Biology assignment help on: Bio security and diseases

Biology assignment help on: Bio security and diseases

IntroductionSample AssignmentThis essay gives the brief overview about the Bio security and how it is managed at both a national and a regional scale. This essay also mentions the three examples on the bio security. In general, Bio security considered as the security of the country’s environment, people and economy from the unwanted exotic diseases and pests. It comprises attempting to safeguard new diseases and pests from eradicating, arriving and controlling those present already. It is viewed that Bio security helps in keeping New Zealand Country free of harmful organisms and managing; controlling and eliminating them must they prevail in country, to safeguard or minimize any type of damage these might cause must they prevail and to preserve and safeguard the water, land, industry and the individuals of the New Zealand. The Conservation Department manages 8 million land hectares and approximately 30% of the land area of the New Zealand. The Conservation Department is accountable for protecting and preserving these regions, comprising managing the threats from the invasive diseases and pests. It is viewed that New Zealand has distinct ecosystem which emerged without several plant and animal groups searched elsewhere like ungulates, cats, great leguminous shrubs and freshwater plants. In general, various species prevail with the humans and threaten the existence of the different native species. Unwanted Organisms may harm:

  • Crops
  • Livestock
  • The environment
  • Beneficial Organisms
  • People

 Bio Security in New ZealandGet Sample AssignmentIt is essential that the New Zealand should have bio security for security of the country’s environment, people and economy from the unwanted exotic diseases and pests.[1] In New Zealand, trade and Bio security are immensely significant because primary industries considered as essential to the economic well-being of the New Zealand and tourism about the intact ecosystems are not raddled through consequences of the exotic species[2]. It is very clear that travel and trade of the New Zealand are developing very fast as the outcome of such the traffic, New Zealand Country is subjected to the invasion through destructive and unwanted exotic organisms. It is viewed that the Country needs bio security caution for protecting the country from the economic and environmental damage from the pest invader and severe threats of the health such as avian influenza. It is viewed that the variety of the organisms poses the possible threat to the New Zealand Country from the economic, human health and the environmental perspective. Because of the bio diversity throughout the New Zealand, it is considered as the multidisciplinary region comprising economics, management, sociology, biology and operations. Bio security reactions are complex operations which are needed to maintain the variety of the conflicting value groups. New Zealand should have the first class system of the bio security. Maintaining diseases and pests out of the island nation is mandatory for the primary producers, livelihoods and the safeguard of the unique native fauna and flora. To sustain in the international markets, primary producers are required to give assurance of the bio security to the customers. With travel and trade increasing in the globalized world, pressure on the borders becomes more acute and incursions on the pest are enhancing. It is viewed that the Country needs bio security caution for protecting the country from the economic and environmental damage from the pest invader and severe threats of the health such as avian influenza. In general, Labour of the New Zealand thinks that the impacted local communities and industries have the bigger role in reacting to such kind of threats.

This diagram depicts the Bio security System.

MAF Bio Security: MAF Bio Security in New Zealand considered as the lead agency of the bio security system of the New Zealand. It is encompassed with the role of the leadership, social, cultural and environmental outcomes.[1] It has animal trade and global trade responsibilities. The MAF has entire accountability for the bio security and considered as part of the bio security of the New Zealand. There are functions for the regional, central and domestic government, groups of the community and individual.[2] It is very clear that responsibility of the MAF Bio security to make sure that the New Zealand Country stays free from the dangerous diseases and pests. Strict rules are there for all belongings and travelers entering into the New Zealand by sea or air.



Regional government: Regional Government play functions as both deliverers and regulators of the services of the bio security. The Act of Bio security 1993 permits regional council to monitor the pests by forming strategies of the pest management. These make out the strategy objectives, the pest to be eliminated or managed and the management methods.

Bio Security New Zealand: It is viewed that Bio security New Zealand is having the accountability of safeguarding the Country New Zealand from the exotic diseases and pests. It safeguards the country with the help of monitoring, surveillance and prevention activities. The basic prevention procedure is controlling of the ballast exchange of water that is needed to taken place as well as port areas. The new global protocol is implemented in year 2008. It is viewed that the Bio security in the New Zealand has authority to need that the vessel be slipped and bio-fouling eradicated.Buy Sample Assignment Possums

It is viewed that Possum is called as pesky pet. There are approximately 30 million possums in the area of the New Zealand and that is about 7 possum per person. Possums shall munch approximately 9000 tonnes of the berries, leaves and fruits every night. It is viewed that first possum was brought in the New Zealand in year 1837 from the Australia. It is very clear that various trees in the Australia have possum defense like prickles, poisonous leaves and spines. It is viewed that possums in the New Zealand have no any natural enemies that is the reason number of the possum is enhanced so quickly. The possums are not safeguarded in the New Zealand because it is the pest. In general, possums are doing lot of the damage to native animals, plants and birds. Possum was brought to the New Zealand to initiate the fur industry. The increasing trade of the fur, trappers killed approximately 20 million possum in the year[1]. In general, people did not feel the danger possums could cause to the wildlife and the forest.

