English assignment on: Communication Act on the public interests Relationship between Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

English assignment on: Communication Act on the public interests Relationship between Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

A curriculum is an important and the essential part of the education, as it acts as the guideline for the educator and the learner. This acts as a document for the building up of the process of the track of education. Learning is also an art which holds a particular quality and so there have been many academic theorists and the thinkers who have come up with many theories and the approaches towards education and the involved processes and the factors behind a constructive development of the learner. This concept thus creates a specific model for learning and the subsequent understand. This way the learning and the teaching process becomes mutual and the process remains ongoing. This learning and teaching are those concepts which have certain interventions in their mind so that they can be exercised further. The overall attempt of curriculum models and the theories which they hold is to ensure that teachers bring positive changes in the behaviour of the children and that has to be a cognitive one (Behrent, M. (2009)). Then the process of learning and the teaching is innovative in itself and it attempts to facilitate the improved environment to the students and that the pedagogical means are the ones which are taken up by the teachers. The following of certain curriculum based on the fundamental approach is something that is more practical and advanced that has value for the thought process of the students. An ideal teacher would try and implement the correct attitude and the alternate strategies for the development of the child when others do not work.

For an example, there can be taken a popular curriculum model as designed by Ornstein and Hunkins, the model had two sub parts the first being the Product model and the second being the Process Model. The product model holds the responsibility of generating the positive outcomes for the students as it beholds the quality of the transparency in the curriculum. It is less structured and so the emphasis is on many different things. This model does not believe in prescribing any sources with relation to the outcomes of learning (Gosling. (2009)). On the other hand the Process Model is the one in which the curriculum is planned in a manner which pay focus on the processes, the messages and the conditions which are essential for the processing of the curriculum and the based activities and that pays a strict attention that the outcomes should certainly be positive in nature. According to the academic thinkers Grant Wiggins and Jay Mc Tighe, the design of the curriculum is also as much important as it is for any piece of architecture and the graphic arts. The design of the curriculum according to the thinkers only determine that hoe effective the curriculum would prove for the learners and that whether it would accomplish the goals which it has in the mind. (Wiggins and Tighe. (1999)). The thinkers advocate that the effective curricular designs are ‘backward’ as the teachers would only have to pay attention to the traditional methods of the teaching through the text books and the basic activities which are essential for the development of the learners rather than being subjective initially. Thus, the reverse (backward) ahs to be the key to it, that is the first the desired achievements and the results should be taken care of and then the curriculum should be determined.

Pedagogy is something that is basically practiced in the early years of the learning framework, the main focus of the same is to provide the right opportunity for the children seeking education and that in fact is the determining factor of the different and the myriad ways in which the curriculum can be made. Pedagogy is a reflective phenomenon in nature that would basically mean for the children. In this conceptual framework the child is aimed at by the intention of pedagogical documentation which itself is an inspirational technique for learning, ensuring reflection and transparency for educating the children. Pedagogy is based on the thinking and the reflection capabilities of the teacher and the children, so that they recognising the potential process, so that it could become applicable practically. Pedagogy aims at making the experiences of the education to turn into reality right from the naïve understanding of the concepts from childhood till the time the child grows up and start making out the connotative meaning of the texts (OECD .(2005)).

Essay Writing Tutor SydneyAssessment is something which is important for the growth of an individual in whichever discipline he/she studies. Assessment can be said to be a step ahead of the evaluation process as the assessment includes a complete process of observation, remarks and the suggestion in a much practical and subjective sense. Assessment aims at providing the scope for the child to further grow academically and then professionally. The concept of the assessment can be well observed as it is self-reflective because as one in his own past as a student, then as a grown up and then a professional one is tested, and challenged again and again. Usually more importance as a tradition would be given to the concept of evaluation and its primary focus is always the accountability, the measurement and the bar of the marks which the student fetches in the classroom but assessment is a larger concept and has a scope(Cochran-Smith, M. (2005)). Assessment is thus passed on by an interaction with all the factors that are present in a child’s life that is the siblings, the general behaviour with things in life, the support and the interaction with the family and the immediate environment of the child. In a way it can be brought that assessment goes hand in hand with the phenomenon of the pedagogy as it also aims to instil the best in the early years of the learning. There is therefore found to be a strong relationship among these three features of effective education that is a purposeful curriculum with the prime focus on the pedagogical documentation of the resources along with the proper assessment of the student and the teacher which should be a mutual process.

