Health Sociology: 912900

Argument and Analysis  60%            
Element High Distinction D Credit Pass Fail    Comments
EXPLANATION OF SOCIOLOGY AND THE ROLE OF PERSPECTIVES A good essay will make it clear that sociology is about the study of social life and that it is an important focus for health practitioners because social factors can have a major influence on how health conditions occur and how they are treated in different locations. It will also explain that there are different approaches to sociological analysis and that these are called perspectives.           x Your essay mentioned the different theories but did not provide linkages to the context of the health care system. The reader was unable to ascertain your level of understanding in regards to the role of the different theoretical perspectives.    
INCLUSION OF THE BIOMEDICAL MODEL AND THE SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH In line with the above, a good essay will indicate that one of the most dominant perspectives in health is the biomedical model, which views health in terms of biological processes within individuals. It will mention how this perspective is valuable in clinical practice and research, but has limitations in terms of addressing the social determinants of health.           x Your essay did not provide any analysis of the biomedical model or the social determinant of health. Your essay did not explore the theoretical perspectives in terms of the biomedical model and lacked critical analysis.  
DISCUSSION OF TWO SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES A good paper will define both of the perspectives. It will discuss key propositions from major theorists across each perspective. It will mention key differences (contrasts) such as their position in different locations on the structure-agency continuum and relate them to the given context.           x The essay required that you critically explored both Functionalism and Social Constructionism. To do this you needed to place each theory within the structure-agency continuum and critically discuss the assumptions underlying each theory within the context of the Australian health care system, whilst drawing on the literature and examples to demonstrate your points. Instead your essay was descriptive and some of the information you provided was not relevant to the essay topic.  
EVIDENCE IS CONSISTANTLY  DRAWN UPON THROUGH OUT THE ESSAY  A good paper will draw together the various threads of the discussion e.g. theories and particular health issues to identify and explore, in your own words, the key implications for human service practitioners. The contribution to health practitioners shouldn’t just focus on helping to understand issues but extend to mentioning how sociological perspectives can help inform health interventions.         x The essay required that you highlighted how sociological perspectives can help us understand and inform our understanding of the health system. Whilst you provided some descriptive/historical statements, your work lacked critical analysis. Your limited use of the literature and research meant that your essay lacked cohesiveness. You also did not discuss the implications for health care professionals.  
IMPLICATIONS ARE CONSISTANTLY  DRAWN UPON THROUGHOUT THE ESSAY This is a cumulative element, which relates to the extent to which the paper was a unified piece of work that illustrated a deep understanding of the relevant topic. Work that scores highly here is well on the way to what would be a publishable standard in academic journals because the overall paper has a clear focus and points are consistently backed up with evidence and clear logic.         x You were unable to demonstrate that you have an understanding of the essay topic. You did not discuss the implications or draw on appropriate research and data, which was required in order to provide a unified, cohesive argument
Structure      25%            
Element High Distinction D Credit Pass Fail    Comments
INTRODUCTION A good introduction is one that makes clear the specific topic or question that essay is addressing. It also mentions, without going into any detail, the main theories and concepts that will be discussed in the paper.                                                               x Your introduction did not include any information or guide to the reader as to what the paper was about and how it was structured ie how you were going to address the question. A clear introduction explaining what the paper was about will give it structure and help you keep on track.  
BODY A good paper will use descriptive information to lead into deeper critical sections or passages, in which you that draw threads from different sources of information together so that you can use your own words to articulate the practical implications or consequences of your research into the topic.         x Your essay did not flow which was likely due to your use of headings. It rather read as a set of short  answers.
CONCLUSION A good conclusion does not introduce new information, nor does it simply restate the essay. Rather, it should reinforce the most important takeaways from the essay and offer suggestions for solutions or further exploration that could build on your work.         x Your conclusion was lacking structure making it difficult to know that it was the end of your essay. A conclusion should be a summary of each of the main ideas analyzed in your body paragraphs. A conclusion should contain no new information or references. It should also include a re-statement of your thesis and a concluding statement that end the essay linking it broadly back to health context.    
Expression  10%            
Element High Distinction D Credit Pass Fail    Comments
USE OF LANGUAGE A good paper will use wording precisely – whether the wording is relatively simple or technical, the main focus is on using appropriate wording for the context. Language should also reflect that used by the authors that the paper is drawing upon. First person should not be used in academic writing.                            x   Your paper had some recurring language issues, that made your paper less academic in some sections. Sometimes your voice become lost to that of the authors you were citing.  
SPELLING AND GRAMMAR Good papers will have no spelling errors, as these can be easily corrected with proofreading. They will also consistently adopt either the UK (preferred) or US spelling conventions rather than fluctuate in between (except where a direct quotation is used).       x   Your paper had frequent spelling and grammar errors that detracted from the readability of your paper across all sections.  
SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION Good papers will have sentences that make sense and link well to the previous and following sentences. The subject will also be made clear at all times e.g. when using ‘this’ to refer to something it should be abundantly clear what ‘this’ actually is.         x Your paper was lacking in sentence structure,Your topic sentences were not clear and then also reduced the clarity of your argument. A topic sentence should include a topic and main idea that will be unpacked in that paragraph, the referencing should be part of the analysis that follows
PARAGRAPHING Good papers will have paragraphs that are not too long and have a clear topic sentence that articulates a key idea, which is then discussed/reinforced in the remaining sentences in the paragraph. They should also flow from one to the next with sentences that start with phrasing such as: “Given the previous point…” or “A related issue is…”)         x Your paragraphs were not appropriate in length, They tended to be] too short .The sentences following your topic sentences were consistently poorly linked and didn’t flow with clarity in many sections. Your use of headings was inappropriate.
REFERENCING  5%            
Element High Distinction D Credit Pass Fail    Comments
QUALITY OF ACADEMIC SOURCES Good paper papers will draw on research from academic sources that have a review process, rather than obscure websites or ‘study notes’ websites which present a second-hand perspective.       x   Your sources relied too heavily on websites Use of more recent academic journal articles and book chapters related to the health care context would have been more appropriate
VARIETY OF SOURCES Good papers will draw on a range of sources, including core readings from the various learning modules and some that you have located yourself via searching. In high level papers sources will offer both theoretical and data/research contributions to the paper.       x   Your paper didn’t draw on enough sources,
THOROUGHNESS OF IN-TEXT CITATIONS Good papers will clearly indicate with in-text citations the work of authors they are drawing upon. Where one author is referenced for multiple points, each main idea is referenced rather than just at the end of a paragraph. The paper will also mix direct quotations and paraphrasing, or adapting ideas to your own words.       x    
REFERENCE LIST CORRECTLY/CONSISTENTLY PRESENTED Good papers will have a match between the in-text references and the reference list entries, will have correct spelling, and will be consistently punctuated and formatted according to the relevant APA style guide.           x    

