Twisted Pair Cables: 1077207


Twisted Pair Cables

Twisted pair cable has been adapted in the telecommunication field for long. it has a pair of insulated wires that are twisted together. This twisting of cables together reduces outside noise and crosstalk within the multi-pair cables. There are two types of twisted pair cables namely shielded twisted pair STP and unshielded twisted pair UTP. In the unshielded twisted pair there are only two insulated wires that are twisted together and is the most commonly used as normal telephone cables and data communication cables (Guttadauro, 2017).

Advantages of UTP for business infrastructure

This type of cables are the very cost-effective for the business.

They can be installed very easily being pliable.

Short distance communication can be done effectively.

Disadvantages of UTP

It has very low durability that is the business would require to maintain it routinely.

It is susceptible to Electromagnetic interference and has higher attenuation (Nelson, 2006, 10).

Coaxial Cables

In coaxial cables there is only a single solid copper core. This type of cable perform high-frequency transmission. The transmission capability of coaxial cable is 80 times faster than the twisted-pair cables. The use of this cables is commonly done for the television signals and to establish connection between computers in a network. This this type of network cable are easily available and are most common in offices and schools.

Advantages of coaxial cable

This type of network cable are very durable.

For short distance communication they perform best and hence can be beneficial for business infrastructure.

Disadvantages of coaxial cable

For longer distances the signals get easily lost.

At point of egress the signals sometimes gets leaked.

In case the cables are used heavily in the infrastructure there can be speed fluctuations (Cabling Installation and maintenance, 2002)

Fiber optics cable

Fiber optics is a new generation of transmission media cable. There is a complete assembly of fibers in the fiber optics cables in which there are one or more optical fiber which transmit data. Within the cable all the optical fiber elements are coated individually by plastic layers and are contained in a protective tube. The data is transmitted through the fiber optic cable as pulses of light passes through tiny glass tubes. The transmission capacity of fiber cable is 26000 times higher than twisted pair cable. Again the transmission of data through fiber optic cable is more reliable and lighter than that of coaxial cables. The information in fiber cables are transmitted using beams of light at the speed of light and not in the form of pulses of electricity (Guttadauro, 2017).

Advantages of Fiber optics cables

It can be bundled with one another.

It is resistant to electromagnetic interference.

It also works well over long distance.

Disadvantages of fiber optics cables

This cables are much expensive than coaxial and UTP cables.

This are also relatively hard install.

This cables can be easily damaged or cut (FS.COM. 2013).

Comparison of Twisted Pair Cable vs Coaxial Cable vs Fiber Optic Cable

All three types of cables not only differs in their construction but also in their performance and capacity. The comparison of these three cables can be done in terms of speed bandwidth, distance, price, installation and application. Both the coaxial and UTP are made of copper based wires with other materials in their surroundings. Both of the cables are used for transmitting electrical signals such as that are telephone and television. Fiber optic cable can also transmit these signals with much faster speed, wider bandwidth and higher frequencies. Generally fiber optic cables are expensive as compared to copper cable because of high capacity and performance. However, the price of all the three cables vary from market to market. Although, the optical fiber provides benefits in terms of reliability and bandwidth it is not preferred much than coaxial and twisted pair cables. The reason is the difficult installation and maintenance of fiber optical due to the thin and fragile nature of fiber. Also the installation cost of the optical fiber is high because of the use of optical components particularly transceivers. Among the twisted pair and coaxial cable the former cost less as it comes with RJ45 connector than BNC connector.  Also as the coaxial cable has dielectric insulator around its core it becomes difficult to install and maintain them (Smith, 2013).

Below table summarizes the comparison of twisted pair cable vs coaxial cable vs fiber-optic cable



Cabling Installation and maintenance. (2002). Horizontal Cabling Costs: Fiber vs. Copper Calculations Retrieved from:

FS.COM. (2013). Fiber Optic Cable vs Twisted Pair Cable vs Coaxial Cable Retrieved from:

Guttadauro, D. (2017). Choosing cabling for wireless systems. Wireless Design & Development, 25(5), 6-6. Retrieved from

Nelson, K. (2006, 10). Distributed intelligence — wire, cable, and fiber extend budgets and content’s reach. Systems Contractor News, 13, 68. Retrieved from

Smith, A. (2013). Routing switchers. Broadcast Engineering, 55(9), 10-13. Retrieved from