Psychology(Human Memory to Recall) :629915


Experiment:  How well can you remember names?

Imagine that this is your first day in a new job.

You are introduced to a group of colleagues and need to
remember their names.

One of your new colleagues takes you to lunch and
introduces you to everyone.

Your task is to remember as many of their names as possible!

Experiment:  How well can you remember names?

Imagine that this is your first day in a new job.

You are introduced to a group of colleagues and need to
remember their names.

One of your new colleagues takes you to lunch and
introduces you to everyone.

Your task is to remember as many of their names as possible!
Experiment:  How well can you remember names?
Step 1:
Listen to a recording in which the names of
all of your new colleagues are listed.
Step 2:
You will be given a piece of paper -Write
down the names that you remember

Experiment:  How well can you remember names?
Step 3:
a) Calculate how many names you correctly wrote
down (these are called
b) Calculate how many names you incorrectly
wrote down (these are called
False Alarms

Experiment:  How well can you remember names?
Step 4:
Go to the following link (you can also find this on
L@G) to enter your data:

1).  Describe the findings and e
valuate the results

by summarizing the findings and report whether or not they
support your hypothesis or hypotheses.

your results do support your hypotheses, then you can explain
how they contribute to understanding, for example supporting the
theories that you wrote about in the introduction.

your results do not support your hypotheses, then you can offer
alternative explanations for what you found.

is important that your discussion relates the results to the issues
the Introduction

How do your results compare with your research questions and/or
). P
the results in context and suggest how they may be important.

How does this fit in with the literature?

What have we learned?

writing in the discussion can be speculative, suggesting new
ideas, practical applications, suggesting ideas for future research
etc.. You should still cite sources in the discussion.

). Discuss possible limitations

there were any potential confounding variables, you should
mention them here.

could also discuss the generalizability of the results. For
example if all the participants were female, you could say that they
may not be representative of the whole population.

not to be too negative. You can use
etc. to put a positive light on the research.
For example,
….despite the possible confounding effect of noise on
the experiment, we found a large difference between groups,
suggesting that there is a real effect of chewing gum on recall.
4). Conclude

the discussion section with a concluding paragraph that
discusses the importance of your findings.



This is a very important report as far as laboratory work is concerned. Therefore the analysis and interpretation of the data provided by the experiments conducted in the lab will have a positive understanding. This implies that, all the stakeholders will be in a position to understand all the information regarding the data. For the purpose of this report, it is good to note that psychology is a branch of social sciences with some empirical interpretations that will help individuals to have concrete data about a particular research or experiment that has been conducted to express a specific motive regarding a certain scenario. Typically, psychology is a branch of social science that basically deals with mind and behavior. In addition, it fully embrace the entire human aspects of unconscious as well as conscious experience (Eisenmann, Parker & Alstyne, 2006). In that particular case, it may involve some well distinguished thoughts. Through various reports done in academic discipline and social science work, psychology plays a major role in assisting experts to understand various cohorts and individuals so as to research on a particular case and establishment of general principles involves in the empirical research.

In this case, a psychologist is the overall expert in the field of psychology. He is basically a researcher who can have broad classification of a social scientist, cognitive scientist as well as behavioral scientist. These professional practitioners aim at exploring various processes in the human nature so as to fully understand the biological as well as psychological processes in the human nature (Cook, 2017). The results gather will enable them to unpin the human behavior and all cognitive functions. Moreover, some of the psychologist have skills to understand the social behavior of individual in the society as well as mental responses of these individuals. Therefore, this lab report uses these skills so as to interpret the data and findings gathered in the experimental framework. This report will ultimately benefit the society as well as solving various problems in the society that fully affect various spheres of human activities.

It is also very crucial to assert that the lab report is a part of research that can be described as scientific research. This has been done on a wide range of issues that are highly based on the human behavior. The work done by psychologist cannot be fully awarded. They have been working in many fields such as forensic investigation, human development, media and health as well as many settings in organizations and industries. All this information forms a basis of the relevant background concerning psychology and corresponding lab report.

This part aims at summarizing empirical research and findings. From the data attached in this report, certain statistical aspects have been used to analyze variables in the lab report. Statistically, this is very important as far as experiments are concerned. These statistical research have be applied to analyze many scenario and case studies and much have been revealed altogether (Piasecki, 2009). They have unique characteristics in analyzing data ranging from qualitative data as well as quantitative data. They also analyze data having a single variable, two variables and more than two variables. Therefore the empirical research and findings will revolve these statistical tests such a T-test, P-test, confidence interval, hypothesis testing as well as analysis of variance (ANOVA). The finding can then be represented using graphs, curves, bar graphs and other methods of displaying results.

