Historical Anthropology: 1290008

My name came from the interaction of the whites and the Africans. My father named me after his white religious leader, Dorothea. The name came from the African religious practices of dancing and singing. The beating of drums and spiritual songs indicated African worship. Dorothea was the name derived from these cultural practices.  The name implied a successful religious leaders that was driven by the hard-work spirit imparted from his preacher. The name was shorten to Dora meaning a “gift from God” which was also similar to that of the then religious leader who was too faithful and helped the people. The name remains to be iconic in the history of the people of America. It is believed the name was inherited from the lineage of the president’s family where my dad’s leader came from.

Nevertheless, the name was also associated with “Dora- the explorer.” The name was common in the boss’s family because it had cultural implications for power and wealth associated with the socialist’s wealth.  My father chose the name because he attributed the wealth to the power of this name.  Thus he feels that after being called the name, the child is likely to become too rich as the first possessor of the name. I often feel too special and empowered once am called the name.  I have the feeling that the name will brighten my future and many fortunes that will grant me the power to rule.  The name has shaped my life academically, socially, and event culturally whether at school or home. I have learnt to follow the character of celebrity who was very polite, keen and humble. I have learnt the art of hard-working from school to home. My motivation has been based on the implication. However, sometimes I feel discouraged and disappointed after experienced some failure of miss out to meet my desires. For instance I had to cry for some days after I failed an exam in my early primary levels. Nerveless, I later had to be motivated and reminded that am a great person and should work hard to meet the future academic accomplishments. My attitude and emotions have been shaped by my feeling about the name. I was ever feeling encouraged and motivated, with high self-esteem.

The name has shaped my character entirely from childhood up to my teenage life. I have been at the forefront fighting for leadership positions at school and any other social event that provide a chance for leadership opportunities. My father has been the major motivator of my quest to become a leader. He informs me about the encouragement he received from the boss and the desired behaviors he wants me to emulate. The name has put a political and historical figure in my life. Additionally, the name also influenced the naming of a world-class show- Dora Explorer. The name often reminds me of prowess and leadership skills that were championed by a person who had my name.

However, my feeling about the name is gradually changing. I have come to realize that it is not guaranteed to become like the first possessor of the name. I have realized that I cannot fully become like someone else who had the name. I have realized that the name has little implication in life other than just holding on the historical meaning of the name. After learning the historical anthropology course, I feel the name holds the historical and cultural meaning of the people of America. It majorly shows the rich cultural aspects of the people America and the slave trade history. The rich cultural implications of the Whites’ interactions with the Africans. I love my name and think it was the best I was given.  The name has entirely become part of our cultural aspect.

I got the name from my parents. I grew up being called the name by those who raising me. I know my father chose the name on my behalf. My grand-parents worked in an industry made up of African slaves who worked in the organization. He therefore, loved working with whites because they were very energetic and free. He was among the few Africans who were of middle class and forced to work under the supervision of whites. It is known that the great-grand father had married white American who had schooled with him.

My name came from the interaction of the whites and the Africans. My father named me after his white boss, lord –Washington. The name came from his favorite white boss who was too kind and free with him. He often liked mentioning the name because he believed that almost all of his possession was driven by the hard-work spirit imparted from his boss. The name Washington was also similar to that of the then president of America who remains to be iconic in the history of the people of America. It is believed the name was inherited from the lineage of the president’s family where my dad’s white boss came from.

The name was common in the boss’s family because it had cultural implication for power and wealth associated with the president’s wealth.  My father chose the name because he attributed the wealth to the power of this name.  Thus he feels that after being called the name, the child is likely to become too rich as the first possessor of the name. I often feel too special and empowered once am called the name.  I have the feeling that the name will brighten my future and many fortunes that will grant me power to rule.  The name has shaped my life academically, socially and event culturally whether at school or at home. I have learnt to follow the character of dad’s boss who was very polite, keen and humble. I have learnt the art of hard-working from school to home. My motivation has been based on the implication. However, sometimes I feel to discouraged and disappointed after experienced some failure of miss out to meet my desires. For instance I had to cry for some days after I failed an exam in my early primary levels. Nerveless, I later had to be motivated and reminded that am a great person and should work hard to meet the future academic accomplishments. My attitude and emotions have been shaped by my feeling about the name. I was ever feeling encouraged and motivated, with high self-esteem.

The name has shaped my character entirely from childhood up to my teenage life. I have been at the forefront fighting for leadership positions at school and any other social event that provide a chance for leadership opportunities. My father has been the major motivator of my quest to become as the boss. He informs me about the encouragements he received from the boss and the desired behaviors he wants me to emulate. The name has put a political and historical figure in my life. I often feel being part of the leadership of this iconic leader –Washington. Additionally, the name also influenced the naming of a world-class city- city of Washington. The city often reminds me of prowess and leadership skills that were championed by a person who had my name.

However, my feeling about the name is gradually changing. I have come to realize that it is not guaranteed to become like the first possessor of the name. I have realized that I cannot fully become like someone else who had the name. I have realized that the name has little implication in life other than just holding on the historical meaning of the name. After learning the historical anthropology course, I feel the name holds the historical and cultural meaning of the people of America. It majorly shows the rich cultural aspects of the people America and the slave trade history. The rich cultural implications of the Whites’ interactions with the Africans. I love my name and think it was the best I was given.  The name has entirely become part of our cultural aspect.