Arts & Architectures assignment management: “WEIGHT” by Margaret Atwood

Arts & Architectures assignment management: “WEIGHT” by Margaret Atwood

“WEIGHT” by Margaret Atwood

1. Is the work a poem? Note characteristics which will substantiate this conclusion.?

Solution the paper frames is::

No, this work is not a poem rather it is a short story. The characteristics which substantiate it are:

  • This is written in sentences not in lines and it follows grammatical rules which poem usually do not
  • It is organized in short and long paragraphs which is usually not the case with poems, they are organized in stanzas and verses with four to five lines in each verses
  • It is written in a fictional pose which can be defined as narrative that is not based on fact
  • rather than fiction (Ollie Wright)
  • It meets the required length i.e longer than a normal poem (some poems are however very long )
  • Poems give an impression to its listeners that they are listening to a song or lyrics which is not the case with short stories as reflected here as well.
  • The language is easy to understand here, when it comes to poem the language to realize the emotion that is displayed is little difficult and requires more of understanding
  • This is a short story in true sense because they are few character which are involved here with a sense to create unity and create mood rather than creating a plot which ends quickly(characteristic of a poem)

2.What is the poem about? Paraphrase or translate the poem into your own words.

This is a short story from the book called Wilderness Tips written by Atwood Margaret. Here the narrator begins the story by justifying the tile of the story which is “WEIGHT”.By weight she does not mean the muscle or the weight that shows up in the weighing scale rather she means the energy which she feels around her cells and around herself. She describes a man then who is quite wealthy and his wealth is probably the reason for her being with him at that moment. That man is named as Charles. She is trying to get some money out of Charles however it is not meant for her, it is meant for a charity or a good cause. Money would be dedicated for building shelter for battered women named “Molly’s Place”. Molly was a lawyer who was brutally murdered by her husband. The narrator decided not to share the fact of the murder with Charles thinking that this might frighten him. Then she gets back to describing the present moment of her with Charles ordering the lunch where she discovers one commonality between them i.e their fading eyesight  since both of them had to use the glasses to look at the menu. She describes the entire meal of appetizer, soup, salad, endive and the wine glasses.

 She then notices the face of Charles and figures out that he is going to crack a joke with the evident symptom of twitch of jaw muscle and the crinkling around the eye. She finds that joke awful and suddenly remembers her friend Molly, the one  to whom Molly’s place is dedicated. Molly was a friend of narrator. She remembers her and thinks about Molly’s response to the joke and she gets the answer yes. This reminds of her past days of law school where she and Molly shared jokes and busted in laughter. She remembers Molly as a determined person, she had a short stature, big eyes , bangs over the forehead and a little tough chin. Both of them did not have a strong background with respect to their homes but it affected both of them differently. Molly made messes and narrator had dirt phobia. They had big ideas then and they wanted to prove themselves and world of men and they wanted to set up the rule of fair play and justice for all, this was their understanding of law. Molly did not hate men and she was a road kisser however the narrator was looking for that perfect person.

She gets her attention back to Charles who was enjoying his wine. She explores the probability of illicit affair with Charles and justifies this with the informal lunch which they were sharing instead of a formal office meeting. She finds Charles as good looking and relates it to his stature, personality and age. While noticing him she finds design of horse in his tie and asks Charles about his liking in horse which Charles replies as gift from his wife. The mention of his son , daughter and wife conveys the message of stable family to the narrator. She imagines his wife as somebody who is well toned,over exercised and has many tendons in her neck. She also imagines her as wearing small white skirts practicing tennis and feels that she should be thankful to her for she is someone who is doing ego message to Charles which is giving his wife plenty of time to enjoy.

She gets back to Charles and expects the question about why she was still unmarried, the same question arrived and she found herself muffled to answer it, whether to tell a dead fiancé story or she being too choosy. She finally replied as she has been waiting for the big romance and the true love. The reason for her this answer was probably she wanted to keep the option open for Charles. This question reminds her of Molly who got married once. It was actually her who wanted to get married and wanted to have two children and two-car garage. Initially her friend envied her for her bachelorhood and independence that later started her suggesting of holiday locations and travel plan. Thinking of her future in old age home with no one to visit her drove her crazy and sense of loneliness scared her.

