Multiplicative Inverse: 1480299

Part 1)

Ans 1)

Part 1)

Sub groups :

Z7 = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}

Subgroups of  Z7 are :<0>,<1>,<2>,<3>,<4>,<5>,<6>

We know : gcd(7,1)= gcd(7,2)= gcd(7,3)= gcd(7,4) =gcd(7,5) =gcd(7,6)=1

And gcd(7,0)=7

There are 2 subgroups : {0} anf Z7.

Part 2)

Order :

Order is 7 and 1.

Ans 2)

7x + 3y = 5 (mod 11)

4x + 2y = 3 (mod 11)

Hence, 7x+3y+5 and 4x+2y+3 are divisible by 11.

7x + 3y + 5 = 55


Hence, 7x + 3y = 50

4x + 2y = 30

Hence, x = 5 and y = 5 is a possible solution.

Ans 3)

[ 1 2 3

  4 5 6

  11 9 8 ]

Determinant = 1 (5×8-9×6)-2(4×8-6×11)+3(4×9-5×11) = (40-54)-2(32-66)+3(36-55)=-14+68-57 = -3

Multiplicative inverse :

= -1/3 [ -14 34 -19

              11 -25 13

             -3 12 -3]’

= -1/3 [ -14 11 -3

              34 -25 12

             -19 13 -3]

Ans 4) Euclidean algorithm :

GCD(243,1281) :

1281 / 243 = 5 remainder 66

243 / 66 = 3 remainder 45

66 / 45 = 1 remainder 21

45/21 = 2 remainder 3

21/3= 7 remainder 0

Hence, GCD = 3

243 = 3x3x3x3x3

1281 = 3x7x61

Hence, GCD = 3

Ans 5)

10000010 mod 101101001 = 10000010

Ans 6)

Part 1)

Kerckhoff Principle :

The principle shows that a cryptosystem’s security lies in choosing the keys only. Rest all, even the algorithm  is just public knowledge.

Part 2)

Kasiski cryptanalysis :

The Kasiski cryptanalysis is a technique to attack the polyalphabetic substitution cipher like Vigenere cipher.

Ans 7)

1 0 1 0 1

1 0 0 1 1


1 0 1 0 1

           1 0 1 0 1 x

1 0 1  0 1 x x x x

1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1

Ans 8)

Part 1) Monoalphabetic cipher vs Polyalphabetic cipher :

Monoalphabetic cipher is used when every symbol in the plain text is mapped with a cipher text’s fixed symbol and  Polyalphabetic cipher is the cipher that is based on substitution and uses multiple substitution alphabets.

Part 2) Cryptography vs Steganography  :

Cryptography is secret writing and its more popular and Steganography is cover writing and is less popular.

Ans 9) a,c

Sub groups :

Z7 = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}

Subgroups of  Z7 are :<0>,<1>,<2>,<3>,<4>,<5>,<6>

We know : gcd(7,1)= gcd(7,2)= gcd(7,3)= gcd(7,4) =gcd(7,5) =gcd(7,6)=1

And gcd(7,0)=7

There are 2 subgroups : {0} anf Z7.

Part 2)

Order :

Order is 7 and 1.

Ans 2)

7x + 3y = 5 (mod 11)

4x + 2y = 3 (mod 11)

Hence, 7x+3y+5 and 4x+2y+3 are divisible by 11.

7x + 3y + 5 = 55


Hence, 7x + 3y = 50

4x + 2y = 30

Hence, x = 5 and y = 5 is a possible solution.

Ans 3)

[ 1 2 3

  4 5 6

  11 9 8 ]

Determinant = 1 (5×8-9×6)-2(4×8-6×11)+3(4×9-5×11) = (40-54)-2(32-66)+3(36-55)=-14+68-57 = -3

Multiplicative inverse :

= -1/3 [ -14 34 -19

              11 -25 13

             -3 12 -3]’

= -1/3 [ -14 11 -3

              34 -25 12

             -19 13 -3]

Ans 4) Euclidean algorithm :

GCD(243,1281) :

1281 / 243 = 5 remainder 66

243 / 66 = 3 remainder 45

66 / 45 = 1 remainder 21

45/21 = 2 remainder 3

21/3= 7 remainder 0

Hence, GCD = 3

243 = 3x3x3x3x3

1281 = 3x7x61

Hence, GCD = 3

Ans 5)

10000010 mod 101101001 = 10000010

Ans 6)

Part 1)

Kerckhoff Principle :

The principle shows that a cryptosystem’s security lies in choosing the keys only. Rest all, even the algorithm  is just public knowledge.

Part 2)

Kasiski cryptanalysis :

The Kasiski cryptanalysis is a technique to attack the polyalphabetic substitution cipher like Vigenere cipher.

Ans 7)

1 0 1 0 1

1 0 0 1 1


1 0 1 0 1

           1 0 1 0 1 x

1 0 1  0 1 x x x x

1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1

Ans 8)

Part 1) Monoalphabetic cipher vs Polyalphabetic cipher :

Monoalphabetic cipher is used when every symbol in the plain text is mapped with a cipher text’s fixed symbol and  Polyalphabetic cipher is the cipher that is based on substitution and uses multiple substitution alphabets.

Part 2) Cryptography vs Steganography  :

Cryptography is secret writing and its more popular and Steganography is cover writing and is less popular.

Ans 9) a,c