Doctoral Term Plan & Capstone Stage Goals


Your Term Plan:  On the page labelled YOUR Term Plan, indicate your term goal(s), stretch goal(s), and the tasks you will accomplish during the weeks of the term. Your tasks should make clear what you will be working on and your plans for appropriate substantive submissions to your Mentor/Chair (refer to the syllabus for more information). Remember that you must demonstrate substantial academic PROGRESS each term to receive a satisfactory grade for the course.

☐  Click here to indicate that you have read the course syllabus and understand the capstone course grading policies.

By Day 7 of Week 1 | Submit your Term Plan Draft for Mentor/Chair review, negotiation, and commitment.

By Day 7 of Week 2 | Submit your completed, agreed-upon Term Plan. [Chair notes acceptance on form.]

SMART GOALS can help you create a Term Goal that clearly articulates outcomes.

Midterm Progress Check and Adequate Progress Final Review:   Throughout the term, track your progress on YOUR Term Plan by entering dates for task completion and by making journal notes on activities completed or modifications needed, noting any barriers and strategies to overcome them. Your Mentor/Chair must approve any modifications and can add journal notes on the plan document for archival purposes. Submit your Updated Term Plan midterm, following your Midterm Progress Check. [Chair assesses progress to date.] Submit your Final Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 11. [Chair assesses final grade.]

Capstone Stage Goals: Think about your long-term goal (anticipated date of program completion) as you work on your Term Goal(s) and weekly tasks each term. Complete the Capstone Stage Goals. It is helpful to think about overall progress as you think about term-by-term progress.  Begin with the end in mind!

