History assignment on: Terrorism in West Africa political or religious

History assignment on: Terrorism in West Africa political or religious

Terrorism around the world is one important threat to be looked at in a distinguished way. There have been so many threats across the world in the last few years. This is true in the western parts of Africa. It is important to deal with these individual threats around the world to address any worldwide campaigns especially against terrorism. There are a lot of reasons for the existing conditions of terrorism around the world. Different Countries have been facing various threats in different ways.  Especially in Africa the main causes attribute to financial exploitation done by most of the terrorist groups or any other internal struggles within those groups (Cfrorg 2004).Assignment Expert AustraliaThis has been evident in a lot of articles written in the world. The three best articles in which Terrorism in West Africa was illustrated well were The Terrorist threat in Africa, Terrorism in West Africa and Religious Terrorism. If we compare all the three articles the emphasis lies on the reasons for terrorism in West Africa, the political campaigns, exploitation of internal conflicts and the other challenging political economic conditions which are contributing to the existing conditions. The articles also emphasize on the religious disturbances the people cause in order to intensify the situation in the country. They provide a detailed explanation of the existing networks which are the causes for the existence of terrorism in West Africa. It also explains the impact of terrorism in the world and the growing contacts between the international terrorists and the terrorists of West Africa. In the second article, Terrorism in West Africa, the emphasis was again on the religious extremism which controls the terrorist activities in the country. Salafist inspired terrorism and international terrorism were compared in all of them. Influences of Boko Haram, the teachings of Prophet, recruitment of people into terrorist communities, changing them to be suicide bombers and the campaigns against western education were emphasized in all the three articles which provide an explanation for the impact of terrorism in West Africa. The detailed explanation of the extent of terrorism, the impact of terrorism is explained in a detailed manner.University Assignment Help AustraliaThere are certain other threats in the western Africa where in troops from Algeria and certain other parts especially the Salafist groups organize their training sites and camps to spread the terrorist activities to the other regions. There are certain other nationwide threats which contribute to growing problems of terrorism in Western Africa like growing problems of political uncertainties and economic conditions in the Country. Terrorist activities grow even more depending upon the political unrest, religious unrest and non existence of effective legal authorities in the Country

If we take a closer look at the present conditions in the Western Africa the thoughts by which the Terrorists are inspired by are mainly because of the existing political conditions. The Government and the prominent bodies in the world or the US which is trying to campaign against terrorism must look at such factors differently and try to influence the conditions and try to improve the present conditions in the Country which would give a hope to the local people of the Country.  Some of the well known terrorist groups in the world are also said to have a strong hold in the Western parts of Africa (Isnethz 2012).Buy Assignment AustraliaLet us look into the question which we are trying to deal with here as to “Terrorism in West Africa political or religious”. Some of the terrorist groups have come up with names which would let other people of the Country think in such a way that they are fighting for a real cause though they have a different mission to accomplish. One such thought is said to be naming their groups after names which would strongly protest against western forms, teachings, education, culture and their society. There is another way in which one other group is doing their propaganda of terrorism in which they proclaim to be preaching the teachings of the Prophet. Whatever the names might be, whatever their intentions might be all of them are assumed to be fighting against the government or the law in order to disturb the normal progress of the Country and the World (Cfrorg 2004).Assignment Help AustraliaOn the other hand, the main terrorist group has achieved great amount of success by dealing with local issues in the Country especially Nigeria like Corruption practices and poverty issues. On the other hand they could not achieve much on the religious front. The terrorist groups have been expanding their bases internationally and have been engaging in violent activities like bombing, massive attacks which could lead to disasters. It has been impossible for the Countries or the governments to track their activities internationally. What are those factors which have been supporting the promotion of terrorism especially in the Western parts of Africa? Where do they get their aids from? Where do they get their weapons from? Do they get them from reliable sources? How is the government not able to track them when they know that the Country has been facing the same issues over some years?Get Sample AssignmentOne of the major concerns is with the security issues of the Country. The weapons even if they have to be imported into the Country have to be got inside through any of the borders. It is very evident that every Country has 4 borders mostly. The same is the case with Western Africa as well. One more factor which the world misses out very innocently is of the banking transactions. Huge amounts of cash have to remitted or transferred. When the Banks have strict ways of monitoring huge cash flows where are those rules heading to? It could be because of most of the transactions being missed out on with their incapable ways of handling transfers internationally. Even though the African government especially in this area have responded very firmly with a great determination that they would control and totally stop the growth of these networks, not much activity and progress was seen. Controlling the import or the transfer of weapons from the borders or the seas is the most immediate action the government should take care of (Isnethz 2012).Get Sample AssignmentThis point allows another question to be raised. Are the governments of the Countries that weak that they cannot build a stronger army or a military base to control the terrorist actions which have already started causing trouble to most of the stronger Countries in the world. This does not include the efforts made by the US government by posting their task force to secure the areas mainly the borders. The terrorist groups have their own ways of transporting their equipment and weapons through much more smaller modes of transport which cannot be captured or which do not come under the surveillance of the cameras set up by the major governments. At this point are we to blame the technology to develop much more capable technical devices to help and guide the task force actions. The need for a worldwide unity arises here when multi nations differences are taken into account to solve a major issue which has been shaking up the world almost every year. There are many evidences based on this point. One group which continues to benefit out of this continues to be the terrorist group which will continue their transactions and activities freely without any government intervention for the reason being governments don’t come together to address such a devastating issue (Cfrorg 2004).

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