

This report on Sustainable engineering Practices throws a light on the engineering ethics and what is the best way to incorporate them into the culturally and socially diverse society. We will try to find out the best solutions which are practically possible in the community to inculcate the sustainable engineering practices and that can be learnt by being part of the culture awareness forums all across the globe. The Sustainable engineering practices not only help in developing communication levels amongst the teams but also help in knowing and learning much about the indigenous community protocols along with the communication styles.


1      Introduction

The concept of sustainability and sustainable development tries to analyze and recognize the major problem of need to live within constraints and to use the limited resources in a fair manner. Sustainable development is eth process of moving all the activities which are done by human beings to a prototype which can be sustained in perpetual manner. That is why sustainable engineering development becomes imperative in the society and the constraints which make it so imperative are depicted below in Figure 1. (Dodds and Venables, 2005)





Figure 1: The three dimensions of Sustainability (Dodds and Venables, 2005)


The Culture Awareness Forum which has been chosen for the sustainable engineering practice sis the Gateways to Justice which is an effort of the Department of Justice and it promotes better carrier opportunities for the Koori people in the justice system.

To address  the major issue of over rep[presentation of the Aboriginal People in the criminal justice system , at all the levels  of adult as well as juvenile Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement was developed. This system has taken a major initiative in the form of gateways to Justice which works towards:


  • Promotion of engagement with indigenous communities all across Victoria in order to increase the number of indigenous staff employed at the department of Justice.
  • It also promotes the indigenous employment through government’s strategy of employment by assisting ‘Wur-cum bara’.



2      Cultural background

Gateways to Justice were developed way back in 2003 and its main aim is to encourage, induce and prompt the Indigenous Australians so that they try to egg on a bright career in the Department of Justice in Australia. This Cultural awareness forum was developed by joint efforts and partnership betweendiversity@work and the department of Justice.

Some of the efforts taken by them are:

  • Removing the barriers from entry and developing retention schemes
  • Developing bright paths for career development
  •  Breaking the stereotypes not just in the department but also in the community with wider perspective.


2.1 Knowing about Indigenous Community Protocols and Communication Styles


Cultural Awareness Forum which we have chosen here that is the ‘Gateways to Justice’ has helped in developing great amount of understanding and knowledge about the Indigenous community protocols of the Australian Aboriginals especially the Koori Community.

The calendar developed by Gateways to Justice is a clear cut depiction of Indigenous Australians, showing them that how they achieve their aims using the programs like scholarships, Youth Employment Schemes (YES) and career development programs (V i c t o r i a n P u b l i c S e c t o r: Good Ideas for Managing People, 2004). The opportunities depicted by role models help in telling the readers the ways in which they can explore the various career opportunities in the justice portfolio and system as well.


These initiatives have also helped in knowing and improving the communication styles  as Gateways to Justice has also been able to develop networks with other well-known departments like Commonwealth Department for Employment, Monash university, Deakin Univeristy, The Commonwealth Department of Education, Melbourne Fire brigade. Other communication techniques which were used were the six job fairs held by the name of ‘Create Your Future Job’ all across Victoria in August and September.



2.2 Influence of Cultural Awareness and Knowledge on way of Communication and Work in Team


The facilitators of the job fairs encouraged and motivated the teams to share their live experiences with the teams. This report helps us in many ways our ways of communication with our teams like:

  • My Community My Future: It tells positively about the role models and the stories related to them. Thus in respective teams we can also do the same and share our role model experiences and learn from them.
  • Get the low Down: Helps in knowing about the opportunities available in the justice system.
  • Guess What? : It helps in knowing your hidden skills, the skills which you already possess. Thus within your team you can discuss about threes hidden skills.
  • Getting jiggy with the boss to be: This helps us in developing team spirit and working cordially with our colleagues. It also helps us in developing stronger and comfortable relationship with our superiors in the team.


