Virtualization: 1152399

Introduction   300

Virtualization as well as Cloud computing has been the technologies that have been highly accepted in today’s society. These two technologies have been finding its usage in the business organizations. The main reason of this usage of virtualization in different business organization is that with its usage the cost that is incurred in the hardware segmentation decreases. Utilization, accessibility as well as the efficiency of the infrastructure increases with implementation of the Virtualization process. Virtualization basically works on top of the framework of the physical servers. This divides the entire formation in different sections and hence wise several segments can be received from the framework virtually via computing device where the virtual machines are installed. It can be stated that with the help of Virtualization, splitting of the physical server in several machines and virtual machines stay in the same Physical server. Cloud computing is considered as an available computer system resource that helps in performing proper data storage along with provisioning of direct active management. The benefits that are provided by the cloud computing server ensures that the entire operational process are getting accepted in a vast manner. This report discusses about the purpose of the project and hence wise provides the research questions that are to be considered for proper completion of the project. This report also discusses about the rationale of the subject as per the context of the research. Proper description of the methodology is also stated in the report. The approach in which the literature review is performed is also considered in this report. Proper understanding of the identifications that are relevant literature is also performed in the report. Proper research is also performed during framing the report. Hence wise proper understanding of the important terminologies of the project is also made.  

Outline of purpose and research question   300

Purpose of the report is to develop a proper understanding of the concept of Virtualization and Cloud Computing. This report also discusses about the misconceptions that are present in the functioning of the Virtualization and Cloud Computing. This report also helps in proper development of the concept and understanding of the terminologies. As both the subject topics are well related with the advancement of the operational process of the different business organization. With proper knowledge development with the help of the report, the main aspect that is to be considered is that these technologies can be well understood and the operational process can be well analyzed. This report also discusses about the current researches that are ongoing. This helps in proper development of the recent concepts that are to be considered. This understanding of the recently used concept will also be helping in getting accustomed with the technology that is in use in today’s society. This has been observed that there is a misconception in between the technology of Virtualization and Cloud Computing is present. With the help of this report is misconception will be eliminated. The data that will be generated in the process will ensure that the issues that are present in the concept of the project will be eliminated. This elimination of the misconception will be increasing the efficiency of the working process. This will also ensure that in the business organizations will be having a proper understanding of the new technologies that are to be used. This will be helping in bettering the operational process. Even the employees of the organization employees will be well aware of the working of the technologies. This proper working of the technology ensures that the training that is to be provided to the employees of the organization will be a much easy process.

The main research question that is considered for this report is “A discussion around the misconceptions of virtualisation and cloud computing” the sub questions that are to be considered for completion of the report are namely “Identify different definitions of cloud computing and virtualisation”, “Discuss the relationship between Virtualisation and Cloud computing

” and “Exploring the issues around the understanding between Virtualisation and Cloud computing”.

Rationale and research context, 300 words

Methodology and approach for the literature review, 300 words

The methodology that have been considered for this section is that secondary data research. In this case the data that are already available in the peer reviewed journals are included. In this case the data that are already collected by other members are considered in the process. This section ensures that the data that are collected by someone else are used. In this case only peer reviewed journals are considered. In this particular case qualitative research is conducted as well as quantitative research. In the initial stage the research that is conducted is qualitative in nature. In this caser the concept of the technology is discussed. Concept of both Virtualization as Cloud computing is considered in this case. With the help of the peer reviewed journals proper data sets are collected. After developing a brief understanding of the concept of these 2 technology, the main aspect that is considered is that performing quantitative data analysis. In this process, data are collected that helps in proper understanding of the functional process in a precise manner. Preciseness of the entire research section is bettered with the help of these data that are collected. The main advantages that are received due to the usage of these methodologies are namely reliability of the data. Suitability of the data have also been another major aspect that is considered in this section. Adequacy of data have been another major aspect that is considered. It can be stated that with the help of the peer reviewed journal, understanding of who have collected the data can be made. This ensures that the authenticity of the data can be understood. The sources from which the author have found the data have been collected have been known in the process as well. The methods that have been implemented in the data collection process is also understood with the help of the peer reviewed journals. All these factors increase the accuracy of the data that is collected in the process.