YOUR Term Plan

TERM GOAL(S) | By the end of this term, I will have completed:  The term plan on “Improving Patient Care through Electronic Medical Record System”

STRETCH GOAL(S) | Additionally, by the end of this term, I will try to complete:  The doctoral dissertation on “Improving Patient Care through Electronic Medical Record System”

Mentor/Chair Feedback:       

Week Tasks Toward Term Goal(s) Date Completed Journal Notes
1 Submit Initial Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 1, set up Mentor/Chair communication plan, and discuss the approach of the term plan draft on “Improving Patient Care through Electronic Medical Record System” 2/24/2019 Your Notes: Submitting the 3/4 of the proposal to the chair person and communicating with him regularly on the progression of the term plan. Mentor/Chair Notes:     
2 Term Plan Negotiation & Commitment Submit Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 2, and Electronic Medical Record System includes six different steps for completing a term plan draft such as: 1) Collection of health information data 2) Effective management of result. 3) Collection of evidence based on literature survey 4) Supporting patient with the help of electronic connectivity and communication 5) Administrative process 6) Reporting of collected information 3/3/2019 Your Notes: Construction of the basic or initial term plan Mentor/Chair Accepts Plan: []  Notes:     
3 Extenisve literature survey is conducted to achieve the objective of term plan with relaible evidence from sourced journal article. 3/10/2019 Your Notes: Extensive literature review of required journal article is done Mentor/Chair Notes:     
4 Analyzing and determining the methods and approaches involved in collecting and documenting the patient records. 3/17/2019 Your Notes: Approaches considered for the electronic medical record system is outlined with the help of data extracted from literature survey and is discussed with the chair person Mentor/Chair Notes:     
5 Benefit or advantage of collecting and maintaining the data in electronic record system and its application in healthcare industry 3/25/2019 Your Notes: Data and records are collected and is further used for doctoral dissertation. Mentor/Chair Notes:     
Midterm Progress Check | Submit Updated Term Plan | Mentor/Chair: []   Mentor/Chair Feedback:       
6 Collecting various patient-centered techniques for detailed patient care 4/7/2019 Your Notes: Working on techniques and approaches with detailed patient-centered information Mentor/Chair Notes:     
7 Extensive literature survey is done. 4/16/2019 Your Notes: Additional literature survey perfomed Mentor/Chair Notes:     
8 Analyzing the requirement of higher authorities for in-depth analysis concerning Electronic Medical Record System. 4/25/2019 Your Notes: Communicating with the higher authority for more detailed information Mentor/Chair Notes:     
9 Estimating the overall cost or budget of the Electronic Medical Record System (EMR).   5/2/2019 Your Notes: Estimating the budget Mentor/Chair Notes:     
10 Completing and submitting the final dissertaion plan to the chair person and higher authority for getting approval 5/7/2019 Your Notes: The mid term plan is constructed and submitted to higher authority for approval Mentor/Chair Notes:     
11 Submit Final Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 11, and start working on the methodology and techniques involved in Electronic Medical Record System (EMR) for effective patient care plan Adequate Progress Final Review 5/11/2019 Your Notes: Submitted the final term plan Mentor/Chair Notes:     

Looking Ahead | Capstone Stage Goals

To ensure that you meet your long-term goal for program completion, it is important to keep track of both your term plan progress (each term) and your term-to-term/capstone stage progress toward completion.    

  Capstone Stage Goal Date Completion Date Journal Notes
1 Prospectus Stage Completion (if applicable) 3/10/2019 3/10/2019 Your Notes: Initial prospectus is outlined. Mentor/Chair Notes:     
2 Proposal/Plan Stage Completion 3/27/2019 3/27/2019 Your Notes: The term plan proposal is made and draft is construted Mentor/Chair Notes:     
3 IRB Application and Approval 4/17/2019 4/17/2019 Your Notes: Submitted for approval to IRB Mentor/Chair Notes:     
4 Final Study Stage Completion 5/2/2019 5/2/2019 Your Notes: Completion of final research study Mentor/Chair Notes:     
5 CAO Approval and Publication 5/11/2019 5/11/2019 Your Notes: Research work submitted fro approavl and publication to CAO Mentor/Chair Notes:     

LONG-TERM GOAL | Anticipated Date of Program Completion: 5/11/2019

Note: Time to completion will vary based on individual factors applicable to the student. Factors may be programmatic or academic, such as tuition and fee increases; transfer credits accepted by Walden; program or specialization changes; unsuccessful course completion; credit load per term; part-time vs. full-time enrollment; writing, research, and editing skills; use of external data for the doctoral study/dissertation; and individual progress in the program. Other factors may include personal issues such as the student’s employment obligations, caregiving responsibilities, or health issues; leaves of absence; or other personal circumstances.