Gypsy Moth

It is viewed that gypsy moth is the invasive species from the Eurasia and discovered in the New Zealand but was eradicated with the intensive programme of the eradication. It is very clear that the Gypsy moth is having disastrous consequences on the agriculture planning of the New Zealand and to safeguard the moth from becoming formed. The eggs of the Gypsy Moth are searched throughout the checks of the bio security and generally on used instruments. In year 2003, the live adult moth in good situation was searched in Hamilton


It is very clear that Didymo is the microscopic pest which can be spread by the single water drop. To safeguard the didymo spread, the individual must Check Clean, Dry the Gear when transferring among the waterways and treat each and every waterway such as it is contaminated with Didymo.[1] Didymo may attach itself to the river, stream and the lake beds and may form the layer of thick brown which smothers rock, submerged materials and plants. Didymo may be found on the rocks in the moving water and it is mistaken for toile issue and fiberglass. It is usually tan, yellow and brown in color.

Bio Security at the National Level

National shall work with the industries to make sure that the strategies are in place before there is the incursion that poses the great danger to the New Zealand. It is viewed that Varroa Mite was established in year 2000, but the strategy of the pest management was not started till Feb 2005. Industries which have suffered with the bio security incursion are in the favor of proactive approach. This predetermined kind of strategy that shall be agreed with the industry shall be called as the Emergency Plant, Marine and Animal Disease Response Agreement. National shall introduce the framework for resolving the shortcomings in the existing approach to deal with the bio security incursion by bringing out the industry, central and local government together to create decisions. Under the current framework, MAF may retain its role of the leadership in reaction and finance the phase of the investigation and impacted MAF and industries might create joint actions about the incursion resourcing and management with the help of action –making committee. Throughout the responses of the incursion, impacted industries could work with the MAF for managing the reaction and collaboration on the operational matters.

National shall also make sure the Crown for fulfilling of the obligations as the landowner. Crown purchased the land approaches and half of New Zealand mass of the land. For this land, there are distinct issues of the pest management, management and priorities requirements.[1] Pest weeds and threats don’t understand the land boundaries or ownership. It is viewed that the National shall view the Act of the Bio security. This shall make sure that Minister may put in place strategies and funding immediately. Legislation currently had rushed with the House due to the action of the High Court over the Import standard of the Health.

Planning: It is viewed that no border system of the control can be 100% effective.  The zero risk border cannot be possible although if all trade and travel stopped because the organisms may be introduced through the wild species. The task of the bio security is created more challenging through possibility of the climate change and related ecological alterations to reveal new diseases and pests. Risks comprise human pandemic from the disease, various risks of the animal like mouth and foot disease and the horticulture pests. Labor shall make sure the evaluation of the biological, physical and economic environment concentrates on identifying and predicting emerging and new threats of the bio security.[1] Labor shall continue to enhance systems for transacting with critical biological threats like avian influenza. Labor shall form extra expertise in the marine travel and search of the water borne organisms and pests. The greatest assets of the New Zealand are its significant geographical isolation. It is viewed that approximately 10% world’s diseases and pests prevail in the New Zealand. It is very clear that New Zealand is famous for its farming, natural beauty and vegetation and main parts of economy are dependent upon the environment of the Company.

Bio Security at the Regional LevelBuy Assignments OnlineRegional strategies: It is viewed that unwanted organisms in Country New Zealand comes under the regional strategies of the pest management. These transact with weeds and pests such as wilding pines and rabbits. Labors shall hold regional council to make sure that their programs and strategies for controlling weeds and pests are effective and up to date. The first strategy of the bio security of the New Zealand was issued in year 2003 by the Council of the Bio security. The strategy made the new direction for the bio security of the New Zealand for dealing with mounting pressure on system of the bio security[1]. It is viewed that for supporting implementation, the strategic unit of the Bio Security drawing individuals from the agencies of Bio security. The system of the bio security supports the intervention point based upon the 3 activity streams, post border, pre-border and the cross system coordination. It understands that the system of the bio security contributes to wider economic, social and environmental outcomes. It is very clear that the MAF Bio Security in New Zealand continues to consult with interested agencies like Conservation Department, Health Ministry and the land information on the New Zealand. The government holds the ongoing enhancements and recommendations to the system of the bio security with the help of MAF bio security strategic plan of the New Zealand.

 Partnership with Community: It is very clear that the community and the Government are required to work in the partnership for responding to serious threats of the bio security. For example in year 2006, invasion of the red ant in the Napier was successfully eliminated by the Bio Security New Zealand to work closely with the domestic community.[1] It is viewed that the Great scale management of the bio security particularly aerial spraying needs public support and cooperation. Impacted domestic communities should be well informed about the requirement for the action. Maintaining the requirements of the efficient response times with the domestic society consultation is confronting, but the society buy-in is vital if the bio security reactions are to be increased and have highest probability of the success.[2] On this, labor shall react swiftly to the threats of the bio security by making sure that the domestic communities are consulted and well informed. Labor shall form systems for the representative society advisory group to make sure that the apparent communication with public and offer the means for receiving the suggestion from the agencies of public sector on matters of concern.


It is very clear that the New Zealand considered as the trading nation and people cannot get away from that. To maintain the reputation as the trading nation, New Zealand should have outstanding bio security for safeguarding the farmlands, local ecosystems and valued species. New Zealand should continue to permit carefully exotic species. It is viewed that Bio security New Zealand is having the accountability of safeguarding the Country New Zealand from the exotic diseases and pests. It safeguards the country with the help of monitoring, surveillance and prevention activities.  It can be said that the bio security New Zealand has played the crucial role in formation of the regional and national strategies of the pest management and formed new reserve of marine. It is very clear that the variety of the organisms poses the possible threat to the New Zealand Country from the economic, human health and the environmental perspective.  At last, it can be concluded that the New Zealand Country needs bio security caution for protecting the country from the economic and environmental damage from the pest invader and severe threats of the health such as avian influenza.

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