2.3 Effect of culture and diversity


It has been seen that the An Minh district in Vietnam need some real-time sustainable development programs and there major concerns are related to sanitation and water, housing design and construction, waste management, transport , energy , information communications and technology. With the help of culture and diversity and sustainable engineering practices we can easily develop some program which might help the indigenous community to face these problems, like they can also a with the help of habitat for humanity’s Vision develop some program like diverting the man power to other job fields by creating unique or exclusive opportunities for them in other government departments. We should to try and develop financial education and scholarship programmers amongst the community and along with that the sanitation systems used buy them should be upgraded to make their living conditions and health problems will automatically reduce (EWB Challenge – Habitat for Humanity Vietnam, 2012).


2.4 Decisions and Recommendations


Few recommendations which will make sustainable development through its engineering practices supporting the Institute of Engineers Australia code of ethics are given below:

  • Try looking beyond your current locality and try to peep into the future impacts.
  • Seeking a solution which should be well balanced
  • Making sure that you are aware of the requirements and needs
  • Sustainability should be given benefit of doubt
  • After deciding what is the right thing to do , try to follow it
  • Preaching’s should be practiced
  • Creation should go hand in hand with innovation
  • Engagement and involvement of all the stakeholders is desired
  • Effective management and planning
  • If it is the right of polluters to pollute, then they should pay as well for the pollution.
  • All the cost reductions should be taken heed of  as they value engineering  just as pretence




3      Cultural Awareness and Communication


Sustainable engineering practices can be used as effectual tools for improving cultural awareness and communication in the society and community. With the increased globalization there is need for 8understanding different types and forms of interactions which exist between workforce and communities in these intercultural environments. Thus several comm78unication models are needed for mastering the communication across different cultures in the society or work place or be it anywhere (Merk, 2003). These kinds of communication models are helpful in application of bets practices in case of intercultural communication. To create cultural awareness the best model for communication is TRompenaars & Hampden-turner which helps in reviewing the culture and then develops the seven dimension of the model too.




4      Appropriate Engineering Solutions

Cross cultural awareness and communication can also be improved using mobile technologies (Botha et al., 2008) few steps which are required for sustainable engineering are:

  • Demonstration by the engineering students that they have understood and are completely aware of the concept of sustainable development is necessary.
  •  Complete analysis of the product life-cycle should be done that is from ‘cradle-to-grave’. This includes eth major positive and negative impacts of the product and then trying to identify the areas where improvements can be done.
  •  All the teaching modules or projects should be reviewed on the basis of sustainability engineering and development.
  • The identified issues should be undertaken under the major projects with the teams.



5      Engineering Ethics

There is need to develop and inculcate the engineering ethics in the courses for the sustainability development. It has been found that ethics and suitability do show overlapping because of some common grounds, but incorporating them in the same course to teach the students is something not feasible. Different case studies and researches have shown that suitability development is something which needs to be experienced and explored practically. Another limitation which is noticed is that economic rationality,  sustainability of environment and  reasoning which is ethical  can be infused into the teaching syllabus , but social sustainability is very tough to be taught as it needs major departure from the  preconceptions which are very deep rooted for the students and the teachers at the same time.



6      Conclusion

From the above report it can be conferred that Sustainable engineering practices are something which cannot be taught by incorporating in the teaching courses , rather they are practical lessons which can be learned as engineering ethics by being socially aware and taking learning’s form the cultural awareness forums and being their part. The culture awareness forums prove to be best techniques to learn the concepts of sustained engineering practices and to bring sustainable development across the globe.



Botha, A., van den Berg, M., Vosloo, S. and Kuner, J. (2008) ‘Improving cross-cultural awareness and communication through mobile technologies’, mLearn 2008, Stanford University, October.

Dodds, R. and Venables, R. (2005) Engineering for Sustainable Development: Guiding Principles, London: The Royal Academy of Engineering.

EWB Challenge – Habitat for Humanity Vietnam (2012), [Online], Available: [23 March 2012].

Merk, V. (2003) ‘Communication Across Cultures: From Cultural Awareness to Reconciliation of the Dilemmas’, Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) – Faculty of Technology Management, July.

V i c t o r i a n P u b l i c S e c t o r: Good Ideas for Managing People (2004), East Melbourne Victoria: State Government of Victoria, Available: [23 March 2012].


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