Interview Questions: 981712


  1. Logging is one of the most essential part of development of the software. This provides the support teams and the developers with the glasses that helps the developers to look at what is being really done by the code of the applications actually. The logs have been categorised according to 5 various levels that are, verbose/debug, info, error, warning, critical.
  2. The approach of the global variable is clear and it is easy to debug.  As example it can be said that an application of database can work great with the global variables but when the developer want to make connection between 2 database, problem can be occur.
  3.  Do’s in exception handling:
  4. Use finally or try blocks around the code which may generate potentially an exception.
  5. Postfix the class names of the exceptions with “Exception”.
  6. At the time of creation of new exception must use at least 3 constructors that are common.

Don’ts in exception handling:

  1. When ‘if’ statement will be able to check errors, do not through exception.
  2. Do not swallow exception via putting a catch block that is empty.
  3. Do not use throw ex.

Level 100:

  2. By using hashing, the problem can be solved. By traversing linklist from the head to the end. For each of the encountered element that are new, after checking if that is within the hash table or not. If it is yes then we remove that otherwise it will be put in the hash table.

C++ code:


using namespace std;

struct Node //node of a linked list


    int data; //data as integer

    struct Node *next;


struct Node *newNode(int data) //function for creating new code


   Node *temp = new Node; //function

   temp->data = data;

   temp->next = NULL;

   return temp;


void removeDuplicates(struct Node *start) //code to remove duplicates


    unordered_set<int> seen; //for storing seen values

    struct Node *curr = start; //picking the elements one after another

    struct Node *prev = NULL; //previous value as null

    while (curr != NULL) //condition


        if (seen.find(curr->data) != seen.end()) //if the value has seen before


           prev->next = curr->next;

           delete (curr); //delete current valuee




           seen.insert(curr->data); //insert current data

           prev = curr; //store current to previous


        curr = prev->next; //store previous to current



void printList(struct Node *node) //function for printing nodes


    while (node != NULL) //condition


        printf(“%d “, node->data); //print node

        node = node->next; //store next to node



int main() //program for testing above function


    /* linked list:


    struct Node *start = newNode(10); //defining node size

    start->next = newNode(12);

    start->next->next = newNode(11); //inserting one after another

    start->next->next->next = newNode(12);

    start->next->next->next->next = newNode(21);

    start->next->next->next->next->next =   newNode(41);

    start->next->next->next->next->next->next =   newNode(21);

    printf(“Before removing the Duplicates : \n”);

    printList (start); //list printing start

    removeDuplicates (start); //removing duplicates

    printf(“\nList after removing all the duplicates : \n”); //final list

    printList (start);

    return 0;

}//end of code

  • Time complexity:

O(n), by assuming that the access time of the hash table is O(1).

  • By sorting both of the string and further by comparing the strings that are sorted, the problem can be solved.

C++ code:

#include <iostream.h>

using namespace std;

bool arePermutation(string s1, string s2) //function


            int n1 = s1.length(); //getting the lengths of both the strings

            int n2 = s2.length();

            if (n1 != n2) //checking if both of the strings are same or not

            return false;

            sort(s1.begin(), s1.end()); //sorting both the string

            sort(s2.begin(), s2.end());

            for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++) //comparing both of the string

            if (str1[i] != str2[i])

                        return false; //return to false

            return true;


int main()


            string s1 = “test”; //for testing to print printDups

            string s2 = “test”;

            if (arePermutation(s1, s2)) //condition




            return 0;

}//end  of program

Time complexity:

            By using the O(nLogn) algorithm, the time complexity will be O(nLogn).

Level 200:

By converting the numbers into string this process can be done. As example, integer is 347 and the converted will be yr8. By creating short and unique ids from the numbers ( zero and positive numbers), by allowing the alphabet that are custom to generate unique ids. By suffeling the alphabets on the basis of salt the entire process can be done. Hashids can be a suitable tools for the process.


function toHex(input) {

  var_hash = “”,

    alphabet = “1234567890abcdefghij”, //declaring alphabet

    length = alphabet.length; //length of alphabet

  do {

   alphabet = input % alphabetLength

 hash = alphabet + hash; //hash function

parseInt = (input / alphabetLength, 10)

    input = parseInt;

  } while (input); //condition

  return hash;