Sample Completed Term Plan | Week 1 Submission

TERM GOAL(S) | By the end of this term, I will have completed:  My prospectus with committee consensus as “Met”

STRETCH GOAL(S) | Additionally, by the end of this term, I will try to complete:  A draft of my literature review

Mentor/Chair Feedback: 

Week Tasks Toward Term Goal(s) Date Completed Journal Notes
1 Submit Initial Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 1 Set up Mentor/Chair communication plan. Meet with chair to review prospectus/goals.   Your Notes: Mentor/Chair Notes:
2 Term Plan Negotiation & Commitment Submit Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 2 Complete prospectus document with revisions from last term and submit to chair.   Your Notes: Mentor/Chair Accepts Plan: [Select] Notes:
3 Review Writing Center literature review resources and begin work.   Sample Your Notes: Mentor/Chair Notes:
4 Meet with chair for any final notes on prospectus.   Your Notes: Mentor/Chair Notes:
5 Second member prospectus review.     Your Notes: Mentor/Chair Notes:
Midterm Progress Check | Submit Updated Term Plan | Mentor/Chair: [Select]   Mentor/Chair Feedback: 
6 Submit my renegotiated term plan. Schedule one-on-one meeting w/ librarian to find more sources for literature review.   Your Notes: Mentor/Chair Notes:
7 Complete additional prospectus revisions and finalize document based on all feedback. Work on literature review.   Your Notes: Mentor/Chair Notes:
8 Continue work on literature review.   Your Notes: Mentor/Chair Notes:
9 Attend residency. Finalize Prospectus   Your Notes: Mentor/Chair Notes:
10 Post the agreed-upon prospectus in MyDR. Submit literature review draft to chair.   Your Notes: Mentor/Chair Notes:
11 Submit Final Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 11 Keep working on literature review. Adequate Progress Final Review   Your Notes: Mentor/Chair Notes:

Sample Completed Final Term Plan | Week 11 Submission

TERM GOAL(S) | By the end of this term, I will have completed:  My prospectus with committee consensus as “Met”

STRETCH GOAL(S) | Additionally, by the end of this term, I will try to complete:  A draft of my literature review

Mentor/Chair Feedback:  Your goal is appropriate/realistic for the term. Make sure that you work on your lit review while waiting for committee member feedback.

Week Tasks Toward Term Goal(s) Date Completed Journal Notes
1 Submit Initial Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 1 Set up Mentor/Chair communication plan. Meet with chair to review prospectus/goals. 3/4/20XX Your Notes: Submitted Plan-3/4. Will talk with chair on the phone every other week. Email, as needed. Mentor/Chair Notes: OK
2 Term Plan Negotiation & Commitment Submit Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 2 Complete prospectus document with revisions from last term and submit to chair. 3/11/20XX Your Notes: Finished revisions this week! Mentor/Chair Accepts Plan: [Yes] Notes:Submission-3/11/20XX
3 Review Writing Center literature review resources and begin work. 3/18/20XX Your Notes: Reviewed 2 archived webinars on writing the literature review. Began writing literature review. Mentor/Chair Notes: Phone call-3/18/18
4 Meet with chair for any final notes on prospectus. 3/20/20XX Sample Your Notes: Met with chair early b/c out of town this week. Made final few revisions to prospectus. Mentor/Chair Notes: I’m OK w/ prospectus-3/25
5 Second member prospectus review.   3/25/20XX Your Notes: To 2nd member for review 1 week early! Mentor/Chair Notes: To 2nd member-3/25
Midterm Progress Check | Submit Updated Term Plan | Mentor/Chair: [On Track] Mentor/Chair Feedback:  You are right on track to meet your goals!
6 Submit my renegotiated term plan. Schedule one-on-one meeting w/ librarian to find more sources for literature review. 4/8/20XX Your Notes: Renegotiated term plan with chair-4/8.  Met with librarian – 4/15. Mentor/Chair Notes: Plan OK; 2nd returned revisions on April 9.
7 Complete additional prospectus revisions and finalize document based on all feedback. Work on literature review.   Your Notes: Still working on revisions – not done yet. Mentor/Chair Notes: OK for next week.
8 Continue work on literature review. 4/29/20XX Your Notes: Mostly done with revisions this week; finished after residency. Mentor/Chair Notes: OK-residency
9 Attend residency. Finalize prospectus 5/6/20XX Your Notes: Went to the Atlanta residency this week. Met with chair – 5/9/20XX. Mentor/Chair Notes: Prospectus finalized 5/12/20XX
10 Post the agreed-upon prospectus in MyDR. Submit literature review draft to chair. 5/13/20XX Your Notes: Submitted and met with chair on next steps. Used the notes from the librarian to work on literature review this week. Have 8 pages so far. Mentor/Chair Notes: Keep working on lit review
11 Submit Final Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 11 Keep working on literature review. Adequate Progress Final Review 5/20/20XX Your Notes: Submitted End-of-Term Plan by Day 7. Also have 15 pages of lit review done! Mentor/Chair Notes: Prospectus goal “Met” in MyDR

