The Kite Runner-2265223


The novel mainly explains the theme of Betrayal.
It explained the guilt associated with both the friends.
The character of Amir’s redemption is mainly explained in it (4).
The rediscovering of the aspects of Hassan’s bravery is explained in it.
Some of the other themes can be family, guilt, discrimination, guilt, childhood, betrayal, religion, womanhood, and redemption rule (4).


Literary Lense

The literary lens in the novel is explained through the Marxist lens.
This explains relationship between Hassan and Amir.
The division through the class conflicts is also explained in it./
The social division in their friendship actually breaks the friendship of both Amir and Hassan.

Litrary Theories-Psychoanalytical theory.

The aspects of literary criticism can be illustrated by the advocation of psychoanalytical theory.
This theory is stated by Sigmund Freud, who explains the notions of Oedipus, superego and Complex.
The complexities of family and social phenomenon of the society is explained in it.
The unconscious sense of the protagonist is being analysed in this kind of criticism.

Literary Theories- Modern-Day Society

The comparison through the modern-day society explained the emotional, attitudes, feelings and encounter of the characters.

The distinction that is implicated through the conservative Afghan society is being analyzed in it.

The disadvantages of the women in the society is also being analyzed in it.

The developments based on the traditional beliefs also explains the main contemplations in it in particular (2).

Litrary Devices

The main literary devices used in it are allusion, imagery, metaphor flashbacks and also the rhetorical questions irony, satire, foreshowing, Reptations.
This explains the various contemplations in these considerations in the comparisons among the characters.
This have also analysed the various notions in these aspects that how it helped in explain these concerns in general.

Litrary Devices

Literary Devices

Literary Devices

The use of Epiphany is explained by the lines “I could step into the alley, stand up for Hassan-the way he stood up for me all those times in the past- and accept whatever happened to me’ (77).
The Foreshadowing is explained through the lines ‘This isn’t the end for you either, Amir. Someday, I’ll make you face me one on one “ (43).
The context of repetition is explained by the lines “ For you, a thousand time over” (67).

Ideas and Events

The ideas and the events can be analyzed by the intersection on the private lives of the characters.
It explained the redemption of the bravery contemplation on Amir’s disorders and behaviors (3).
This also explains the redemptions on the ides of the charges on the sake of Hassan in general.


Aruta MF, Gepitulan RR, Oftana NM, Diones LL. The Kite Runner: A Psychological Analysis of Amir. International Journal of Literature Studies. 2022 Nov 20;2(2):68-98.
Adhikary RP. Crisis of Cultural Identity in Khaled Hosseini‘s The Kite Runner. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. 2021 May;9.
Adhikary RP. Crisis of Cultural Identity in Khaled Hosseini‘s The Kite Runner. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. 2021 May;9.
Chen D. An Analysis of Kite’s Symbolic Meaning in The Kite Runner. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 2020 Feb 1;10(2):238-42.