Project Management Assignment-143669

Project Management

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Executive summary

This report summarizes with the broad concept of Strategic Project Management (SMP), Project Management Office (PMO), Project Portfolio Management (PPM), Project Governance (PG) and Project Leadership of Cadbury with its headquarters in United Kingdom (UK). The importance of project in terms of strategic and leadership is very crucial in every organizational management. The researcher has managed and manipulated several strategies in terms of business outsourcing and enterprise. The performance, features and importance of Project Management Office, Strategic Project Management, Project Governance, Project Portfolio Management and Project Leadership is clearly highlighted and reflected.

Table of Contents

1.0        Introduction. 4

1.1 Background of Cadbury. 4

1.2 Objectives. 5

1.3 Method Used. 5

2.0 Strategic Project Management (SPM) in Cadbury. 6

2.1  Best Practices for Strategic Project Management (SPM) in Cadbury. 6

2.2 Importance of Strategic Project Management in Cadbury. 8

2.3  Features and Performance of SPM in Cadbury. 9

2.4 Recommendations of Strategic Project Management (SMP) 10

3.0 Project Management Office (PMO) in Cadbury. 10

3.1 Importance of Project Management Office in Cadbury. 11

3.2 Features and Performance of Project Management Office in Cadbury. 12

3.3 Recommendations of Project Management Office (PMO) 13

4.0 Project and Portfolio Management in Cadbury. 13

4.1 Project Management 13

4.2 Portfolio Management 14

4.3 Importance of Project and Portfolio Management in Cadbury. 14

4.4 Features and Performance of Project and Portfolio Management in Cadbury. 15

4.5 Recommendations of Project Portfolio Management (PPM) 16

5.0 Project Governance in Cadbury. 16

5.1 Importance of Project Governance in Cadbury. 17

5.2 Recommendations of Project Governance (PG) 17

6.0 Project Leadership in Cadbury. 18

6.1 Importance of Project Leadership in Cadbury. 18

6.2 Recommendations of Project Leadership (PL) 19

7.0 Conclusion. 19

References. 21

1.0   Introduction

1.1 Background of Cadbury

Cadbury is an American confectionary company that is owned by Kraft Foods. The company is the second largest confectionary brand in the world; operates in more than 150 countries (Verzuh 2015). The company headquarters is situated in United Kingdom (UK, London). It is famous for manufacturing Dairy Milk products. Cadbury covers 25% market shares of the overall market of India and Asia globally (Schwalbe 2015). The company main aim is to target teenagers and youngsters who like chocolate based product. The company manufactures more than hundred chocolate products worldwide with an overall share of 15% (Leach 2014).  Besides this, the company has also engaged with several nonprofit organizations for the betterment for the environmental society (Turner 2014).

The researcher has explained the importance, best practices, features and performance of Project Management Office, Strategic Project Management, Project Governance, Project Portfolio Management and Project Leadership with respect to Cadbury United Kingdom (UK, London).

1.2 Objectives

Methods used Strategic project management: The term strategic project management implies picking up the right project for the organizations to get good optimal return. It generally consists of managing, selecting and measuring the outcomes of project (Muller, Geraldi and Turner 2012).

Project management office: The term project management office implies a group of department within an organization sector to ensure and maintains standards for management of project within the organization (Killen and Hunt 2013).

Project portfolio management:  The term project portfolio management is the centralized management methods, processes and technologies that are generally used by the project managers or officers to collect and analyze the current projects (Pinto 2014).

Project governance:  The term project governance is the framework of management within which decision of project are made and decide (Wessels 2007).

Project leadership: The term project leadership mainly implies on the individuals who project and manage people for project (Kerzner 2013). This role generally requires leadership and management qualities where emphasizes lies on manipulating and managing the project data and project team members.

1.3 Method Used

Every organization deals with different types of situation; whereas the concept of strategic project management and project leadership with respect to portfolio management and governance leadership is very important for manipulating and facing new challenges with competitors. Many multinational companies depend upon the tendency of the project whereas there are some intellectual beliefs and discussions relating to the topic (Guo et al. 2014). Most organization enterprise is following the relative concept of strategic project governance leadership; to attract new client and provide better return rate of interest to organization shareholders.