The impact of financial difficulty on the students: A case study of the Indian students studying in the universities of Sydney

Chapter 1: Introduction


            The field of education is vast and expansive. It is not limited only to a particular geographical territory but rather is found everywhere in Earth. With the introduction of the period of globalization and liberalization, the territorial boundary of the different cities of the world had been made open to each other. People now have the freedom to move across such geographical boundaries in for their own purpose and interest. Such interest also includes that of education. The importance of education has arisen to a significant extent in the contemporary period. With the rise in globalization, people around the world now have the opportunity to travel to any place of the world for various purposes. One of the main motive of travel can be observed to be that of education. This is because of the capitalist nature of the economy which has instigated the people to increase their merit. It is for this purpose that the students are travelling all across the globe in order to find better education for their own intrinsic development. Australia is one of the educational hubs of the world. This country offers many opportunities to the people where they can specialize in and make their career out of it. As a result, they migrate to the land of Australia in order to find better educational opportunities. In this sense, a situation has been observed where many Indian students are taking admissions in Australian Universities. However, often times it is observed that such migrated students face a lot of difficulties in living in a foreign countries. One such difficulty is that financial constraints faced by the students who study in a foreign university. For higher studies, money is required as education is not free for the people after a certain age period. In this scenario, it can be observed that the people who are studying in one of the foreign universities, often struggle and face a lot of difficulties as a result of their financial constraints.

Problem Statement

            The aim of the research is to analyze the various financial constraints and issues faced by the people who migrate to other countries for their educational purposes.     

Research Aim

            This research seeks to analyze the impact of financial constraints on the Indian students who are studying in Sydney and the various problems faced by them due to the presence of such an obstacle.

Research Objectives

            The research objectives are as follows –

1. To analyze the various obstacles and challenges faced by a person living in a foreign country.

2. To examine the living conditions of a student studying in a foreign university from a financial perspective.

3. To look in to the various financial constraining factors impacting the living experiences of Indian students in Australian Universities.

4. To recommend certain measures that will aid in the improvement of the living conditions of the Indian students in Australian Universities.

Research Questions

            The research questions based on the research aims are as follows –

1. What are the various obstacles and challenges faced by a person living in a foreign country?

2. What is the living conditions of a student studying in a foreign university like from a financial perspective?

3. What are the various financial constraining factors impacting the living experiences of Indian students in Australian Universities?

4. What are the certain recommendations that can be implemented which will aid in the improvement of the living conditions of the Indian students in Australian Universities?

Research Rationale

            The research will enable the researcher to understand the financial issues faced by a young student who has migrated to another country for educational purposes. While the gaining of knowledge and better life opportunities may be the primary focus of any individual, he or she needs to understand that migrating to another place has serous sociological and financial implications. The people of that place may be different not only in terms of cultural orientation but also in their behavioral issues and personality. This may pose certain difficulties for the young scholars to integrate themselves in to the mainstream community of the native population of that place. Moreover, due to such financial issues, there can be certain psychological issues as well whereby the emotional capability of the concerned individuals may be affected to a great extent. They may feel isolated and alienated by the people of that place and hence, they might encounter bouts of depression and other such psychological issues. The research will prove to be effective in analyzing the various challenges faced by the foreign students studying in a university in another city and help to resolve such problems. In this respect, this research will show what are the various financially constraining issues faced by the Indian students who are studying in a university in Sydney in Australia and the related social or psychological issue they face as a result of such financial issues.

Chapter 2: Literature Review


            The purpose of literature review is to provide the data garnered from other authors reading the same field of interest. In the process of gathering data through the means of literature review, various secondary sources shall be analysed. These sources would include different types of books, journals and articles and other similar sources which contain information about the same issue. The aim of this research is to analyse the various financial constraints that are faced by the Indian students living in Sydney for educational purposes. Their living standard shall be examined and looked in to from such various sources of literature.