Identification and interpretation of current and relevant research    600 words

According to , Virtualization is primarily a technique that includes merging of the technology and hence wise providing split computing resources for performing a better machine simulation process. Mirroring is also performed in this case. Creation of virtual edition of every single restricted program in a hardware is considered in the section. Performing proper logical division as this will ensure that variety of software applications can be performed as per the logical visioning process. As per the definition, it can be stated that there are different types of virtualization. This section also includes the fact that data virtualization, application virtualization, network virtualization, server virtualization, operating system virtualization and para virtualization can be framed. There are several pros and cons of the technology of virtualization. The pros that are present in the virtualization process are namely performing proper testing and learning. Being portable is another benefit that is to be considered as a pro. The investment that is to be made in the hardware section also decreases. The power usage that is required in the processing of the virtualized systems are relatively low. The transaction via cloud gets easier. Generating larger web servers can be made as well. However, the issue that is faced in the system is that there are chances that there will be high chances of physical defects. The performance that is received overall is also very weak. Any particular applications cannot be properly virtualized.

Virtualization is a process of performing virtual instances of the computer system in a layer that is abstracted from the actual hardware. This section refers to the running of multiple operating system.  

According to , cloud computing is a versatile technology that benefits the supporting of broad spectrum applications. The cost that is incurred in the operational process of the cloud computing technology have been at a lower end. This aspect have been leading to the higher usage of the technology and hence wise higher acceptance of the technology. The different sectors where the technology is implemented is in the Enterprise Resource Planning, CRM, Supply chain management as well as several mobile applications.

Cloud computing basically uses the several services namely the software development platforms, servers, software and storage. The three main characteristics of cloud computing are namely the back end of the cloud application is handled by the cloud vendor. The user who have been using the service that is provided by the platform pays only for the services that are used. The services that are used are scalable in nature. Cloud computing is a general term that ensures that proper delivering of the hosted services on the internet can be performed. The service of cloud computing are performed in 3 manners. The sections are namely Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service and Software as a Service. There are differences in between web hosting and cloud computing. Cloud Computing is a private or public platform that reaches personnel to a direct manner. There are 5 main benefits that are received with the help of the cloud computing implementation. The implementation process includes the likes of performing self service provisioning. In this case the user can spin the compute resources that helps in performing workload as per the demand that is made.  Elasticity is also one of the major benefit that is received due to the implementation of the cloud computing process. The cost that is incurred in taking the service of the cloud computing system is low. The entire payment process is performed in pay per use method. One does not need to pay for any extra service. However the issues that are present in the system are namely workload resilience and migration flexibility.   

Demonstration of understanding of the research   600 words

There are 5 major risks in performing cloud computing process. The most important confusion that is faced in the process is that the risk that is present in implementation of the cloud computing system have been very high. This have anyway affected the acceptance of the project. It can be stated that this is a complete misconception and it can be stated that the security system of the cloud computing system have been very high. After proper understanding of the operational process of cloud computing it can be stated that cloud computing not only provides proper security to the data that are present from the viruses and theft, it can also be stated that proper back up of the data is also taken. This also ensures that proper recovery of the data can be made via the cloud platform.

Another major misconception that is the cost that is incurred in implementation of the cloud platform is expected to be highly expensive in nature. This is a complete misconception that is present. It can be stated that in the initial stages of cloud computing the cost that is incurred during the implementation process is a bit high. However after the implementation process the cost that is incurred in the operational process of the cloud computing system will be low. After adding up of the cost that is required for the management process, both before and after the implementation of the cloud computing platform. The total cost that is incurred is lesser than that of the situation where cloud computing was implemented.

Another misconception present is that the platform is unreliable in nature. This section ensures that the robustness of the system was put into question. As per the concept, the main aspect that is to be considered is that platform of cloud is much more reliable than that of the other infrastructural platforms. Even if the connectivity is lost the main aspect that is to be considered is that

Conclusion of the key literature points   300

Methodology for the primary research 300 words