Sample AssignmentThe teachers follow the curriculum in such a way that attempts to render a moral appeal to the lesson that are imparted. One can explain this by taking an example of the story of Herring gulls, which a short story as contained in ‘Man: A course of study’ under Education Development Centre, Cambridge, one can find that visible learning is highly imparted by the use if this descriptive account in the curriculum and making its best in terms of pedagogy.  Therefore at one step as teachers it becomes the responsibility to let the child questions by changing places with the characters in the story, for example the story is based upon the gulls as the protectors of their children and family (Pollard, A. (ed) , 2010). This would automatically let the children imagine the case within their family systems that how they get protected.  The discussion would be promoted further by the teacher and the discussion over the word ‘successful’ as suggested in the curriculum is important in the social and the cultural domain. As ‘successful’ is something which would relate to the question of survival. At one hand when the story would focus upon the success of the gull parent to control its offspring on the other had the same would be related to the family system of being successfully protected by ones parents (Pollard, A. (ed) , 2010). This part of the curriculum would inculcate in the children the capacity to learn the behaviour of the Gull’s and that would become a metaphor for the way the parents would be dealing with the children. The following part in the curriculum would require the children to think about the urges which these gulls have and on the basis of such urges a teacher holding pedagogical approach would let the children relate it again to the personal life. This way the students can also be accessed and this can be possible even if the student is at home, at the school or outside in the play area as the  knowledge which the child has got would be reflected there and the reactions of the child would make up for the degree of his achievement of the knowledge.

Assignment Writing Tutor AustraliaThe curriculum also makes clear that the behaviour of the gulls change in groups when all if they have different urges and desires and when they clash among each other fighting occurs. Similarly, this pedagogical approach would instil in children the right way to examine the questions that why do they fight with their mates and that why does the fight happen. The word aggression can therefore be related to them so that they can explore about their own feelings. The intriguing questions like why do you think that gulls fight? What do you about why do human beings fight? These questions would automatically challenge their aggression. This stance is highlights the link between the importance of the curriculum and the pedagogical approach which is of much importance in the present times (Department of Education and Training (2002)).

Assignment Expert AustraliaTheories and the Effective Principles in Education

Education is something which has to come intrinsically for to be taught to others with a pure intention of reforming the minds of the individuals. This is basically aimed at the overall development of the child so that he might fare well in the long run. Therefore in the domain of education there can be many theories and the principles which guide the thought process of the teachers so that the educational skills can further be utilised. The first can be Self-Directed Learning Theory, this is a process which would make the learners to take the initiative so that they can diagnose the problems they primarily face in the process of learning. This theory is personally motivating for any educator because it makes the educator to act towards the better that is by making the learner know how to formulate the learning goals they have in their mind, then self-identifying the potential materials and the resources, then implementing the correct and the most appropriate strategies for leaning. This is how following this theory makes the learners to grow capable for the self and so that is called Self-directing theory. The second theory is that of the Experiential learning, this theory is important as it is effective in making the students enter into any discipline with much of an experience in a afield of education as the beholders of the education are the teachers and so it is more effective an education program when the teachers and the students work together where the abundant sue of the observation techniques is made, the clear definition of the concepts is also encouraged by the proper usage of the contemporary mode of teaching like visible teaching and learning and  initiating one-to-one communication practice. Under the theory of the Experiential learning the four important scholarly steps have been given by Kolb, by which experiential learning can take  place in the learner, they are: Concrete Experience (real-life situation), Reflective Observation (considering the possible perspectives), Abstract Conceptualisation and the Active implementation.

Buy Assignment AustraliaFor an educator it is very important to hold certain principles while imparting education to others and making sure that they should be following those principles in a way which is good for the development of the children and the subsequent success in the field of the education. The important principles, as suggested by Knowles are of much significance, like building up of the comfortable zone for the students which should be the most appropriate climate to study in, the active involvement of the learners while the curriculum is being designed, to suggest the interesting lesson plans they might want to undergo (Hassell A, Dacre J. (2002)).

The Curriculum Plan and the Objectives

The curriculum is coherently structured for the learners actually guides them through and as the students keep on gathering the important moments out of the teaching in the class and therefore they can capture the information in a productive way through the activities in the classroom and this is an enhanced way of learning as the teachers in turn would make them reflect on what all they have learnt in the provided sessions. In the ESL Learning discussion play an important role whether it is the interaction that is made between the prior teachers or the older students and the younger ones, this discussion help the teachers and the students to see that how did they relate themselves to the pre-existing curriculum, so that the present ways of learning could be modified in a better sense. The process of learning is self-reflective, it challenges the involved members intellectually, the curriculum in a away acts as the project which is as step by step journey to get education in its most advanced sense so that the future activities for the learners can as well be planned.

