Management Theory and Practice-109017

Elaborate by giving real life examples of companies that have implemented Chester Barnard’s theory in their management and companies which have not implemented them. Compare.

Pioneers Theory

The study of an organization as a regulation is comparatively new; particularly while comparing with additional systematic discipline, and appreciates present organizationconsideration, it is essential to inspect the past relations. It is finest to think not only organization pioneers’ management theory, but also the background and ecological factor that help to elucidate the developmental procedure following the theory. However, organization pioneers may be simply located beside a chronological timeline. By the work of Daniel Wren as a direct, the follow category is working;the scientific management era, early management thought, the modern era and the social manage (Quigley and Robertson, 2015).

Chester Barnard’s Theory

The purpose of this study is to contribute, through the provision of a conceptual basis, to a better perceptive of the character of projects, extending Chester Barnard’s theory. Barnard’s concentrate their studies on the cooperative program (M. Novicevic et al. 2013). These programs are the based on the cooperation of individuals in to get a general purpose. The achievement of a goal via interaction between the companies performs better than the companies’ action taken for each one (Abaninsky, 2012).

Optus is the second major telecommunication organization in Australia. The organization mainly trade in the Optus brand. Although maintaining various completely own supplementary brands, such as Uecomm in the network services marketplace, Alphawest in the ICT services sector, virgin mobile Australia in the mobile telephony market. Alphawest is the company that has implemented Chester Barnard’s theory in their management. It inspires contemporary employees because they provide them with a genuine sense of Optus organization. According to Barnard, history of administration thought combines the two cultures- the art of organizing, and the science of organizing (Shafritz, Ott and Jang, 2015). It provides one of the most and strongest articulate statements in the prose of a rational program formation of organizations. Barnard’s also provides a lucid analysis of the economy of incentives required to secure contributions the individual participant for organizational purposes. This management understands that alteration is the central problem of Optus organization. The successes of an Optus organization depend on it ability to attract resources.

Aristocrat Leisure is an Australian Industries, which has its management center in the Sydney. It is the largest gaming machine manufacturer in Australia. Aristocrat follows the Barnard natural system theory, because it is the influence of this surface of Barnard, as a natural system theorist stressing the non-rational factors of an organization (Quigley and Robertson, 2015). Aristocrat also uses Barnard symbolic factors; because it influences their organization development and also concentrate on the analysis of symbolic control programs.

Federation Limited is an Australian real estate investment trust company specializing in ownership and administration of Australian shopping centers. Federation Company is not implementing Barnard’s theory on their organization. As a result, the company improves their communication skills, cohesiveness within the formal companies and also not protects their integrity of the individual (Gabor and Mahoney, 2013).Barnard’s theory helps to make balance between maintaining the improving and individual, organizational effectiveness. So their productivity was not growing and also not improves their organization culture because a formal organization helps to improve the work culture.

Angus and Robertson are an iconic online Australian bookseller, book printer, and book publisher (Hatch et al, 2012). The company is also not implementing the Barnard’s theory so that individual does not look for cooperation when the few causes limit the achievement purposes. They need to cooperate in to realize a purpose that they would not achieve individually.

Barnard’s theory is still very valuable and appropriate to a better understanding of the nature of an organization (Kwok, 2014).


Abaninsky, H. (2012). Probation and parole theory and practice. Pearson/Prentice Hall Course Requirements (Lectures, Assignments and Assessments).

Gabor, A., and Mahoney, J. T. (2013). Chester Barnard and the systems approach to nurturing organizations. The Oxford Handbook of Management Theorists, 134-151.

Hatch, M. J., and Cunliffe, A. L. (2012). Organization theory: modern, symbolic and postmodern perspectives. Oxford university press.

Kwok, A. C. (2014). The Evolution of Management Theories: A Literature Review. Nang Yan Business Journal3(1), 28-40.

M. Novicevic, M., Zikic, J., Martin, J., H. Humphreys, J., and Roberts, F. (2013). Responsible executive leadership: A moral-identity analysis based on Barnard’s conceptualization. Journal of Management History19(4), 474-491.

Quigley, J. M., and Robertson, K. L. (2015). Configuration Management: Theory, Practice, and Application. CRC Press.

Shafritz, J., Ott, J., and Jang, Y. (2015). Classics of organization theory. Cengage Learning.