2.0 Strategic Project Management (SPM) in Cadbury

The term strategic project management implies picking up the right project for the organizations to get good optimal return. It generally consists of managing, selecting and measuring the outcomes of project (Heagney 2012).

2.1  Best Practices for Strategic Project Management (SPM) in Cadbury

The best practice that the Cadbury can integrate to improve the sales of the product is identifying the obstacles in the sales performance (Verzuh 2015). Through this identification Cadbury will be able to analyze their situation in terms of sales and take effective decisions to improve their sales. The managers will require analyzing the aspect which is standing as an obstacle in the path of the sales performance (Teller, Kock and Gemunden 2014). The report of individual sales person is very efficient for this purpose as the sales is a compound entity that is conducted by distinct sales person. Give your staffs an influence as you evaluate problem territories that need progressing. The analysis of the primary sales actions with the time consumption will be done by the Managers for making the future decisions (Guo et al. 2014).  The future decisions will be made based on the buying pattern and issues faced by the clients (Bowers and Khorakian 2014). In addition, the analysis will assist in identifying the sales persons who spend more time on other tasks than selling (Crawford 2014). The managers will comprise the outcome of the analysis and make changes as per the organization benefit.

2.2 Importance of Strategic Project Management in Cadbury

The importance of the sales performance management is as following.

Incentive: The establishment of the incentive plan is done along with the organizational strategy.

Responsibility: Cadbury’s senior managers define distinct responsibilities and objectives alongside communicating them.

Behavior Control: It assists the employees to gain right behaviors that aid to get the expected performance (Schwalbe 2015).

Communication: The clear communication between measurement and performance assist in reaching the destination. Furthermore, the sales person of the Cadbury capable to provide constant feedback on time because of the existence of sales performance management (Mir and Pinnington 2014).

Visibility of performance: The managers and the leaders make summarization of the information that they collect regarding individual employees through visualizing the performance across the organization (Killen et al. 2012).

On-going coaching: It assists Cadbury to allow the employees to have on-going coaching and feedback as an outcome of the performance. It assists the employees to improve their performance and behavior to complete the objective from next time.

Qualitative Evaluation: To provide enhanced understanding of the performance it comprises of effective qualitative evaluation.

Improve product development: Cadbury utilizes this management to closely look over the product line which in turn helps to determine that whether the product line is relevant or not. In addition, it assists in putting the sales employees to close touch with the clients (Schwalbe 2015).  The SPM also assist it taking the decision of changing of features in a product, dropping a product from line or adding new product in the line for making the best possible profit (Gemunden 2015).

2.3  Features and Performance of SPM in Cadbury

Features of SPM

Strategic Project management implies picking up the right project in right time so that organization can get right decision at right time (Schwalbe 2015).  As Cadbury is a big and multinational organization it needs to concentrate on the strategic management projects so that it could overcome the upcoming difficulties. Basically strategic management bridges the gap between the main ambition of the company and the fashion or the way employees of the organization are working currently (Caniels and Bakens 2012). Every organization needs to maintain a particular strategy and Cadbury is also no exception for that. As it is a big organization, all of a sudden if it’s disconnected from the strategies it will face difficulties and will face crisis.

The strategic management includes doing something unique which other organizations are not doing currently.  Based on the current scenario several key points are discussed below.

Simplicity in decision making:  As Cadbury is a multinational organization and there are number of heads are involved in the management, so sometimes complication in decision making arises. To overcome the complications which create in decision making organization needs to make the procedure of decision making simple enough and clear (Schwalbe 2015).

Linking the project budgets to strategy:  It is very much necessary to link up all the currently running projects with a particular strategy (Calvo-Mora, Navarro –Garcia and Perianez-Cristobal 2015). If the organization starts to maintain different strategy for every single project, then at the end it will be difficult to keep the track of all the systems.

Prioritizing the projects:  It is necessary to prioritize the important projects rather than the projects which are still on beta and are not confirmed yet.

Performance of SPM

  1. Compression of product life cycle, global and manual competition, explosion of knowledge, corporate downsizing, and rapid development of closed economies and outsourcing of procurement services (Floricel et al. 2014).
  2. The main performance of the project management includes; fail to capture requirements of business enterprise, fail to provide the benefits to the organizations and avoidance of inconsistent data.

