Executive Summary

This is a report of system implementation in the My State University feedback system. They wanted to implement an integrated feedback system to get the real time feedback and reference from the student and make an integrated system based on these feedbacks.

The main theme of the feedback system is to cover three areas:

  1. Course Material: The kind of course material and their usability in learning of theoretical and practical learning. Whether the course material is of comprehensive contents and providing a deep understanding of the course or not.
  2. Assessment Criteria: The assessment criteria of My State University is of good quality or not. What are the new requirements that are required to added or removed from the assessment criteria?
  3. Marking Criteria and feedback to the students: Student are satisfied with the kind of marking and feedback they are receiving in the university exams or not?

These three aspects are covered while making a plan for the feedback system. My State University is looking to prepare a face Book page for this concept. Where the student can login and provide their feedback to the university website. The feedback will be redirected to the administration panel and the quick and effective step will be taken over each and every feedback.

This concept will be helpful to the university to make them more effective and comprehensive and student centric. They will be receiving the feedback over the main aspects of a curriculum and based on these concerns the university management will be working towards the better implementation of the feedback system and concerned steps to make the system more comprehensive and integrated.

In this report we will be discussing about the ICT system, Business system and the cost schedule for the implementation of the feedback plan.





My State University is looking for an effective feedback system for their university students to understand the students comment and feedback over their curriculum, course structure, assessment criteria, marking criteria and the kinds of feedback the students are getting from their moderator or teacher. They want to know whether the students are happy and satisfied with the university criteria or not. It is very much important to understand that what is important and required for students point of view for the better growth opportunities of the student that will directly reflect the growth of university (Elmore, 1979). They want to make the whole system more comprehensive and transparent to make the university more students friendly and to make a better relationship between the student and the teacher. Their main objective is to know the student concerns that are actually paying for their student to the university. Till now there is no feedback system in My State University and that may work as a loophole in the system. To take a proactive step the university management decided to make the comprehensive plan for the student feedback and to implement these feedbacks for the betterment of the university.

They want to develop a face Book page to their website where student can login and give their feedback that would be kept confidential. The data driven feedback system is always helpful in getting the effective research results and findings (Klahr, Dunbar, & Fay, 1990).











The main objective of the report consists of following three aspects:

  1. ICT system required to implement the plan: Information and Communication technologies are one of the most important aspects for the better implementation of the plan. It gives a better insight and reach to the target client and better accessibility with a secure login system.
  2. Business system required to implement the plan: There must be some kind of business system that would be helping the whole feedback plan to make a profitable concern in this huge investment. If the university is making a huge investment in the feedback system then there must be some kind of output from this concept that would be further helping the business to grow. The kind of administration and the business system to overlook the aspects of the feedback system is again required to implement the plan in a better way.
  3. A comprehensive costing schedule: The cost incurred is again required to understand and predicted that can be collected and invested to the implementation of the plan. Cost is one of the most important aspects for the successful and effective implementation of any plan. Same with this feedback system, the cost schedule should be prepared effectively to make a better understanding of the costing to implement the feedback face Book system.

These three aspects will be covered specifically in this report and we will be making a comprehensive overview over these aspects of the implementation of the feedback plan.








ICT system

Information and communication technologies are required everywhere in current scenario. Everything is going to become technology based aspects in current scenario. In each and every concept there is a kind of information and communication technology required for the better implementation and working of the concept.

Here in this face Book feedback system, we will be having a kind of feedback page for the student on the My State University website. The student can register themselves and generated their login ID and password. After logging in to the page they will be seeing a blinking tab on the left middle corner of the page i.e. “FEEDBACK”, as soon as the student click of the feedback tab, they will be redirected to the face Book page. There they can give their feedback related to the course material, assessment system, marking criteria and teacher feedback. After filling the form they can click to the submit button and their feedback will be submitted to the administration department.

The whole system is very much user friendly and the student can also use this system in their multimedia cell phone. They can also generate a kind of group to this page and make a public blogging regarding the issue or any feedback for My State University. They can also send invitation to the other student and their colleagues to join them. They can make a better conversation and then can give their collaborative feedback in a group-wise system. This will be a kind of comprehensive and better feedback system to understand the need and requirement of the students and to implement those factors accordingly.

To implement this system they will be needed a comprehensive and update server that can fetch the student data, that can run effectively and without any intervention.

There should be a special focus towards the speed of the website and the page. Students have less time to spend on the feedback, so we need to make the page more users friendly and less lengthy.





Business System

The business system will provide the approval and authority for the implementation of the plan. The plan and blueprint will be submitted and shown to the management and after their approval the plan will be implemented. So it is very much important to make an effective blueprint of the plan, so the management and pass the plan and can rely on the credibility of the plan. Inquiry task is always fruitful and effective in getting the optimal output and this will also save time, data driven feedback system is the best way of getting the effective findings in an optimal way (Klahr, Dunbar, & Fay, 1990).

Implementation of the feedback system may lead to a change in the whole working of the university. So there is again a requirement of better change management program in the University for the Better understanding of the implementation of the feedback system.

To implement the new system we need to provide better and updated training to the employees for better understanding of the feedback system and to make an effective use of the system. We also need to educate students regarding the implementation of the student feedback system to the website as face Book page. They should be given a brief about the working of the feedback system and the whole procedure should be described to them by the profession training team.

This will lead to the effective implementation and usability of the feedback system.









Cost Schedule

While making any plan we need to consider the cost schedule as to understand and predict the cost incurred in the project starting from planning to the implementation. The cost should be managed by the management and that cost should be utilized by the effective use of the plan. If the system is not working properly of not being used effectively then there is no sense of making such a huge investment.

The cost schedule for the feedback system is as follows:

  1. Web development cost: The feedback page will be developed by the web developer team. This will cost around $5500.
  2. Updating the technology: As per the requirement of the new system the whole technology should be updated and it may lead to removal of some technological tools and devices that may not be supporting to the new plan. So they need to be updated or changed for the better support of the plan.

Cost incurred: $25000, may vary depending upon the modification or change of the technology.

  1. Training to the student and employees: Training and development of the student and employees according to the new feedback system is required. This will help the students and employees to better understand the new feedback system and they can use it properly and effectively.

Cost incurred: $5000 for 10 sessions.


Total cost: 5500+25000+5000 = $35000

These aspects will be covered in the major cost considerations and apart from that there may be some miscellaneous cost will be incurred while implementing the plan.

We can see the huge costing over this feedback concept being incurred by My State University. This means they need the system to make the proper use of the other system like the study, assessment programs, and other criteria that is being followed in the university.

Reference List

Dewey, John (1902/1990). The Child and the Curriculum. The University of Chicago Press,



Elmore, Richard F. (1979). Backward mapping: Implementation research and policy decisions. Political Science Quarterly, 94 (4) 601-616.


Klahr, D., Dunbar, K., & Fay, A. L. (1990). Designing good experiments to test bad hypotheses. In J. Shrager & P. Langley (Eds.), Computational models of scientific discovery and theory formation (pp. 355-402). Palo Alto, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.


System Implementation, online available at [accessed on 23 May 2012]


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