Journal: 1310779

Reflect on what it means to have authority over texts and within discourse communities, considering what Wardle wrote. Discuss your feelings about your own authority (or lack thereof) within your DC.  Consider, for example, how much authority you feel you have and how you gained (or are gaining) text and discourse authority in your DC.

Elizabeth Wardle in her article of 2004 has discussed about how enculturation of the new workers takes place through learning the way for writing in the new workplaces. She has also shed light on the concepts of authority over texts and discourse communities. In my opinion, authority over texts is the amount or level of credibility that a person brings to the text. When an individual has high authority over texts, the readers are more likely to believe in the individual without questioning him. According to Wardle, “Authority, then, is an intangible quality granted to persons through institutions, which renders their pronouncements as accepted by those in that institution’s communities of practice, but which must be maintained through individuals’ speech and actions” (Wardle 2004). Again, with the discourse communities (DC), the ones who are well known, bring more authority over a text in their discourse compared to the one who is not.

Taking an example of mine, in the music DC as a whole I would not have much authority until and unless I explain my audience my background as I am not well-known. But, I would have a lot of authority if I was asked to write something in giving instructions at my old school as they know me well, my teachers, my juniors etc. and there, in everything, I would have accomplished.

Then, consider what Reid wrote about blogging: In what ways can you show your authority in your blog? What persona and voice do you want to present to your audience?  What do you need to consider about yourself and your audience in determining this?

Alex Reid in her article- “Why Blog? Searching for Writing on the Web” has opined that blogging is a good way of developing as a writer. According to her, blogging provides a great opportunity to individual for exploring and developing intrinsic motivation for writing (Reid 2011). It is to mention that authority is an important element for successful blogging. By providing quality content, developing personal connection where human interaction plays a crucial role, promoting the piece of content effectively and having loyal followers who tell others about me and my blog, I can easily build up my authority in my blog. This would make me popular and well-known and in this way I can build my authority within my industry. The persona and voice that I want to present to my audience are of multiple personas and of informative voice. However, to determine this, I need to consider who my audiences are, what they expect from me and that my audience would first assess my authority over my texts. I would also need to consider my purpose as well as the exigency of my text.


Reid, A., 2011. Why Blog? Searching for Writing on the Web. Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing2, pp.302-36.

Wardle, E., 2004. Identity, authority, and learning to write in new workplaces. Enculturation5, pp.284-99.