2.4 Recommendations of Strategic Project Management (SMP)

Cadbury is using the concept of Strategic Project Management (SMP) by inheriting the wide concept of attracting more shareholders. Many multinational companies including Cadbury are gaining the capitalization to manipulate the increase of rate of investment interest; to attract more clients from worldwide. It is strongly recommended that picking up the right project for the organizational management is not so important; rather than to accumulate proper rate of investment rates. Cadbury need to increase its share capitalization; so as to manipulate different company segments at a glance.

3.0 Project Management Office (PMO) in Cadbury

Cadbury will appoint its senior management employees in the project management office for visibly supporting the PMO. The senior management personnel will be responsible for carrying out the tasks of the PMO sufficiently (Schwalbe 2015). In addition, the senior managers will engage themselves in the project management approaches. The individual department’s specific employees will submit an integrated report on weekly basis to the senior managers (Jonas, Kock and Gemunden 2013). Cadbury can extend the report submission interval weekly to monthly but it will be not convenient for the objective of Cadbury. The report will consist of the complete information regarding the on-going project. The term project management office implies a group of department within an organization sector to ensure and maintains standards for management of project within the organization. In addition, the report will have the obstacles the staffs are facing during the project. The head of the project management office will be in the same managerial level as the functional managers (Jiang and Klein 2014). The PMO employees will serve the purpose of monitoring and guiding the project, not offering direction to the project. For creating an environment where everyone will learn from mistakes and challenges faced, Cadbury will create a form called lessons learned (Kianpoor ad Dehghani 2015).

3.1 Importance of Project Management Office in Cadbury

The importance of the project management office is as follows:

Looking toward future: Cadbury align their portfolio of projects in terms of their profit. It is the strategy of Cadbury to make the future alignment.

On time delivery: Cadbury utilizes PMO to carry out their programs on time. Furthermore, it is being used by the organization to keep the project under the scope and budget (Schwalbe 2015).

Understanding dependencies: It has been used by the organization to gain complete understanding about linkages and dependencies among the projects in a portfolio (Martinsuo 2013).

Improved communication: It aids the Cadbury to enhance the communication between the program team among all stake holders.

Standardize project management practices: Through allowing the CEO of Cadbury to keep track of the projects it assists the organization significantly (Schwalbe 2015).  It responsibly carries out the process of defining and maintaining the standards of the processes regarding the project.

Consulting: The managers of Cadbury also make utilization of the PMO for advising them about the best practices. Through this technique the senior managers acts as a mentor in front of the sales staffs (Unger et al. 2012).

Vendor management: It is a very crucial for any organization. Cadbury carry out this perfectly with minimum effort. It is because of driving the PMO right way, conducting vendor rules of engagement and code of conduct (Young 2013).

3.2 Features and Performance of Project Management Office in Cadbury

Features of Project Management Office

  1. It helps to measure the adequate research of client needs and satisfaction by analyzing the customer relationship management allocations.
  2. It helps to improve the implementation of better complexion of site practices and accelerating the environment strategic process.

Performance of Project Management Office in Cadbury

  1. The implementation Project Management application technique in customer segmentation sector helps the procurement manager to measure and make assumptions on various customer review and preferences (Schwalbe 2015).
  2. It helps to maintain and manipulate frequency indexes, and severity indexes that cause various countermeasures in an industry.

3.3 Recommendations of Project Management Office (PMO)

Cadbury must improve the strategic and operational managerial process to gain monopoly in an overall market segments as compared to its competitors. Many multinational companies including Cadbury are gaining the capitalization to manipulate the increase of rate of investment interest; to attract more clients from worldwide.

