Education and Course Planning: 1024197


Students learning and studies influenced by many factors in which internal and external environment play an important role. The report depicts the influencing factors possess both negative and positive context. In addition, different theories also influence the behavior of individual students in learning decision making-process. Placing the student at the core of the report, SWOT analysis also determines to identify the major weakness in learning performance. At last some significant major were analyses for effective learning throughout the academic year.  

Factors influencing planning and organization of study

Effectively plan strategies in studies encourage confidence among students. Planning helps in examining the list of priorities. It is important to be aware about the least important priorities. Getting yourself organized helps the students to improve their learning skills (Peters et al., 2016). Numerous factors influence the planning and organization of study of an individual and students in general.

Study environment: attempt to ‘jump straight’ without planning appropriately is like tactics without strategies.  Study environment is the foremost important factor that influence planning and organization of study for individual and students as a whole.  Having a right place in surrounding makes the students more conducive to learning. Study jams and background noise affects the studies as listening music while writing and reading leads to lessening memory and information retention. Students should recognize themselves whether they are performing better in silence or individual thrives amid background noise. For this, students must try few settings like coffee shops, university library and parks. Examine how they are performing in different environment and should select a study location that matches the sound profile of individual students.  Quality study lighting and Facilities leads to either a great learning or a bad one. It is so harmful for eyes to read in dim lighting and artificial lights as it leads to the headache and weak eyesight. Students must pay attention to adequate lighting may use of fluorescent lights as it makes students focused, calmer and steadier (Gilavand et al., 2016).

Course planning: effective timetable and Total Quality Management in education should be based on analytical approach includes with free hours, time devoted to each subjects, quality and quantity of course materials. Neglect of course plan create problem for teachers as well as students. Simple matters become complicated, difficult in course completion and teachers feels themselves helpless. There should be organized planning for setting up to date courses respective to the countries so that it helps to minimize anxiety among students. Course planning directs students where they are and where they have to go in future. Provide clear perspective about individual strengths and weaknesses (Moura et al., 2017). In addition, course plan keep the options open for students in changing direction according to students’ abilities, and accomplishment of new opportunities in near future as they arise.

Social factors:  social factors considered as an important factor for influencing students learning.  Different social factors includes peer support, support from family and friends, supportive atmosphere and hobbies. Students easily influenced if he/she either not having friends and family or an overly active social life (Kintu et al., 2017). Life situations and Family problems create hindrance in study life and hobbies paly an important role in selecting priorities. In addition, Peoples with positive vibes helps the students to focused and emotionally balanced.

Student factors:  students themselves are also responsible for effective planning and organizing in learning. One’s self, role affects the student progress in enchaining learning skills. Unclear career goals, lack of self-regulation skills, study skills, heath issues and motivational problems all are intrinsic factors of individual students. Students should prioritize the career goals and try to focus on specific goals in studies and have a mind set to proceed quickly. In addition, must follow the time management skills and developing motivation skills through, increasing effective study techniques like using different methods and language expertise (Romiszowski, 2016).

SWOT Analysis in relation to a learning theory


Punctual: punctuality ensures successes and helps me to develop my behavioral attitude in managing or balancing my education and personal life. In addition, offers me proper planning in course planning and habitual for efficient learning.

Responsible for meaningful use of study materials: use of study material in an effective and efficient way for learning is my greatest strength and behavioral theory helps me to develop intention for performing a particular behavior.

Fast learner: According to behaviorism theory of learning, I prepare my assignments learning from the most basic to the complicated concepts and ask for feedback from teachers. Both concepts make me fast learner by getting regular feedback where I improve myself.


Not confident while presenting new ideas: according to Constructivism Learning Theory, tutors believe that students are self-learner from experiences. However, I am not feeling confident while presenting my ideas and views and it hinders my learning performance.

Feeling overburdened: I frequently get tense and feel overburdened when there is workload and numerous assignments to handle. Behavioral theory forces me to develop intention and behavior for shouting and not performing well in studies.

Fed up easily: sometimes occurrence of undesirable reinforcement and punishments proves the biggest reason for me to fed-up easily also forced me to change my behavior.


Coaching and teacher for support: constructivist classrooms provide me opportunities to motivate myself in learning. Inner potential and ability also create opportunities for teachers support in completing assignments.

Challenging assignments and special projects: constructivism develops critical thinking, knowledge construction, and transferable knowledge. All these qualities help me in the opportunity of completing challenging assignments and learning.


Dependence on internet connectivity: constructivist makes classroom democratic in nature, with the educator students, allow what the classroom does. In addition, more dependence on internet connectivity rather than books creates a serious threat in learning for me. As sometimes, connectivity gets disrupted due to technological issues.

