IT Management assignment on: Workplace and personal life

IT Management assignment on: Workplace and personal life

IntroductionSample AssignmentThis essay gives the brief overview about how the study habits have changed and are still altering because of the use of the mobile devices. It is broadly believed that the technologies such as e-mail and mobile phone are blurring the boundaries among the workplace and personal life.

Like other technology, the mobile devices are flexible and comprising contradicting possibilities. It is very clear that mobile devices impacts the study habits of the student and causes the distraction (Donner, 2008).  In general, students are concentrated more on who is texting or calling them as compared to concentrating on the studies. It is viewed that mobile devices may affect the other people as well from their work. Mobile devices increase the possibility of not remembering something. The technology of the mobile is considered as element of information revolution and more of its implementation is relied upon common ease with several forms of the digital technology. For e.g. In U.S mobile devices have become the mandatory accessories in the middle school and trend has reflected the upward movement. On the other side, mobile devices helps in calculation of the location based upon the reports from closest base stations. Text messaging shall remain the popular and valuable service for the market of the youth.  Text messaging is considered as the feature of the mobile device which disturbs the students most while during their study.Get Sample AssignmentText messaging is a kind of addiction which makes the students to send messages to their friends in every one hour. This kind of addiction affects the study habits of the students. Nowadays, it is viewed that on mobile devices students can access the internet which also hampers the study habits of the student. Because of accessing the internet on the mobile phones, students started to give less importance to the studies (Dhanarajan, 2009). Apart from this, mobile devices have few benefits such as it enables learning at all the times and all the places. Mobile devices make the education more available and enable the learners to continue their studies as per their schedule. For individual learner, the mobile technology is less cost prohibitive as compared to other technologies like broadband connection and personal computer which is mandatory for the E-learning. At last it can be said that mobile devices have significantly impacted the study habits of the students.

ConclusionBuy Sample AssignmentAt last it can be concluded that the mobile devices have changed the study habits of the students because of text messaging and accessibility of the internet on the phones. Most of the students at the time of their study get busy in messaging and accessing the internet on their phones. In general, students are concentrated more on who is texting or calling them as compared to concentrating on the studies.

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