4.0 Project and Portfolio Management in Cadbury

4.1 Project Management

Cadbury will utilize the proposals as the key of taking funding related decisions in terms of annual planning. Because of the consistency and simplicity of the proposals it is the best way to carry out the annual planning (Kaiser, El Arbi and Ahlemann 2015). Cadbury can use the HP PPM Center to manage their budget. The PPM center will assist in            identifying incremental or fresh budget resource requirements. The organization can reduce the complexity of the reporting due to targeting reports and proposals. In addition, it will aid in reducing the end-user confusion which will result in internal adoption ratio (Schwalbe 2015). The term project portfolio management is the centralized management methods, processes and technologies that are generally used by the project managers or officers to collect and analyze the current projects On the other hand, the managers of the organization can do comparison between the projects, proposals and assets to carry out the task of annual planning but it is not a convincing idea for constructing the annual report (Pinto 2014).

 4.2 Portfolio Management

Portfolio refers to the process of controlling the programs and projects as per the organization benefit and portfolio management reflects the concept of centralization management of several portfolios (Turner 2014). The portfolio mangement considers the decisions that affect both moral and business. The leaders of the Cadbury’s leaders of the projects know when to take decision on their own or include other team members. It will not only result in better decision making but also assist in including the teammates as an integral part of the project.

The governance framework will do this by establishing a clear view and objective for individual employees that will in combination will serve as a complete objective regarding the selected project. The adoption of Project and Portfolio Management will helps to reduce the tendency of issues. The term project portfolio management is the centralized management methods, processes and technologies that are generally used by the project managers or officers to collect and analyze the current projects Cadbury can extend the report submission interval weekly to monthly but it will be not convenient for the objective of Cadbury. The report will consist of the complete information regarding the on-going project.

4.3 Importance of Project and Portfolio Management in Cadbury

The importances of PPM are as below.

Better decision making: It aids the managers of Cadbury to take better decisions. It provides a good view on the data regarding bottom-up, top-down and strategic perspective. The better availability of information makes the managers so capable of taking better decisions (Schwalbe 2015).  It also allows the managers to analyze the historical information and business patterns so that they can predict the future effectively.

Minimizing risk: Minimizing the risk in a project is a great advantage that the managers of Cadbury get from the utilization of PPM. Regarding the financial risks, the PPM that the Cadbury utilizes is helping the organization to stay focus on their business (Young 2013). It allows the managers to calculate the profit against the cancellation of a low performing project. Furthermore, the PPM assists the managers to identify the projects that are not going along with the organization’s objectives.

Maximizing resources: The availability of the information in macro and micro level that the study discussed before assist in determining the resource needed for a project and also provide information about the preserved resources (Schwalbe 2015). It in turn becomes very helpful to make maximum utilization of the resources that Cadbury possess.

Enable continuous success: It creates an environment that drives a predictable and repeatable project to success. It assists Cadbury to have repeatable success through enforcing the use of the proven methodologies and best practices throughout the whole organization.

4.4 Features and Performance of Project and Portfolio Management in Cadbury

  1. 1.      The various common types of issues faced by organizational management are late delivery of equipments, maintenance of raw material leads to disruption in distribution channels. The adoption of Project and Portfolio Management will helps to reduce the tendency of issues (Wessels 2007).
  2. The Project and Portfolio Management helps to improve better communication, coordination and cooperation, and transportation process.  The Project management can raise information bi-directional flow (Kerzner 2013). The centralized and streamlined strategy of distribution will result more reliable for end users and give more appropriate results.

4.5 Recommendations of Project Portfolio Management (PPM)

The concept of Project Portfolio Management (PPM) implies the centralized management procedures of handling outsourcing clients so that it can easily identify and analyze large and huge projects. It is strictly recommended to maintain and manipulate certain assumptions and consequences in term of selecting the criterion of project management. The company is not maintaining the aspects and significance of such technology.

5.0 Project Governance in Cadbury

The project governance will offer a frame work to the organization that will assist in dividing responsibilities and accountabilities which are capital investment of the organization. This division of the responsibilities will make the flow of the work in terms of the on-going project very smooth. The organization will develop the framework along with the report that offers complete information about the on-going projects.

 The term project governance is the framework of management within which decision of project are made and decide. Senior managers of the Cadbury will not consider the project governance framework a part of the It governance, rather it will assumed as a regulations that will guide the project the right direction (Schwalbe 2015). The implementation of the project governance framework will assist Cadbury to make the projects smooth. The entities that the project governance framework will comprise of are a technique for assessing the fulfillment of the completed project in terms of its real goals (Killen and Hunt 2013).