Finally, a rationale for the current research, hypothesis and research question need to be fully understood in the lab report. Typically and statistically, a hypothesis can be defined as a claim or assertion that has not been proved. Therefore, a hypothesis test consisting the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis will be conducted so as to made decisions on the assertions made by both alternative and null hypothesis. All the research questions will also revolve the data on the psychology lab report.

Research question, hypothesis and previous research overview.

This section is very important in any research and experiment. It is usefully in interpreting data from the experiment. Research question in the psychology lab report will try to ask questions on the data obtained and tested using the various statistical test (Klosterboer, 2011). These question will ask why, how, when and all the required underlying empirical assumptions made when conducting the statistical tests. From the lab report tutorial the research question was, how well can you remember names? This results to conducting the experiment that finally resulted collection of data regarding the same experiment.

The experiment rationale for the above case involves testing of human memory. That data collected would indicate that several aspects affect the human memory. Memory capacity is subject to many aspects. The main one is called the schema. Schemas are frameworks that help individuals to organize data and information as they are received into the memory pool. This is usually applicable in reconstruction for recall.

Another aspect in memory capacity is congruence. The information corresponding to the context is recalled and perceived by use of congruence. In that case schemas can have a perfect positive correlation to congruence in the sense that, based on biological sex and gender, the schemas involving the two aspects highly interfere with interaction of many individuals in the entire globe. This would include names as per the experiment. This implies that, the information regarding to gender based on correspondence to schemas and congruence assist individuals in remembering various information. For this case study or the current research, it help individuals in remembering names. The result can be represented in a hypothesis.


This is an assertion that has not been proved (Gaston, 2014). This involves the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

Null hypothesis.

This is statistically denoted as H0.

H0: The remembering of names is congruent.

Alternative hypothesis.

This is statistically denoted as H1.

H1: The remembering of names is incongruent.


The decision will be based on the result of statistical tests on congruency and incongruence. This will determine whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis.


This is a very crucial section on lab report. It typically involves the participants, materials and stimuli, underlying procedures and design.


This experiment attracted several audience so as to be successful. The first cohort of participant were the employees of the organization whose names were to be recalled. In simple terms, they were the specimen of the experiment. Next on the list were the male and female whom the experiment was fully based on their memory to remember names. Finally, the overall controlled of the experiment was the last audience. The controller who in this case can be described as a psychologist would record the results of each individual level of memory based on the right recall or wrong recall. Finally, another participant whom presence was not necessary during the experiment was the statistical analyst. For him, the only required task was to conduct the various statistical tests based on the data submitted to him by the controller of the experiment. The results will be based on the tests done by statistical analyst.

Stimuli and apparatus.

This was a simple experiment that did not require sophisticated stimuli and apparatus. Actually, the apparatus need was the participant memory to recall the names. The characteristics of the names to be recalled was based on the two names of an individual. Therefore, the participant were required to recall two names of the ten workers of the organization. For stimuli, the individual participant would listen to the audio voice to the names to be recalled. At this point, one note that there are many factors that affect human memory to recall information. This can be associated to congruence and schemas. Schemas are frameworks that help individuals to organize data and information as they are received into the memory pool. This is usually applicable in reconstruction for recall (Marylene, 2014). The information corresponding to the context is recalled and perceived by use of congruence. This implies that, the information regarding to gender based on correspondence to schemas and congruence assist individuals in remembering various information. For this case study or the current research, it help individuals in remembering names.


From the simple question, how many names can you remember? Individual participants in the experiment had to follow a simple procedure.

It is the first day of the participant to the workplace. After a lunch break, they are introduced to the colleges and the experiment was to determine how many names the participant can recall.


Procedure 1:

The participant is required to listen accurately to a recording in which the names of all of the new colleagues were listed.

Procedure 2:

Then, the participants were given a piece of paper to list down the names of the colleagues that they could remember.

Procedure 3:

  1. a) The controller to calculate how many names the participant correctly wrote down on that pieces of paper and record the results for statistical test (these were regarded as Hits).
  2. b) The controller to calculate how many names the participant incorrectly wrote down on the piece of paper and record the results of statistical analysis (these were regarded as False Alarms).

Procedure 4:

The controller went to the link denoted as L@G and enter the data concerning the results attained by each participant.


The design for the method is empirical in nature. The design in the method indicates the experimental condition. This can be represented in the table below.

