning of industrialization in Europe in the 18th and 19th century, the vocational structure of the training and education came into existence. In addition to this, the vocational training had crossed the boundaries of workplace and had reached to the classrooms of school, colleges, and Universities. Increasing awareness among young generation regarding their career was also one of the prime reasons behind the advent of vocation education and training provided by school and Universities.

            The vocational training and education movement within Australia was expressed quite intensively at Mechanics Institutes and Schools of Arts. At the institute of vocational education, it was taken up as a prime subject and lectures and classes were arranged for making this new phenomena and form of education popular among new generation of the country. Gradually, other educational institutes and organizations of the country started to take the phenomena and courses related with vocational education quite seriously. After the World War I & II, when the world faced the scarcity of skilled and qualified labor, the need of vocational training and its setup was highlighted quite intensively. Nowadays, the vocation training and education has become an important and integral aspect of education setup implied by the government of Australia (The history of VET 2012).

Buy Sample AssignmentNational unified vocational education and training (VET) system

            In order to provide professional and vocational educational to students and workers of the country, the government of Australia has adopted National unified vocational education and training (VET) system, which is based on competency-based training/learning (CBT/CBL) and work-based learning (WBL). The prime aim of this system is to setup a unified system in the entire country regarding the promotion of vocational education and training (VET). The training or education which is directly focused on preparing an employee or a trainee for different level of a profession ranged from trade to a specific position such as accounting, nursing, engineering, Pharmacy, architecture, etc (Wang, and King 2008)

            The VET system of the country focuses on the usage of different concepts and theories in to practical life so that an individual can develop professional competencies right from the start. Instead of conservative classroom teaching and declarative knowledge (i.e. the knowledge which only declares different concepts to the student), the system has focused on non classroom training and procedural Knowledge (i.e. the knowledge which developed the sense of applying concepts in the real life). This vocational training can be imparted to the student at primary, secondary, and post-secondary level. Moreover, in the country, the provision of apprenticeship training also backs the development of vocational education within the country (Toncich 2008).

            The vocational system of the country works on competency-based training/learning (CBT/CBL) and work-based learning (WBL). As per the standards, the competencies and skills of a student are identified at the starting of his education. Further training and development program is designed as per the competencies and skills of that student. This customization is a distinguished feature of the system. In addition to this, this customization can also be done on the basis of requirement of work undertaken by a worker. This prime advantage of undertaking of these criteria is that the consideration of such criteria leads to provide more focused and intensive results (Harrold and Australian Council for Educational Research 1998).

Buy Assignments OnlinePhilosophies behind the adoption of the system

            The foundation of different Philosophies is quite necessary for the purpose of having proper and effective understanding of reasons behind the adoption of VET system by the Government of Australia. There are a number of different philosophies which can be seen in the advent of VET system within the country.

            For instance, the unified structure of the VET system of the country is quite aligned with the recommendations of Liberal education philosophy. This philosophy implies that education is one of basic and core need of an individual as well as of the entire society. Proper educational structure of the country leads to make an individual competent enough to have broad knowledge, competent and positive sense of values, effective ethical and social behavior (Chomsky and Otero 2003). These all factors are quite important from the perspective of long term sustainability of the society. Owing to this reason, the government of the country is required to have liberal approach towards the imparting proper and unified education to each and every section and classes of the society (Kirkpatrick 2008).

            In addition to this, Behaviorism philosophy also advocates the adoption of VET system by the government. In this direction, the philosophy suggests that the behavior and practices of a person can be undertaken as the reflection of knowledge and education is availed by that person. In the context of this approach, for the purpose of molding behavior of residents, the government of the country is required to make changes in its existing educational structure (Edward and Culyer 2010). In this regard for the purpose of accelerating industrial development within the country, Australian government is required to make some intensive changes in its educational system and make its more industrial focused. The development of some intensive skills and vocational competencies highly depends upon the education provided to the student right from the starting which directly affects the behavior of the student in a long run (Gilley Peter and Bierema 2001).

In the light of this philosophy, the adoption of Vocational system for training of the country can be justified.

