Description of the process we propose to use, including major milestones?
Sustainable development in New Castle area for tourism is mainly an initiative where we can explore new business opportunities in the field of tourism and we can develop new tourism hubs in the area. We have to understand new prospective tourism areas and promote it in the best possible manner so that there is growth and development and their is good profits that come in this area. For this we have to educate ourselves first about the flora and fauna of the area and we also have to understand the prospective areas where we can promote so that there is good tourism that can happen in such areas.
The main strategies that we have to follow are as follows:
- Understanding the scenic beauty of New castle:The first and the foremost thing that we have to understand is the scenic beauty of New Castle. For this we have to explore new places which are of tourist interest in the area and where people would enjoy staying and living. This should be a place where they would feel like heaven and these all places we have toexplore andgive a list to them.
- Upbringing of hotels and motels in the Area: Another major thing that we have to do is to bring up new hotels and living placesin the area. We have to float tenders for it andthen only would we be able to attract people to our area. If there is no place to live then how would people come to stay in the area. Thus wehave to make surethat there is hotels that are being build up in the area so that it serves their purpose and boosts tourism in the area.
- Promotion of place through tourist guides and other online methods:The main thing that we have to do is to give all the major tourism places to tourist guides andother tourist agents so that they are able to locate this in their tourist maps. This would mainly help them to bring more andmore tourists in our area. We shouldbe giving them good commission on each and every tourist that we are bringing so that there is good support for them and they are also motivated to bring peoplein our area.
- Preserving of local flora and fauna:The main thing that we have to know is how to preserve the flora and fauna of our area.For this we have to ensure that there are precautive measures that we take so that there is good flow of peoplein our area. We should educate them as to what all measure that we should take in order to preserve it and this would ensure that there is continuous flow of people in our area all around the area and we get good profits.
Stephen Johnson (2004) Hadrian’s Wall, Sterling Publishing CompanyInc
The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map. “C.Michael Hogan (2007) ”Hadrian’s Wall”
Newcastle Science City”.Newcastle Science 2007-04-08.
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