            In the contemporary globalised world of today, the field of education has made it necessary for the students to travel to various parts of the world in order to gain more knowledge. According to Mesidor and Sly (2016), education is a vast field and the more a person is educated, it improves the future prospects of that individual. Imbibing more knowledge by a person means that he or she is more well read and educated than the other people of their age. This gives them an added advantage when they search for jobs during the latter times of their life. However, a main problem that is faced by a person who is desirous of getting the best education available is their financial constraints. Often times it is observed that people do not have the liberty to go abroad and study due to the fact that they do not have enough finances (Mesidor and Sly 2016). Moreover, in the event that they do manage to garner enough funds to go abroad, they are barely able to pay their tuition fees, much less enjoy a proper standard of living. In this context, it is often seen that the students who go abroad to study, face a lot of financial constraints.

            However, as argued by Harmon (2015), it has been noticed that Australia has emerged to be one of the educational hubs of the world. Many students migrate to this country in search of better educational opportunities. This is significant in the respect that for many people the living standard of Australia is considered to be too high. For instance, the people who are migrating from the region of India often face the financial constraints in the sense that in their native place, educational is not that expensive. However, in Australia, the living standard is considerably high and expensive and this has an adverse impact on the Indian students who are not financially strong (Harmon 2015).

            Thus, from such sources of literature it follows that the students who are studying in a university which is not in their home town faces a lot of problems. One of such difficulty is that financial constraints faced by the students who study in a foreign university. For higher studies, money is required as education is not free for the people after a certain age period. In this scenario, it can be observed that the people who are studying in one of the foreign universities, often struggle and face a lot of difficulties as a result of their financial constraints. The main purpose of this research study is to find the various reasons which impact the students living in foreign countries. The living experiences of such students shall be analyzed in detail in this research study in order to understand what are the various issues faced by them,

Chapter 3: Proposed Research Methodology


            In order to carry out the research aimed at analyzing the living experiences of Indian students in Australian Universities, various secondary sources shall be analyzed in the form of books, articles and journals. The main purpose of the research is to look at the various financial issues which impact the living experience of an Indian student who have migrated to Sydney in Australia for educational purposes. For this purpose, the research objectives shall be analyzed from a positivism perspective where thematic analysis shall be utilized. The information gathered from these themes shall be analyzed in a subjective manner with the help of qualitative analysis.

Research Outline

            For this research study, interpretivist approach shall be followed whereby the data collected from the various literature sources shall be analyzed in accordance with different themes. The body of literature shall be looked at with the help of deductive approach where the information gathered from these sources shall be analyzed. The entire research study shall take the form of a descriptive study where literature review form of research strategy shall be followed. While analyzing the data, thematic analysis shall be followed where the data gathered will be analyzed in a subjective manner.

Research Philosophy

            The research philosophy that shall be followed in this research study is the philosophy of interpretivism. The research philosophy of interpretivism follows the method of analyzing the gathered data in a qualitative manner. The study aims to analyze the various social and the psychological hurdles faced by the Indian students studying in the universities of Australia. In this respect, the interpretivist approach will enable the researcher to collect data from the various secondary resources such as books, journals and magazines to understand the implications on an individual from living in a foreign country. The data is interpreted from the various sources it is collected from and then applied to the chosen field of interest. The interpretivist approach will support the researcher in maintaining the validity of the research study and aid in improving and developing the research in a detailed manner.

Research Approach

            In this research study, the deductive research approach shall be followed. This is significant as the data gathered from the various sources shall be analyzed. A hypothesis shall be developed based on the existing sources of literature and then a research strategy shall be developed in order to test the given hypothesis. Deductive research study helps the researcher to make an effective judgment of a particular research hypothesis.

Research Design

            The research study will follow a descriptive research design. Descriptive research design is useful as it involves both the characteristics of exploratory and explanatory research design. This is important as the exploratory portion of the research design will explore the various factors which impact the Indian students in Australian universities at a psychological level. Moreover, this will help the researcher to explain the sociological implications on such students studying in a foreign university and living in an unknown environment.


Mesidor, J.K. and Sly, K.F., 2016. Factors That Contribute to the Adjustment of International Students. Journal of International Students6(1), pp.262-282.

Harmon, G., 2015. Australia as an higher education exporter. International Higher Education, (42).