US History-2326099

ouchstone 4: Analyzing Primary Sources Template

Part 1: Meet the Primary SourcePrimary Source 1Primary Source 2
Write the title of the primary source from the Touchstone 4: Primary Source List, and paste the web link here.  NOTE: Submissions that discuss primary sources that are not on the provided list will be returned ungraded.Richard Frethorne’s “Letter to his father and mother“Letter of Christopher Columbus on His First Voyage to America, 1942” contact/text1/columbusletter
What type of primary source is this? (Types could include a letter, speech, court transcript, legislation, diary entry, photograph, artifact, map, broadside, circular, political cartoon, artwork, etc.)The primary source is a letter.The primary source is a letter.          
Provide a brief description of something you notice about the source, as if you were explaining to someone who can’t see it.   There are 4 paragraphs in the primary source and all of them are written in common English for the respective time period.In total there are 13 paragraphs and this letter along with the post script. Originally the letter was written in Spanish however there are other versions that were translated to English later on. so this particular source is a representation of 3 images of maps along with which one of the Taino amulet have also been displayed.
Part 2: Observe its PartsPrimary Source 1Primary Source 2
Who wrote it or created it? Was it one person, or was it a group, like an organization?   Richard Frethorne Was the writer this letterChristopher Columbus was the writer this letter.
When was it made?This letter was written in the year 1623. There was a young English man who was named Richard Frethorne. He played a crucial part who facilitated a passage to the America as he was signed up for indentured servitude  Originally the letter was written on 15th February 1493. along with that a postscript was added on March 14th of the same year.     
What are two things you know about the personal background or beliefs of the person or group who created it? (4-5 sentences)  Frethorne Was also remembered because it was him who endured harsh conditions while Bing designated at the position of a indentured servant. He was extremely committed and hence it was assumed that he died during his servitude at Martin’s Hundred.  Among one of the first Italian explorer and navigator Christopher Columbus became the most renowned. During his initial wage he got many fundings from the Spanish monarchs Like King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Besides Columbus is known for setting many western trade routes that extended too Far East. So due to his initial voyage Columbus landed to America’s and this is the origin of colonization and followed by many centuries of exploration.
Was the source meant to be public or private? If public, who do you think was the intended audience? (4-5 sentences)  Initially this letter was written to the parents of the author. Therefore, based on the source of its origin it has been assumed that the letter was extremely private and only men for the family. However, based on the resource list provided I located the source and then I got redirected to the website of Virtual Jamestown website.Initially the letter was regarded as a private message for the king and the queen. also, it was regarded to the Treasurer of Aragon, Luis de St. Angel. However, there were more evidence is Found by Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History The letter was first written in Spanish and then it was transcribed in Latin later on between 2009 to 2023. It was Stephen Plannck Who translated the letter from Spanish to Latin for the King and Queen (2009-2023). So it can be assumed that the letter was only written to share the expedition of the vowels and it contains all the necessary information regarding the experience is that the author had.
Part 3: Interpret its Meaning: Historical ContextPrimary Source 1Primary Source 2
Describe two other things that were happening at the time the source was created. (4-5 sentences)  Initially the colonists did not have much resources therefore it is decoded that when the source was created, they did not have much resource to feed themselves. Moreover, there were many colonists who used to die because of starvation and disease. That is why they were often found making many negotiations for trade with the Powhatan tribe. according to further evidence found from the Library of Congress records, an indication shows that all these negotiations were not always very successful. For example, it has been quoted that the breakdown of the negotiations was majorly unsuccessful. as a result, approximately 20 colonists work killed and were held captive 2023.  It is important to understand the lifestyle of author which play the major part in making contribution to their understanding. based on their comprehension the author found a purpose to write the letter. However, it is evident that there was a hash condition for the colonies and they were facing starvation. This was found to be one of the major reasons that led to the deaths of the colonists. Certainly, the author must have assumed that they would not survive for long under such circumstances.Spain and Portugal were rivals during the era when the source was created. Therefore, according to this text, the rivalry was found to be enhancing because of Columbus making landfall. So, 2 of the main nationalities here wanted to dominate the acquisition of new lands. Also, one of the major causes why the voyage was initiated was to find a shorter route for trade that could lead to Far East.                 
How does that context (or background information) help you understand why it was created? (4-5 sentences) He wrote the letter to Plea his father and mother and seek help from them. The main reason for the rivalry between Portugal and Spain was regarding the acquisition of the land. The main purpose of Columbus was to convey the message of the successes of the voyage that he made to America. However, he understood that there were many events that were surrounding disc creation of the letter. Overall, the motivation of the author was fulfilled here. Furthermore, such letters were known for fabricating the description of the grandeur.