Buy Assignments Online            Along with this, the reason of adopting the VET system by the country can be found out in the light of progressive philosophy of education. As per this Philosophy, the prime intention and objective of training and education is to make thoughts and practices of the student progressive. The Progressive Philosophy puts emphasis upon expeditionary learning, experiential learning of the student (Nager and Shapiro 2000). The theory suggests that learning by doing is the most crucial and effective approach of educating a student. The collaborative learning, group work, practical approach towards problem solving and critical thinking are some of the prime deliverables of education and training system of the country. As per the recommendations of this philosophy, the Vocational Training system of the country can be justified because the system also puts emphasis over the practical and non conventional learning of the student so that productivity and contribution of the individual in the economy of the country can be enhanced (Nicholls 1989).

            In this way, these philosophies of education present different aspects of education. The proper achievement of such different aspects helps the country to fulfill its different long term objectives related with sustainable growth. In this concern, such philosophies provide hints about the reasons to adopt a unified national vocational training and educational system within the country.

Other reasons behind the adoption of system:

            Along with such philosophical approaches, there are a number of other rational factors that has motivated the government of the country to undertake VET system. In this context, the need of skilled and qualified workforce for the purpose of accelerating economic development of the country is the prime factor that encourages the government to hone up vocational skills and competencies of the workforce within the country. By imparting some of the crucial and effective vocational training, the government can prepare new and intensive talents which can contribute to the industrial development of the country in quite a significant manner (Billett 2011).

In addition to this, the promotion of living standards and per capita income of an individual is also an important factor that prompts the company to undertake VET system for training and educating the new generation within the country. Vocational training helps the individual to attain some of the intensive skills and competencies related with their specific profession. This leads to enhancing the overall productivity and efficiency of an individual which results into high per capita income and high living standards of residents of the country.

Buy Assignment Australia            Along with this, in order to be competitive, keeping pace with development within existing global economy, and aligning with the dynamic nature of global economies is necessary, if the country requires a well trained and effective workforce. In this context, the adoption of some crucial and effective strategies and training programs and systems can be proved to be an effective measure. This can also be considered as a major reason behind the adoption of VET system (Rauner & MacLean 2009).


            On the basis of the review of the entire paper, it can be considered that National Unified Vocational Training and Education System (VET) adopted within Australia can be proved to be effective and influential in producing highly efficient and productive workforce. The training system adopted by the country incorporate Competency Based Training or Learning (CBT/CBL) and Work Based Learning (WBL) while designing various programs and activities within VET system.

             A number of different philosophies namely Liberal Education, Behaviorism philosophy and Progressive Philosophy can be considered quite significant and justified for the adoption of VET system within the country. The influence of such philosophies can be sighted over different practices undertaken by the business organization and government of the country in order to train and educate the young generation of the country. In addition to this, requirement of highly skilled and qualified workforce, dynamic conditions of external global economy and requirement of enhancing per capita income, GDP and living standards of the country are the major reasons that prompt the country to undertake Vocational Training and Education system within the country.

University Assignment Help AustraliaCritical reflection:

            The overall project proves to be quite effective and to be a great learning to me as it helpes me understand different philosophies and its relation with national training and education system of the country. There are some aspects of the project i.e. exploration of different philosophies and retrieval of different practices and structure of VET system of the country which was quite knowledgeable and effective for me as it helps me enhance my searching and interpreting skills. In addition to this, prior to the project, I was aware about only theoretical aspects of different types of philosophies. This project made me aware about practical implications of such philosophies in the real life systems such as VET system of Australia.

            There are some strengths and weaknesses of the system highlighted by me as listed below:

Strengths: The primary strength of the project is that it has combined both theoretical and practical aspects together to enhance the existing knowledge of the reader regarding the subject. In addition to this, different theories and philosophies used within the paper makes the paper effective and knowledgeable.

Weakness: The primary weakness of the project is that there is a lack of primary research made on the topic for making it more comprehensive and effective.

In future, for making the project report more effective and knowledgeable there is a need of having some important primary research with employees who are getting work place training and students who are pursuing different vocational courses. This will allow the researcher to have more focused and relevant data related with the researched topic. This will also provide more scope for the future research work.

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