Get Sample AssignmentThe curriculum would usually include the observation of the learner and the records of those observations especially in the early childhood programs. In the curriculum the textbooks are set which are useful and important for the learners and the chapters are arranged in the fashion of the lesson plan which has a meaning that should be productively learnt with each passing step this way the cognition of the child is made and the typical behaviour of the child can be made out (Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. L. (1992)). The lessons in ESL are such which are more testing than dictating, and therefore the overall purpose is to set a benchmark or the scope for the learners. This way with the help of the ascending nature of the lessons the same can be helpful for the teacher to assess the student and check his/her individual scope for the proximal development. The curriculum in the 21st century set up of the education is such that puts a check on the intrinsic and the extrinsic motivation in the learners since childhood and therefore the learners are put to more competing exams since their early childhood so that they can be prepared to take the bigger challenge sin life accordingly, similarly this important aspect in education becomes pedagogy.

                                                          Curriculum Plan

                         TOPIC: Language Teaching and Culture in Australia


OutcomeStudents learn to: Students learn about:Language to be taughtTeaching and learning sequence(Pedagogical Choice)


AssessmentQuality teaching

9. A student demonstrates understanding that texts express views of their broadening world and their relationship within it


ESL Scales outcome:

4.6 Relates own culture, knowledge and experience to information in the text.

1. A student responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis and pleasure.9.1 Recognise, reflect on and explain the connections between their own experience and the world of text


respond to imaginative, factual and critical texts, including the required range of texts, through wide and close listening, reading and viewing9.8 The ways in which their experiences and perspective shape their response to texts.

9.9 The ways their experiences and perspectives are represented in texts.Vocabulary:

Setting –  literal and cultural meanings,

 Interpretation of culture

Internet vocabulary: eg

Listening skills-understanding the main idea1(a)- Concept of Culture:

Students brainstorm the idea of ‘Culture’. Have students understand the difficulties with literal meanings/translations

Student task (pairs): use www. to source and read examples of cultural forms from other cultures.

Note: teacher directs students to particular websites.

Teacher reads aloud Australian short story based on culture: Three Boys

Students identify main idea.

Teacher points out that customs and myths for one culture may be truth for another.1a – Use of bilingual dictionaries (eg: personal electronic dictionaries) and

English dictionaries

Sample printouts from Scholastic website: teacher.scholastic.com, of stories from Oceania, South East Asia, China, Egypt, and India.

Students also look at other websites: www.anthro.palomar.edu/culture/culture_1.htm



Short story: Three Boys

(by Sonya Hartnett) at


Informal assessment of verbal participation and note taking skills


Background knowledge

Cultural knowledge

Quality Learning Environment: Engagement

Intellectual Quality:

Problematic Knowledge


Objectives of this Curriculum Plan:


Whenever a student is willing to learn English, definitely he/she makes this choice because there are certain goals to reach. Therefore, for creating a successful learning experience for this student-teacher interface it is significant to lay down the main objectives of this program. The objectives are made on the basis of the most important queries that a student can have:

  1. To impart necessary background and the basic implications of English Language.
  2. Relevance of English as a global language.
  3. Introduce the fundamental value of this language.
  4. Basic rules, lexical issues and grammar system in this discipline.
  5. Its role in enhancing communication and the related skills.
  6. English writing and reading through various activities and the workbooks.
  7. To let the students attain expertise in at least one accent properly.
  8. Introducing various accents of the same language system.
  9. Introduction to Phonetics.
  10. Promoting international and inter-cultural relations.

Though the curriculum plan which has been set is meant for the ESL learners but as much it plays the cultural role and in the field of the education the same can be done at the school level only where the teachers can have the multiple choices in terms of teaching the children that is they have multiple chances and the varied pedagogical choices. These choices should be the one which belong to the contemporary times and are responsible for the better learning and the understanding. The teachers are the ones which have to gather the information regarding the subjects related to the subject matter, but in getting or gathering the information there might occur problems and the dilemmas in finalising the resources whenever they are too many options and one gets confused that what should actually be realised.  The difference is seen through the practiced curriculum and the strategies which are employed to help out the children through the learning process. The teacher in the transparent learning can only initiate learning when the teacher is open to pose a scope for the students to learn from their experiences and the errors if they make any (Bransford, J. et al (2005)). The process of the visible learning can therefore be structured but it is as open in its form as anything. The same also goes for the teacher also who in that case learns from the students also and in fact they seek for the feedback about the way had been practicing the lessons in the classroom.  The visible learning is considered to have taken place only when learning is the sole process which is the central focus, the learning has to be the only centred goal for the teachers and the students, when learning is earnest in its form and is challenging in itself (McArdle, F. (2010)). The visible learning is something which is deliberate in its own way and is aimed at attaining the level of expertise in the field of education.

