EGH404 Portfolio: 1292494

Task 1

 Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6

Task 2

The Box Whisker plot indicate that, generally the sensor values A are greater than those of B. The graph also shows that sensor value B are more centralized about its own mean as compared to those of A.

Task 3

The graph shows that the two variables are not correlated since a change in number of people does not lead to a significant change in the sensor value A. This is shown by an almost horizontal line whose gradient is almost zero if a least square line is to be fitted.  

Task 4

The histogram is right skewed with a peak on the left of its center with more gradual tapering to the right side. This indicator that the sensor value A represents a unimodal dataset with the mode closer to the side of the graph with the mode being smaller than the median or the mean

Part 2

Task 1a

Task 1b

Task 2a

The correlation between temperature and rainfall in the given data set is …

Task 2b

The correlation between Sensor b and the number of people in the given data set is -0.082539.

The increase in temperature does not lead to a significant change in rainfall. However, as temperature increase, a small decline is observed in the rainfall received in a location.

Correlation factor =0.01813

The correlation factor is positive. The magnitude is however small implying that as the number of people increases, there is slight increase in the sensor value B

Task 3

The expected temperature for an area with a rainfall between 15 and 50mm is xxxxx

Add a plot/table of your choice to highlight how you came to your result.

Consider a regression result shown below

The output =rainfall while the target is temperature

From the regression output equation, we have

When rainfall=15mm

When rainfall=50mm

The expected temperature for an area with a rainfall between 15 and 50mm is 13.63 and 84.16 degrees Celsius

Part 3

Task 1

Just a sample, you should display the whole area

Just a sample, you should display the whole area

Task 3

Just a sample, you should display the whole area

Task 4