Easily distract: I often get distracted easily and it creates a big problem for me in paying attention while learning. As stated in behavioral theory external environment also affects the learner performance (Bates, 2019).

Poor correlations with my classmates: having poor relationships push me back and not allowing me to discus with my classmates on group assignments. As strong interpersonal relationship are important according to the constructivism theory for solving group tasks and present new ideas.

Incompatibility of hardware and software: According to humanistic psychology, allow people to make their own decisions and not to abide by the law of science (l Aubrey & Riley, 2018). Abide by books and hardware learning proves as a threat in learning for me as I am not compatible with the hardware.   

Feel stressful in time-limited assignments: the law of effect on human behavior affects in both positive and negative manner. Conditioning form of learning like time-limited assignments and learning creates a threat in evoking responses, also stable environment leads to stressful, and anxiety mind.

To overcome from weaknesses I identifying appropriate actions that will help me throughout my studies to improve my learning.

To boost up my confidence first I cut the negative self-talk and try to participate in presentations for cross-questioning, workshops and speeches to open up in front of the audience. Practice with all concentrate where I lack and try to improve my knowledge also. With this always try to focus on success for feeling less overburdened. Through planning my study planner, time management and healthy competition between classmates is the best method for avoiding overburden situation. In addition, for not fed up easily learning choice must include selecting simpler subjects first then complex one with the help of classroom management and teachers guide. Try to engage in creativity learning and class activities with other co-teachers like Google classrooms where I able to learn through innovative technology.

Learning Theories 

Different authors in their respective style categorize the foundation of different educational theories. Strong debate also held among the two main theories that are behaviorist theory and constructivist theory (Chen & Yao, n.d.). Different learning theories can be approached by learner based on their objective of the lesson, framework of learning and the nature of the learners.

Behaviorist Learning Theory

In the early 1900s the origin of the theory was documented from behaviorism with the aim of delivering elementary laws of learning for handling complex situations. Also described as a developmental approach, as it deals with the consequences of behavior that can be rewarded or punished (Unsupported source type (ElectronicSource) for source Che19.).  The theory emphasis the individual’s intention for performing particular behavior and theses intention can examine by two main factors that are individual’s attitude towards the behavior and influencing environmental factors. Behaviorists firstly observe the learners to decide which reinforces are operative for a particular pupil and try to provide learner immediate feedback, optimistic reinforcement etc. The theory mainly focuses on measure behavior by a student’s reply to stimuli (Baum, 2017).

Behaviorist theory acts as a one-dimensional model to understanding human behavior as it highly influences from moods, thoughts and feelings (l Aubrey & Riley, 2018). It is also not accountable for another way of learning that does not possess with rewards and punishment. In addition, both human and animals are able to adjust their behavior when behavior launch through reinforcement.

Constructivism Learning Theory 

Constructivism is an approach centered on observation and methodical study about how individuals learn. In this theory, tutors believe that students are self-learner and creating their own knowledge through undergoing things and reflecting on those experiences. Tutors play their roles as facilitators, who provide experiences and aid pupils in completing assignments to generate knowledge (Phillips & Soltis, 2015). Availability of constructivist classrooms facilitates with inquiry-based or project-based learning. In these classrooms, learners are given an ill-defined question and promote them to develop their own questions, where students gain information, facts, and findings while answering the respective questions. Mainly in education, the approach underlines the active engagement of students with the conceptual content by applying strategies like communicating (not just listening), writing (not only reading), contacting, experiments,  problem-solving and additional ‘active’ strategies.

For example in an environmental education classroom, students are discussing a problem of global warming. However, the professor knows the “solutions” to the respective problems, nut he/she wants to help the students to restate their own questions in a valuable way.  Teacher tries to stimuli each student to come with their own ideas and knowledge. As come up with relevant answer teacher discuss what they have learned, and how student’s observations and investigations helped everyone to know the concept in an improved way.  

In addition, constructivism makes learning enjoyable and transferable as it involves students actively rather than passive learners, enhance social and communication skills through highlights teamwork and exchange of ideas (Cook & Artino Jr, 2016). Through the exchange of ideas, students also learn how to negotiate with others and appraise their involvement in a socially acceptable manner.


The report analyzed the importance of learning theories in behaving and responding to students throughout the learning and studies. Learning environment dramatically disturbs the learning outcomes of students like planning and organization of the study. Learning theories also depicts the relation between learning and outcome behavior of students. The concept of behavioral and constructivism helps in determine the strengths and weakness also provide some measure to handle problems in academics. In addition, also examine that learning acts as the acquisition of new learning and retention of old knowledge.   


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