Another pedagogical choice is the open Criticism which is one of the important phenomenon that are exercised in the context of academic atmosphere, the criticism is something which in visible learning should hold high importance as that is meant to improve upon the skills which are already prevailing in the students and the lives of the teachers. The criticism that is imparted to either of the group is positive and constructive in its approach. The teachers’ feedbacks or the students in this visible learning is solely based on strong and direct observation and therefore the visible learning in the domain of education is seen as something serious and effective in its approach than the regular methods of the learning. In the 21st century the mentioned four aspects are of much importance as they directly influence education and its implication in the lives of the students. The curriculum in this respect can be seen as the documentation of all the stuff that is meant for the polishing of the students. The documentation basically is done with respect to the observation which the teacher makes of the children in the classroom. The observation is the safest and the fairest way with the help of which the learning can be enhanced as the relationship which the adults would form with the children would be ideal and innocent. The curriculum which is usually designed for imparting education to the children contains the proper notes, the podcasts, interesting visuals related to the subject matter like the video clips or images, the significant bunch of artefacts too. Such interesting sources would help the teachers to achieve the satisfaction level for the teachers so that they can help out the children through learning. In the curriculum the designed panels could be included so that the innocent and the fair assessment of the artefacts could be made according to ho the children would explore the resources provided to them, this way the understanding between the teachers and the students could be build up in a appositive manner (Chandler, D. (2002)). This method of visible learning and teaching in this popular era of Web 2.0, can be very helpful for the effective imparting o the education to a child in the early years of growing up as they help in giving the clear picture to the students.

The strategies which are responsible for the teaching and its practice is based on seven important factors: that is the learner as a raw entity guided by the environment and the values, the life of the learner a home, the way the learner fares at school, the curriculum under which the child works, the teachers and his/her ways of approaching the child for learning and the assessment which is made for the development of the learner. The claims which are made in this industry are based on multiple analyses and the respective results on the basis of the analysis and that what influence it had on the students studying at the school level (Lord, P. et al. (2009)). The main idea that is based on Hattie’s research analysis of 15 years is that role of the teachers through the educating years of the child’s life are important and that how powerful is the role of the teacher in providing the feedback to the child. This approach is highly structured in itself and it suggests that the same is visible in all the ways to the students as this practice is inculcated in the curriculum that is designed for the children. According to Hattie, the learning takes place for the child whenever he looks around and therefore he marks out the phrase ‘seeing is believing” and that children and the teachers learn from each other by observing the surroundings and that how the learning taking place.

Assessment and the important Approaches in learning

The assessment is something that provides the closer and a substantial association between the students and the teacher. The assessment is a kind of advanced confirmation of the quality which the students show in their work. Thus, it is another form of the feedback which is presented to the students and thus it somewhere reshapes the prevailing patterns of the behaviour for the student. In the contemporary times the education is seen as a necessity for anybody to stay in the society with reputation and therefore well in collaboration with the standards of academics. One can say that the competing trends around us actually validate that the role of the education is so powerful because it retains the capability to mould the actions of the child completely and instil the positive behaviour which can be positive in for the child in the long run. The assessment can both be challenging and critical for the child, but the ultimate purpose is to motivate. The assessment is a different facet, it is not seen as something measuring or calculative that would judge the child on numerical but it is a kind of review which is highly qualitative in its approach.

Assessment plays many important roles that is first it provides a kind of the feedback to the student, which is diagnostic in nature, that is the feedback analyses that what is the base of the knowledge and the amount of the knowledge which the student has, the feedback also centres itself on how the student has been performing in the tasks which are assigned to him and that is what the sole purpose of the education which is imparted through visible teaching. The assessment also answers that what are the essential requirements of the students in education and that what the individual student needs to be taught. The assessment is essential in this open and the disciplined system of teaching and learning as it also helps the teachers to set the standards for the average student. The standard would then in a way bifurcate that what is the level of each student in the class and it brings out the level of their understanding, knowledge or whether some are mastering the level or not (Bruner, J. S. (1977)).

There are two explicit approaches for assessing the students which a teacher can carry out with relation to the knowledge imparted. The first is the formative approach in assessment this is the one that is carried out by the teacher during the process of the teaching. This assesses the needs of the student and what he/she is making out of the lesson. This approach is flexible and adjusts itself to the requirements of the students. Also, if the students are analysed spontaneously within the classroom and that too openly, then there is seen a greater chance of improvement in the learning of the students as they also get an idea of how the fellow students are responding to the students. The second approach which stands important for the assessment of the students is summative in nature this approach enables the assessment of the learners once the lesson has been imparted to them. This is just like the surprise or the open-ended discussions about the lessons which have been done in the classroom.

