Fictional Character: 1167606

Personality of the Character:

The character that I am aiming to develop for my film, is a man, and since the movie is the life of a businessman, therefore, I had to choose certain traits and had to pattern the character in a way which will be doing justice to the movie. Therefore, the character which I have included is a very strategic person. The person is a quiet observer, therefore, in certain situations he can be regarded as an introvert. He likes to sit and observed the people around and therefore, he develops an idea of the personality of the other people which will be effective for his organization, and for his job. The person, however, is extremely extrovert when it comes to his work. In the work sphere he is very extrovert a character. Therefore, the most important aspects of the character is the communication skill of the person. Since he is into marketing and the product, which the person has to sale, has a special market, and not everyone will be interested in the product (Lim, 2015). Therefore, the communication skill of the person, helps him out of his situations. The person knows exactly, what to say and to whom and which are the points or aspects that will appeal to different people. However, the personality of my character has earned him achievements quite late, as the characteristics of the person took him some time to explore himself and to come across all the accomplishments. For example, the introverted nature of the person and the observing aspects of the person, acted as a barrier for achievements of the person. Since he is a silent observer, therefore, he was misunderstood at a number of place. He was thought to be quite lad and often he was thought to be of no use. Also, the extroverted nature that the person had, had been a late development in the character, it is found that the person is only extroverted in the situations, where he could show his passion (Brandt, & Laiho, 2013). Therefore, in the later half of the film, it will be shown that the person is extremely passionate about his hob, and he had developed and made the teams and provided all of them training. A detailed discussion is presented in the following.

Process of Development of the Characteristics:

The characteristics of the protagonist of my film, is quite inspired by the characters or the people whom I have followed in my personal life. The strategic nature and the introverted nature of the character is completely developed out of my favourite character of the film, Godfather. Similarly, the passionate nature of the person, is developed from my respect and inspiration of Jordan Belfort. The strategic skills and the visionary nature of the person, had been an inspiration to me for the portrayal of the character (Qureshi, 2017). That particular character had been an inspiration for me for a number of things or reasons, and the particular characteristics that have been developed by the person, is also motivated from the film, and to some extent form my personal experiences.

Three Management Traits that the Leader Possess:

The prime characteristic factors that the character possesses are, first, the openness to experiences. The character has experienced a number of things over the time and all those experiences has contributed into the character making of the person, and the character has chosen the difficult and challenging paths, over the time, in order to make himself (Furnham, & Crump, 2015).

Secondly, the character has a conscientiousness, which is shown through his control over his impulses, and it can be seen that though the character is a rule breaker, yet he knows how to maintain the codes of social conducts and at the same time. Therefore, this upholds the thoroughness and the ambition and the persistence of the character, and the preservance of the character (Espiritu-Olmos, & Sastre-Castillo, 2015).

Thirdly, the extroversion nature of the character. It is previously stated that the character includes both the natures of an introvert and the extrovert and a close analysis swill show, that he draws his energies from his introverted self for his extroversion self, and this later self of him is shown through his assertiveness, energy, merriness, social confidence and his ability to articulate (Yang, & Hwang, 2014).

How can these Traits be Developed?

The leadership attributes or the management skills cam be developed, though, some of it comes from the gene, but with a proper training and with the right peer group, the leadership skills can be developed. For this, the awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses are very important and at the same time being open to criticism and changes are also needed.

The Disadvantages of these Traits?

As had already been mentioned, the introverted self of him and his strategic nature had acted as a disadvantage as that had barred his thriving in the market. The places where he had worked initially, often people misunderstood him, and his introverted nature had come across towards the management as the person lacks the abilities to lead, which he had proved to be wrong over time.

Use of these Traits in my Personal Life:

While sketching the characters of the person, these characteristics had given me an insight. The observant nature of the character is quite alike myself, as it gives me the time to think about a character, and helps me in observing people, which therefore, helps me in developing plots and characters. At the same time, developing an extroversion within myself is very important to surge my passion and distribute the same within the set. Also, developing a leadership attribute is an essential aspects among everyone, abut it helps me in talking and approaching to the casts and the producers, and at the same time, to get my work done.

Marketing the Traits:

The marketing traits projected in the character are, the strategizing abilities, the leadership attributes, the team abuilding approach, the observant attributes and the ability to communicate with other people.

How do I Relate to the Characters:

I relate myself to these characteristics, in a number of ways. From being a observer, to a very controlled and calm self and to the attributes of being open to change and new experiences, all these are quite like myself, and I practice theme in a daily basis, however I would like to better my leadership and communication skills, a little more, as that can be more helpful for  my career.


Brandt, T., & Laiho, M. (2013). Gender and personality in transformational leadership context: An examination of leader and subordinate perspectives. Leadership & Organization Development Journal34(1), 44-66.

Espiritu-Olmos, R., & Sastre-Castillo, M. A. (2015). Personality traits versus work values: Comparing psychological theories on entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Business Research68(7), 1595-1598.

Furnham, A., & Crump, J. (2015). Personality and management level: Traits that differentiate leadership levels. Psychology6(05), 549.

Lim, J. C. (2015). Leader Symbols and Personality Cult in North Korea: The Leader State. Routledge.

Qureshi, I. (2017). Role and size of a leader in organizational behaviors. group2, 3.

Yang, C. L., & Hwang, M. (2014). Personality traits and simultaneous reciprocal influences between job performance and job satisfaction. Chinese Management Studies8(1), 6-26.