

The word plagiarism can be termed as the wrongful appropriation and the theft of the data of the author’s language, ideas, expressions or thoughts and the data is presented as his/her own work. Plagiarism is considered as the dishonest mechanism and the breach of the laws and the regulations. Further the plagiarism is also subjected to the penalty and the suspension and the students are even expelled from the school or the colleges for such malware practice or unethical methods.

There is a slight difference between the traditional concept and the modern concept of the plagiarism. Under the traditional concept only the data was taken and presented in the self-name whereas according to the modern tradition the plagiarism is moved towards the immorality n the lack of originality in the ideas and the thoughts (Kam, Hue and Cheung 316-335).


Plagiarism cannot be considered as the crime but can revoke the right of the copyright infringement. Majorly in the industry of the academics is prone to the plagiarism and there the event is considered as the serious offense.

 The common form of the student’s plagiarism are outlined below

  • Submission of someone else’s work
  • The passages are taken without keeping the citations
  • The utilisation of innovative quotations
  • Incorrect citation
  • Blending cites as well as un cited sections
  • Citing only some passages (Ehrich 231-246)

Consequences and Results

Due to the high consequences on account of the plagiarism the serious actions have been undertaken and this accounts for greater emphasis on learning more rather than the copying the data and this ensures that more understanding is required on part of the students and the writers. For this act the penalty is imposed along with the fines.

Works Cited

Kam, Chester Chun Seng, Ming Tak Hue, and Hoi Yan Cheung. “Plagiarism of Chinese secondary school students in Hong Kong.” Ethics & Behavior 28.4 (2018): 316-335.

Ehrich, John, et al. “A comparison of Chinese and Australian university students’ attitudes towards plagiarism.” Studies in Higher Education 41.2 (2016): 231-246.