  Biological male voice Biological female voice
Names traditionally associated with biological males. congruent incongruent
Names traditionally associated with biological females. incongruent congruent


Method design is the arrangement of items for collection and analysis of data in a way whose objective is to combine relevance data to the research purpose with economy in procedure. In this empirical part, there exist various types of method designs. Typically, there are three categories of method designs that could be used in this experiment such as explanatory method design, exploratory method design as well as descriptive method design. First, explanatory method design is concerned to description of several causes of a particular phenomenon together with prediction of future occurrence (Maslow, 2011). In exploratory method design, there is formation of the problem, hypothesis testing as well as clarification of conceptual backgrounds associated to the research topic and subtopics. In addition, descriptive method design is based on the alternatives of explanatory method design and exploratory method design (Mohammed & Sheriff, 2010). Its main emphasis is to explain the features of population sample with the assistance of data collected. This implies that this experiment applied the mentioned method designs.


This is where the main analysis of data is to be analyzed into details. Several graphs need to be plotted so as fully indicate the underlying conclusions.

The following tables indicate the results analyzed from the experiment.

T-test for group statistic

Congruency N Mean Std deviation Std error mean
Correct        incongruent










Incorrect      incongruent










From the above T-test statistical analysis, a graph can be plotted so as to indicate the correct error bars. They indicate a graph of independent variables against distribution.


Independent variables

The graph above indicate the nature of congruency based on the population, mean, standard deviation and mean standard error. This graph has a major interpretation for the names remembered by the participants in the experiment. This can also be represented in a bar graph for clarity.


Independent variables

This bar graph is also a representation of congruence in terms of the population, mean, standard deviation and mean standard error.


The congruency has two variables. That is, congruent and incongruent. This cased be recorded as either correct or incorrect. Correct indicates that the participant recalled the names of the colleagues correctly. Incorrect indicates that the participant recalled the names of the colleagues incorrectly. These variables are independent. Incongruent had a population of 187 regardless of it being correct or incorrect. Congruent had a population of 145 regardless of it being correct or incorrect. The total mean standard error for correct congruency exceed the total mean standard error for incorrect congruency (Gioia, Corley & Hamilton, 2013). This implies that the null hypothesis indicated in the context above is accepted. We reject the alternative hypothesis.

Statistic report.

Since we are accepting the null hypothesis, that is, H0: correct congruent, then the value of test statistic is 0.15160. This is based on the mean standard error of the T-test.

The analysis is two tailed test with total degree of freedom recorded at 330.

The observed p value for the null hypothesis is an absolute value of 0.93926. This value has assumed equal variance for correct congruency. Therefore, the confidence interval tend to be in line with the p value. This takes a given direction (Rothfuss, 2008). The effect of the direction is to accept the null hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis.


This part involves findings as per the research question, previous research, methodology and future research.

The findings.

From the analysis of data in the test statistics, we find out that there is a perfect positive correlation between the memories to recall the names as the level of congruency. This implies that, the correct congruency indicate the individuals have bigger memory to recall names. Incorrect congruency indicates that the individuals have lower memory to recall names (Ryan & Deci, 2017). Finally, individual with correct congruent indicate that their memory is completely capable of recalling names of their colleagues.

Previous research.

There are some previous researches that have been conducted. However, the analysis of data was very different from the one used in the current research. Previous research used analysis of variance which was two tailed test (Richard, 2013). However, the results indicates that there is a perfect positive correlation between the present research and the previous research on congruency level to memory.


The methodology in this report indicate a very simple mode of conducting an experiment (Gok & Gok, 2016). There were no complications in the experiment. The great thing in this methodology is the result analysis part (Harland, 2014). The data was well represented in the underlying tests given that the experiment was very simple. Nobody would have expected such results would have been drawn from such experiment.

Future research.

We recommend that more research need to be done in the future so to discover various phenomena and scenario. They need to be fully analyzed using different statistical test not just the analysis of variance as t-test (Trainor & Graue, 2014). It is also possible to analyze the results from those experiments using different statistical tests such as chi-square test (x2 test).


In conclusion, it is very good to have do a successful research and analyzed data in a statistical manner so as to arrive at a certain concrete decision on particular scenario. This report has fully discovered a lot of factors relating to human memory to recall information. Therefore, the report fully appreciate the good work demonstrated by psychology as a department. We hope further research on other fields will be conducted and analyzed in such a manner so as to discover more every day. Researchers need to arise and reveal various issues and hypothesis that have no been proved and can be proved statistically.



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