Finance (Derivative Securities)
Semester 1 2012


Note: a variant of these questions was in a previous final exam paper.

Students are referred to the unit outline which provides detailed information on the assessments,
including the due date and time which will be strictly enforced. Students are reminded that their
assignment should be their own work. Students should not simply cut and paste from an internet
search as that is easily discovered, risks plagiarism, and rarely answers the question. Students are
encouraged to visit the lecturer during consultation (Mon 09:00-12:00; Wed 09:00-12:00) if they
wish to discuss their answers. Both questions must be answered. Answers are mathematical and
hence a marking rubric is not required.


( )
denote a European vanilla Call option with strike price
. Assume that all options are
identical except for strike price, and strike prices satisfy
2K KK= +

Question 1 [5 marks]
What are the no-arbitrage lower bound, and the no-arbitrage upper bound, of the vertical spread
( ) ( )

Question 2 [10 marks]
Derive the functional relationship between the no-arbitrage values of the two vertical spreads,
( ) ( )

) ( )

2 13


Question 1

In the given situation it is given that K1<K2<K3 thus the relation between CK1, CK2 and CK3 will be CK1 > CK2 > CK3. In the given situation as


Let the current Price of the stock be S0 and at the time of expiry is St


Thus the Payoff for a given call is given by St – Ki if the call option is exercised and when St < Ki the call option will not be exercised. Thus the profit/ loss in case of exercising the call option will be given by St – Ki – CKi

Thus the upper bound will be given by CKi<=S0 (Mercurio, 2010). Or it is the cost of the call option is equal to the current price of the stock.

Thus one stock is bought at current price S0 and the call is sold at price C. Thus there will be minimum advantage of either Ki or Sy which will be greater than or equal to zero.


Thus for both the call options the upper bound is given by


Min (K1,St) and Min (K2,St). Since it is given that K2= (K1+K3)/2 we can say that the upper bound for C(K2) is Min ((K1+K3)/2, St) (Kothari, 2010)


Similarly the lower bound for the call option where in the call price is the present value of St– Ki which give a maximum of St and Ki.


Thus in case of the of lower bound the maximum advantage is given as Max( St, Ki)


Thus for both the call options the Lower bound is given by Max ((K1+K3)/2, St)


Max (St,K1) and Max( St,K2). Since it is given that K2= (K1+K3)/2 we can say that the upper bound for C(K2) is Max (St, (K1+K3)/2). Thus the upper bound will be Min (K1,St)  –  Min ((K1+K3)/2, St) and the lower bound is given by Max (K1, St) – Max ((K1+K3)/2, St)



Question 2


The functional relationship between C(K1) – CK(2) and C(K2) – CK(3). The lower and upper bounds can be derived as shown in the above question as shown in the above question.


Thus the lower bound for C(K1) – CK(2) will be Max (K1, St) – Max ((K1+K3)/2, St) and the lower bound of C(K2) – CK(3) will be Max ((K1+K3)/2, St) – Max (K3, St).

Thus the relation between the lower bound will be

(Lower Bound) of C(K1) – CK(2) = Max (K1, St) – Max (K3, St). – (Lower Bound) of C(K2) – CK(3)

Also the Upper Bound will be given by Min (K1,St)  –  Min ((K1+K3)/2, St) for C(K1) – CK(2) and Min ((K1+K3)/2, St) – Min (K3,St)

Thus the upper bound of C(K1) – CK(2) = Min (K1,St) – Min (K3,St)   – (Upper Bound) of C(K2) – CK(3)



Vinod Kothari. (2010). Option pricing. Available: Last accessed 07th May 2012

Fabio Mercurio. (2010). No-Arbitrage Conditions for a Finite Options System. Available: Last accessed 07th May 2012.

Sergei Fedotov. (2010). Introduction to Financial Mathematics. Available: Last accessed 07th May 2012


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