She gets back to her discussion with Charles on donation for Molly’s Place where Charles syas that the budget for the year is already allocated to something else and she can expect a positive response next year only. He explains to her that donations are actually negotiations in which the company gets back something when it puts something like in case of hearts and kidney where they can use the company’s logo and gain publicity. When it comes to battered women, if a logo is put besides it might send a signal to public that company is doing Battering itself.

She remembers Molly againwho married Curtis. She found Curtis as a strange choice between all the men with whom Molly had lived. He being so possessive about her and never let her go away from his eye sight. He was also a lawyer. After her wedding Molly got quite busy with her family and kids. Waiter draws her attention back to lunch and asks her feedback. She replies it to be wonderful. Charles then suggests that the battered women should hire good lawyers since he does not believe in the concept of affordability which might be the concern for these battered women. The narrator thenintroduced him to the concept of personal donation and mentioned Bill Henry as one of the donator , she also mentioned about his snore pattern and right-buttock birthmark and how he donated two thousand dollar. This instigates Charles to invite the narrator for dinner which she agreed but not as a price for donation. This made Charles take out his chequebook. Going down the memory lane she rememberedthe last visit of Molly to her office where she looked pale and her face had half circle which was given by Curtis because he alleged her with an affair in office with Maurice. Maurice was a gay and this allegation of Curtis made him labeled as Paranoid by Molly, however, Molly was still very hopeful that things will settle. She was supposed to stay in night with the narrator but she did not turn up. Upon enquiry Curtis replied over phone that she has left him and gone for a trip. It was after a week that Molly’s arms and legs started turning up. She was killed in her last sleep.

The narrator then leaves the restaurant with Charles being unsure of her Wednesday dinner with him. On Friday she decides that she will go the cemetery tomorrow. She will say to Molly that you might not approve my method of doing things but cash is cash and it puts food to the plate!!!

3. Identify the persona (speaker) in the poem. What are the persona’s concerns? Describe in detail the traits of the persona and any other characters in the poem

The person(speaker) is a middle aged womanwho is still single and believes male as predators.She believes male as someone who has the power to betray and frustrate women. She presents herself as characterswho must confront real life and be practical in order to move on in life. She is determined and focused and wants to reach to her goal at any cost. The persona’s concern in the story is to arrange for donations for Molly’s place. Her concern for hers own future also exists as far as her personal life goes, she does not know who is going to visit he in the old age home.

She presents her friend Molly as somebody who is strong headed and determined but impractical when it comes to taking strong decision with respect to relations. Her extreme positivity for bringing things back to place despite all negative signals caused her life.

4.What is the setting (time and geographical location) of the poem?

The story is set in Toronto or in the Canadian woods. All the ten tales of the book Wilderness Tips have same setting. The time of the setting captures decades from the 50’s to the late 80’s or early 90’s. The story tries to testify the unpredictability which life has, its unsolved mystery and it also reflects the moment when there comes a realization that “nothing has turned out” as expected (Publisher Weekly)

 5. What ideas or concepts are set forth in the poem? Is there an overall theme presented or are there several thematic considerations? Insight into human behavior? Insight into specific character?

In her book Wilderness Tips, Margaret Atwood reworks themes, ideas and motifs from her earlier works. In this story her protagonist, a women is a storyteller who can manipulate language for the own purpose making it deal with predatory males and current problems. The language gives the power to survive which is emotional and moral both. In simple words the theme rotates about language, gender and survival

The character of the protagonist presented in the story show that even if there is a sense of “coming apart” , there has to be a perseverance, the character must confront real life and realize their identity .The character of good friend Molly is presented as a fixer who thinks that she can fix things. It was not her depression that killed her rather it was her hope that made her continue her relation with her sick husband who at the end took her life(e notes)

6.What is the tone (author’s attitude toward the subject and the reader)of the poem? Is it light, serious, bitter, and didactic?

The story of the Weight is based on the strong determination of the protagonists to build a charitable home for battered women. The tone of the story is complex with various tones within -it. Author has a Joyous tone while remembering her & molly’s College days in law school. But when she speaks about the rough married life of Molly, author has used compassionate tone for her but a strong irreverent tone for her husband. Molly’s death has been penned down in an indignant, intense but sometimes in a depressed tone from her side. Her sincere effort to build charitable home uses an earnest tone for her effort. Sometime it has hint comic tone in-conversation with Charles. But in most portion of the story it has a bitter tone for the experiences & ends the Molly’s life met with.

7.How appropriate and effective is the diction in the poem?