The governance framework will do this by establishing a clear view and objective for individual employees that will in combination will serve as a complete objective regarding the selected project. The framework of the project governance refers to the term that describes the responsibilities regarding a project (Jiang and Klein 2014).

5.1 Importance of Project Governance in Cadbury

The prominences of the project governance are described below.

Identification of cause of success: It helps the managers of the Cadbury to identify the persons who are exactly has the responsibility regarding the success of failure of a particular project (Schwalbe 2015). It provides guidance to the projects in terms of taking decisions for keeping the projects in the right tracks.

Assigning leader: The framework consists of a leader who has adequate authorities to drive a project. Cadbury’s managers utilize a detailed project governance plan for choosing a leader that in return assists in selecting an efficient one (Crawford 2014).

Predetermined points: The project governance plan analyzes every aspect of a project that helps the managers to take decisions about the next steps in a specific project. It allows the managers to formally record the decisions and include the effective stakeholders in the decisions (Gemunden 2015).

Analysis of utensils and resources: The analysis of the resources and utensils is very crucial as less allocated resources can affect the pace of the project and over allocation can restrict Cadbury to allow put more resource to another project in the time of need (Leach 2014).

 Continuous development: The project governance also assists in repeatedly develop each aspect of a specific project.

5.2 Recommendations of Project Governance (PG)

Cadbury is using the concept of Project Governance (PG) by manipulating the wide concept of attracting more shareholders. Many multinational companies including Cadbury are gaining the funds of capitalization to accelerate the increase of project scheduler rates; to attract more clients from globally. It is strongly recommended that picking up the right project for the business enterprise is not so important; rather than to accumulate proper rate of investment rates.

6.0 Project Leadership in Cadbury

The project managers will learn about the members of the project, their aspirations, strengths and views. In Cadbury the leadership will set an example of leading the team rather just giving orders. It will assist in establishing bond between the team members and the project managers (Martinsuo 2013). The bondage will assist is the real tough times by serving as an internal strength among each assigned staff. In addition, it will retain the trust and self-respect among the individual employees. The term project leadership mainly implies on the individuals who project and manage people for project (Kerzner 2013). This role generally requires leadership and management qualities where emphasizes lies on manipulating and managing the project data and project team members.

 The managers have to skillfully estimate the requirement of the project and creatively design the plans as per organization profit (Schwalbe 2015).  Though this estimation it will be clear that how much resource the project will need and Cadbury managers can allocate rest resources to the other projects. The managers have to motivate the employees often. Furthermore, they will optimize the people’s skills. If any issue or change is faced at the time of developing the project, the manager will put trust on the staffs and allow them to offer their 6

6.1 Importance of Project Leadership in Cadbury

The importance of the project leadership can be categorized in the following manner.

Productivity: One of the main significance of project leadership is that it increases the productivity. The leaders of the Cadbury concentrate on leadership skills rather than using manipulative management practices (Bowers and Khorakian 2014). It will assist in motivating the personnel and they will do more work properly.

Trust: Leaders crate relationships that allow putting more trust on the staffs. It allows the employees to provide their views and solution toward any issue. The leaders also put trust on the business stake holders (Schwalbe 2015).

Decision making: The leadership considers the decisions that affect both moral and business. The leaders of the Cadbury’s leaders of the projects know when to take decision on their own or include other team members. It will not only result in better decision making but also assist in including the teammates as an integral part of the project.

6.2 Recommendations of Project Leadership (PL)

In case of Project Leadership (PL), the companies need to acquire advance application of system in inheriting the proper guidance of leadership quality. The leadership may play a vital role in shaping the role of creating the useful need of both employers and employees simultaneously.

7.0 Conclusion

This report concludes with the broad concepts of Project Management Office, Strategic Project Management, Project Governance, Project Portfolio Management and Project Leadership with respect to Cadbury Company. The company has adopted and implemented the broad concepts of project management with that of organizational operational and strategic management. The company has maintained and manipulated the depth concepts relevant to the project management. The company is performing well (both globally and worldwide) with the implementation of project leadership policy. The key points that are mentioned above are equally important for every multinational organizations to attract new clients and shareholders for better rate of return on investment.


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