 The assessment also evaluates the student and clearly brings the pros and the cons of his/her faring.  The assessment brings on the solution to the problem also that what are the approaches which the student has towards learning and how should there be strategic planning and execution according to the curriculum. The assessment also brings out that how has the knowledge been altered in the student or whether the student shows any improvement from before. The assessment tends to demonstrate the skills in which the student has improved, and whether the new knowledge which the child has gained is working constructively for the child or not.  The assessment of the child leads to the motivation of the child, the motivation is given that the student should also put a regular check at themselves that what exactly are they up to and that how can they plan themselves according to the curriculum in this hour (Collier, P. J. (2000)). There can be many questions for assessment that can be asked by the student to self like, how am I doing? Whether I am faring better than before or not? Do I think that I can perform better if yes, then how can I practice that? What do I think that my area of particular interest is and that how can I work better on it?  in the concept of visible learning it is seen that the teacher should usually undergo self-evaluation, that what can be the measures which they can take up for enhancing the learning among the students and in what ways can the teacher help the students and how can the curriculum be shaped for better understanding of the learners.

Pedagogy and the Assessment supporting Curriculum outcomes

The bigger challenges in the academic procedure can only be decided by the behaviour of the learner and the capacity which a child has related to the curriculum to which he/she is exposed. There are different behaviours of the children which can be sorted out in a child, therefore it is not only the curriculum which decides the manner in which the child would develop but the execution of that curriculum would decide that actually where he would stand in the future and that how would he accommodate in the academic atmosphere (Cochran, K. et al. (1993)). On one hand when one can find the positive outcomes in the long run for these learners but accompanying such situations is the stress in today’s time But, on the other hand it can be said the curriculum is built in the same way which has a set of the pedagogical side to it which can be employed for the learners both at home and at the school level.

The outcomes of the curriculum are potentially positive as the pedagogical choices which have been made are effective in nature and also the subsequent assessment techniques are fruitful in their own way. As the language teaching is a difficult task which has many steps to follow as visible in the curriculum plan, and the prerequisite to that is the effective teaching which is concentrated on marking out a difference in the ongoing trends in a system. The effective teachers have a purpose that actually the students should be made to realise the importance of their long term goals and so the teachers would have to be clear about the next steps which they would take up to teach the students (Brooks, R. et. al (2004)). The teachers are supposed to be much skilful so that they could foster the positivity in the relationship which they want to maintain with the students and invisible learning the teachers make it sure that they add to the existing knowledge of the child and thus do not work beyond what the child already knows. The art of teaching is such which is full of listening to what the child says, to timely answer the queries which the child has to put to the teacher, it is done by being empathetic to the needs and the requirements of the students (Brooks, R. et al. (2004)).

The pedagogical choices which have been made in this plan is supporting the effectiveness of the curriculum as it means to teach the concept to the children first, what is the concept of the culture and that what are the important implications of culture in any language system. The concept of culture would be taught to them and thus they would then be comfortable with the meanings and the translation of the language. The pedagogical approach is such which is making the learners to rely upon the fresh portals and the contemporary web operations at the internet so that they can know more about the topic which is set in the curriculum plan which would render a positive outcome for the learners (Britzman, D. (2009)).

Buy Sample Assignment In the curriculum the assessment which the teachers would follow for the students is unlike the traditional testing method here the students are tested on the basis of what they can relate to and further produce than just a brainless recalling and Xeroxed re-production of whatever they have so far learnt. Though there is no rigid structure that the program follows to assess the student but the sole purpose is only to check that how are students handling and accomplishing the practical applications in a particular context. The assessment only wishes to see the individual growth of the student in learning the new language system, and it is completely devoid of any challenging criteria like comparing the students to one another, because our school only believes in developing the degree of one’s moral than focusing upon one’s grades. Moreover, the assessment of a student would work upon the student’s strength (what they know) than to reflect upon the weaknesses (what they don’t know). The assessment would also focus upon the sense of knowledge about the theoretical aspects of English language to an extent, where the students would be judged by the way they attempt the written tests. The tests would include the grammar part of the language, the literature (basic) and one subjective question related to the importance of learning English as a second language. This way, the curriculum would absolutely be rendering the positive outcomes for the learners (Boud, D. (2000)).

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