Models of Communication: 1101106


Communication refers to exchange of information and ideas among various people. It is considered as the essential tool for increasing the productivity and maintaining the strong and long lasting working relationships (Markovic, Mirjana and Aidin 2018, 11). The additional paragraphs of the report will reflect upon the comparison between various models of communication.

Harold Lasswell linear communication model vs. Action model 

The Harold Lasswell linear communication model was developed in the year 1948. This model is considered as the most influential because it helps in analysing the whole communication process and is considered as linear and unidirectional. It addresses the four W which includes who will communicate the message, what will be communicated, how it will be communicated, to whom it will be communicated and with what effect. This model is simple and is valid for all types of communication (Zahra, and Mahshid 2017, 4). The limitations of the model that is does not includes feedback and the does not mention the noise in the communication process. This model is also known as the action model which is also used for the interpersonal communication between the groups or individual. This model also consists of the sender encoding the message and channelizes it to the receiver in the presence of noise. It is just another name of Harold Lasswell model (Denis and Sven 2015).

Harold Lasswell model vs. Interactive model 

The interactive model of communication focuses on exchange of information from the sender to the receiver and from the receiver to sender back again while the Harold Lasswell model in single way communication model that does not allows the receiver to speak. The main role of the receiver under Harold Lasswell model is to listen (Dean C 2017, 47-57).

 Under this model both the sources are able receive messages and feedbacks form each other while Harold Lasswell  model does not takes feedback from the receiver of the message. The interactive model has the concept of noise and considers the barriers in communication while the Harold Lasswell model assumes that there is clear cut beginning and the end of the communication. This model was mainly used for mass communication while the interactive communication model is developed for interpersonal communication. The effectiveness of the communication is analysed by the common field of experience of both the sender and the receiver (Dean C 2017, 47-57).

The interactive communication model provides the opportunity to both the parties to give their opinions and is very dynamic and ever changing model. This model increases the risk of misunderstandings and wrong interpretation of messages while the involvement of multiple sources creates difficulty in communication of message (Sharma 2018).

Harold Lasswell model vs. Transactional model 

In the transactional communication model, the sender and receivers are considered as communicators. Under this model both the communicators are considered interdependent on each other and are equally important while under Harold Lasswell model the sender is not dependent upon receiver and vice-versa.  Under transactional model the reactions of each person are dependent upon the factors such as cultural beliefs, prior experiences and self-esteem while the Harold Lasswell model does not considers any factors which may create noise in the process of communication.  In the transactional model simultaneous feedback is received while Harold Lasswell model does not includes feedback in the communication process. The transactional model considers the role of the environment and the context while Harold Lasswell model is not concerned about the environment. The transactional model considers communication as an ongoing process and contains the ellipses that lie in the external environment. It connects the people through communication and all the elements under this model are interrelated with each other (Sharma 2018).

In contrary to the above model, Harold Lasswell model does provide the equal opportunity to both the parties and the elements in the communication process are independent. Therefore the effectiveness of the transactional model is more in comparison to Harold Lasswell model because it provides clarity in the content and the role of each element is dependent upon reaction of the other (Denis and Sven 2015).

Under Harold Lasswell model the noise is not considered while the opportunity of noise is more in case of transactional model because the communication is done simultaneously. This model demands more of verbal communication for reduction of misunderstandings in the interpretation of the message (Denis and Sven 2015).


From the above discussion it is critical to note that Harold Lasswell model focuses on mass communication while the other two models emphasise on interpersonal communication. Harold Lasswell model does not consider feedback while the interactive and the transactional model stress upon the context and the feedback from the both the parties involved in communication.


Abazari, Zahra, and Mahshid Borjian Brojeni. “The Role of Harold Laswell Communication Theory in Librarianship and Information Science.” International Academics Journal of Humanities, 2017. 4.

Ashish, Sharma. Introduction to mass communications. Evincepub Publishing, 2018.

Barnlund, Dean C. “A transactional model of communication.” Communication theory. Routledge, 2017. 47-57.

Markovic, Mirjana Radovic, and Aidin Salamzadeh. “The Importance of Communication In Business Management.” Business Management, Entrepreneurship And Entrepreneurial Tendencies, 2018.11.

McQuail, Denis, and Sven Windahl. Communication models for the study of mass communications. Routledge, 2015.