Part 4: Interpret its Meaning: Main Points and PurposePrimary Source 1Primary Source 2
What is the main idea or point of the source? Use specific evidence from the source itself to support your answer. (4-5 sentences) The purpose of the letter was to convey the plight of Frethorne. So, the letter was addressed to his mother and father where he wrote, “This is to let you understand that I you child am in a most heavy case by reason of the country…”. This is an indication that the author was fearful of his own demise and it could be assumed that how difficult the situation could have been there they had to leave during their servitude.  according to further evidence found in the source it was said that, “saith that if you love me, you will redeem me suddenly, for which I do entreat and beg”. In this particular section of the letter, it could be seen that how the author was pleading to his parents. He wanted his parents to pay off his debt so could he could and servitude.According to my analysis I would suggest that Columbus wanted to convey the message of his success through the letter. He was supposed to continue his voyage for which he needed further funds from the king and the queen. Therefore, he wrote, “In Hispaniola, in the most convenient place, most accessible for the gold mines and all commerce with the mainland on this side or with that of the great Khan on the other, 6 with which there would be great trade and profit, I have taken possession of a large town, which I have named the City of Navidad”. Based on these particular lines it could be deduced that the reader must have believed that Columbus has found riches, and gold. Apparently, this would have led to claiming of land by him.
Why do you think this primary source was made? Provide evidence from your prior responses to support your claim. (4-5 sentences) Richard Frethorne was Designated as an indentured servant of the colonial army. Moreover, he was leading a miserable life due to lack of proper resources and starvation was one of the main reasons which could have led to the death of many colonists. Therefore, he feared his own death due to disease or starvation. So, he wanted to convey the message about his difficulties and misery to his parents. He seeing their support so that they could send him food or something for value which he could trade. He also requested his father and mother to pay off his debt so he could finally end his servitude.The main purpose of writing the letter was to convey the message of his success and experience. So, Columbus wanted to assure the king and the queen that he needed further fundings so that he could continue his voyage. also, he wanted the support of the monarch to secure his future trips. That is why the letter has mentioned about all his findings and he claimed new lands in Americas that could be further used for far reaching trades too Far East.


Part 5: Use it as Historical EvidencePrimary Source 1Primary Source 2
What are two historical questions this source could help you to answer?  The sources prominent for further usage and gaining deeper insight into the conditions that were faced by the colonists during that era. Moreover, it can also be very useful for providing information regarding the indentured slaves and their respective sufferings.The source is very useful for answering questions related to the first vow which that was made by the colonists 2 the American land. specifically, regarding the early interactions with the natives, much information and insights could have been found from this source.
What are two pieces of information the source presents that you should “fact check” (verify as true) by checking other primary or secondary sources? Frethorne could be assumed to have exaggerated about his condition at Martin’s Hundred. He probably wanted his mother and father to pay off his debt so that he could end his servitude. That is why further primary and secondary sources should be used to check the authenticity of the message conveyed by Frethorne in his letter.      Furthermore, Columbus has written about his successes and the letter. It was addressed to the king and the queen where he claimed to have found the new lands. So, this is a representation of the type of relationship that he served with the natives which was seen in a positive light. Moreover, he was found to have taken the captives by force initially. some pieces of information regarding the same have also been found where he writes “They firmly believe that I with my ships and men, have come from Heaven”. However, it can be seen that Columbus was quite confused because of the respective location of his ship. So, it could be a doubtful scenario that whether he had actually claimed any new lands or not, considering the oppositions that he had faced from the Native Americans.
This primary source shows one perspective on this topic. What are two other perspectives you should get to better understand this event or topic, and why? (4-5 sentences) By examining some other sources more information about the indentured servants can be found. Also collecting the perspectives about these indentured servants from the masters would also add to the research outcomes. They were working through harsh situations and suffered from many diseases as well as starvation. There is why it is being assumed that Frethorne must have exaggerated about his condition so that he could convince his parents to pay off his debt.Firstly, I would have researched the perspectives of the natives. They must have had a lot to convey regarding the land claimed by Columbus. It was very unlikely that he had actually conquered all these lands because the natives must have shown their opposition regarding his arrival. Secondly, I would like to locate the perspectives of the crew members who were along with Columbus During his voyage. They could have provided much deeper inside regarding all the details about the conditions of the ships by the time they arrived on the new lands. Accordingly, it could be decided whether the voyage was simple and easy or not.
Reflection: What perspective do you bring to this topic and source? How does your background and the time in which you live affect your perspective? (4-5 sentences)However, it is extremely pitiful to even imagine whatever hardships that were faced by Frethorne. not just him but any other indentured servant must have endured through such harsh condition for many days without proper resources. So, keeping in mind the fact that whatever he explained in the letters was true, it could be Indicated that his parents must have felt the desperation of their son who was facing such harsh conditions. so based on my experience and background I have come to realization that this must have been a learning to start new life somewhere else. That is why making someone agree to search servitude conditions was much easier in those days. Therefore, it is quite beautiful for whatever hardships that he had to go through.I have a Cynical Perspective on Columbus’s Welcome. As he writes, “peaceful “claiming of the lands he discovered. I am a white woman in America in the 21st century. I cannot imagine someone …… to me perspective in being cynical about Columbus’s supposed ‘warm welcome’”.