The diction is used aptly to convey the different tones of the author through the story.While recalling Molly’s husband cruel behavior askeptical Wayis well reflected. When she described her uneasiness about loneliness in life thedistressed & depressed style is used by author. Molly’s optimistic view about her troubled married life has been captured by the author where she is presented as a fixer who believes that she can fix things, even the ruined married relationship. When Curtis tells author that Molly has left her, she describes her feeling in proper irreverent diction.After what happened with Molly, when the narrator thinks of her own life there is a sense ofdetachment with what is going on in her life.

8.Are there noteworthy examples of tropes (metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, etc.) in the poem? If so, identify them and discuss their functions in the total effectiveness of the poem.

Yes there are examples of tropes which are used. Some of them are written below:

  • Density of cells, as if I have been eating heavy metals – Hyperbole
  • It was hope that killed her – Irony
  • I don’t tell him about the claw hammer, or about the arms and legs hidden here and there in the province, in culverts, in wooden glades like Easter eggs, or the clues in some treasure hunt – Similes
  • She was like scrappy little urchin – Similes
  • Twenty years ago I was just out of law school; in another twenty I will be retired, and it will be twenty first century for whoever’s counting- Anaphora
  • I shine away at it like antique brass – Similes
  • He was so broken, he thought that normal state of world was broken- Paradox
  • May be that’s why he tried to break Molly to make her normal- Oxymoron
  • He was plausible enough at first. He was a lawyer. He had the proper suits-Anaphora
  • He is the sort of man for whom waiters are kind of warm-blooded tea trolley- Metaphor

Tropes are considered as very important element when it comes to effectiveness of a story. They catch the attention of the reader or audience. In this story there are plenty of tropes that have been used and they are used very wisely. They have served their purpose of holding attention and presenting emotion in a different way. Use of tropes has helped in conveying the message quickly without actually saying it.

9.Are there noteworthy examples of sound devices (onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, consonance, rhyme) in the poem? If so, identify them and discuss their functions in the total effectiveness of the poem? Explain.

Yes there are sound devices that have been used, some of them are written below:

  • Nobody I know- Alliteration
  • I will have a hot flash , a car crash- Rhyme
  • Charles allows his mouth a small semi-circular smile- Consonance
  • I smile to the right- I smile to the left- Rhyme

Sound devices are used in the story and they have also contributed to the effectiveness of the story. Their selective use has made the entire reading interesting. The use of Alliteration, assonance and consonance has added the fun element to the reading and has added character to the writing. The use of sound devices has helped in portraying human emotions very well(Buzzle).

10.Does the rhythm or structure (including typography on the page) assist or infer the effectiveness of the poem? Explain

As the name suggests, short stories are shorter or they are in brief so each sentence and every word becomes very important. For similar reasons the rhythm of the pose also becomes extremely important. These are also sometimes referred to as” Voice” which is “how you say “what you say (Smarthinking)

 Here in this short story the rhythm and typography are very well planned. The sentences speak the action. Every gesture, every detail are looked up closely and with extreme care. Short stories are known for the conflicts and confrontations with lot of turning points and crisis which necessitates the requirement of scene. Actions, words and subtle facial expressions are looked very closely . In this story as well subtle expressions are described very neatly when Charles is about to tell a joke , the slight reddening, the twitch of his jaw muscle, the crinkling around the eyes. All details are minutely observed which is reflected when she presents her observation of Charles: Dark blue suiting with a thin stripe, conservative tie down the front maroon with a little design. This one has horses.

11. In light of the above criteria of evaluation as well as your own response to the poem:

a) Is this an effective poem? Explain fully.

b) Did you enjoy this poem? Explain fully.

This is definitely an effective story and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. The story’s beginning was well when it tries to justify the tile by relating it to weight. There is clear sense of place and time which conveys the setting. The narrative view point was very clear and focused with no shift in attention. All the characters are very nicely presented which can stay in memory for long. All the dialogue that are presented are realistic and plot driven. The writing style is very impressive; Tropes and sound devices are used effectively. There is plenty of simile and metaphors that are used which adds to the interest. All the actions and scenes are very well presented. The end of the story is also very satisfying. It has all the elements to call it effective.

The story holds the attention throughout. The way the characters are presented makes them feel real. The emotion and the relations are so well depicted. The way metaphors are used and rhymes and rhythm are shown, adds to the reading interest. It can leave a lasting impression with such an ending. I enjoyed it to the fullest.

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