Week 2: Rules for perceiving food (What is considered/recognized as food?)
Eating food (not junk food)
Why is this rule important to you?
To me, eating good food is essential:
- Good food suffuses one with nutrition.
- Good food develops body’s defence against diseases and protects us from illness (NHS Health Scotland, 2023).
Do you eat according to this rule or not? Why or why not?
It is not always possible for me to eat good and nutritious foods on a daily basis. On many days, I have to consume fast foods and other unhealthy items; however, whenever I get time, I try to consume protein and carbohydrates by eating vegetables, non-veg items that are good for health and green vegetables.
Would you like to change the way you eat? Why or why not?
My life and time are structured in a way that has me spending a lot of time outside, due to which I am forced to eat a lot of fat-based products. It has already started to affect my body with the level of stress and other health problems that I am facing. Therefore, I want to consume items that are not only healthy and nutritious but are also delicious to eat (Pollan, 2009).
Week 3: Rules for Producing Food
Planting a vegetable garden if one has space, a window box if not
Why is this rule important to you?
I have space in front of my house where I have planted and grown several vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes and bell paper. Not only me but also my entire family participate in the tree-planting activity. I have taught my little girls the importance of tree planting, how to take care of them and what trees should be planted in each season (Urban Roots, 2022)
Do you eat according to this rule or not? Why or why not?
Despite living a fast-paced life, whenever I get free time, I tend to my gardens and eat food where my own vegetables have been used.
Would you like to change the way you eat? Why or why not?
I have always loved having my own garden, where I will grow up several varieties of vegetables. Apart from carrots, bell paper and tomatoes, my family and I are also planning to grow cucumbers and spinach from next year.
Week 4: Rules for Processing Food
Avoiding food products that contain high‐fructose [sugar] corn syrup
Why is this rule important to you?
During my second pregnancy, I have been diagnosed with diabetes. Therefore, consuming sugar products is highly harmful for my health (Harvard Health Publishing, 2022). I have to introduce a whole new way of eating and change my lifestyle entirely; doing otherwise can seriously harm my body. Now, I can only consume such products with a low percentage of sugar- vegetables, fish, green vegetables and others.
Do you eat according to this rule or not? Why or why not?
I always maintain a diet with low sugar intake so that I remain healthy- consuming products such as soda, crackers and other fast foods with high sugar content must be avoided by all. However, sometimes I break that rule- it is still difficult for me to drink my coffee completely without sugar. But, with time, I am sure, I will be able to change my eating habit completely.
Would you like to change the way you eat? Why or why not?
To stay healthy and fit, I have structured my diet in a way so that my diabetes does not affect any organs of my body or any part of my life. However, eating the same type of food can be boring; therefore, I am learning new recipes so that I can remain healthy and also taste good food.
Week 5: Rules for Buying Food
Buying snacks at the farmers market
Why is this rule important to you?
There are several reasons to buy snacks at the farmer’s market:
- Most of the times, farmers bring freshly harvested vegetables to the market that is highly good for health and are chemical-free
- If we buy vegetables and other food items from the local farmer’s market, it will bring profits to them and support their business greatly (Australian Macadamias, 2020)
Do you eat according to this rule or not? Why or why not?
It is not always possible for me to go around the local area and find the vegetable markets. However, on free days and on holidays, I always buy food products from the farmer’s market since they sell items that are fresh and newly harvested that boosts a person’s nutrition.
Would you like to change the way you eat? Why or why not?
Instead of buying processed food and harming one’s health, one must always buy food and vegetable items from the farmer’s market (Green City Market, 2022). Though it takes tim, to search for the right place, my whole family eats food made out of the vegetables sold in the farmer’s market.
Week 6: Rules for Eating Food
Breaking the rules once in a while
Why is this rule important to you?
Though it is important to eat good food, with the life we live, it is not always possible to maintain the same routine. It also essential to give time to my husband and my kids. Therefore, occasionally me and my family break rules and eat junk food or order from restaurant. For instance: every Friday we order pizza from the nearest pizza store. This creates a balance where nutritious foods as well as non-healthy food items are also consumed.
Do you eat according to this rule or not? Why or why not?
I always try to keep my family’s diet nutritious. However, I have several responsibilities to look after- to look after my children and also to leave some time for myself. Therefore, It is not always possible to eat healthy foods and I have to juggle between eating healthy and non-healthy foods.
Would you like to change the way you eat? Why or why not?
It is true that eating healthy foods increases energy and makes a person stress free. But it must also be remembered that we are humans and it is in our habit to break rules. Therefore, from time to time we break our habits and succumb to our desire of eating junk or spicy non-healthy foods (Fine, 2023).
Philosophy of food statement
In life, I go by one philosophy: ‘Love what you do’. It can be related to anything- your career, your lifestyle and everything. This rule is also applicable regarding the food one consumes. What I prepare everyday can be chalked down as containing less fat, less calories and less sugar. It is good for health-that is true; but does it satisfy the mind and soul? The answer is no. Living healthy is important- but enjoying life to the fullest, to do and eat things that is delicious to your palette and satisfies your mind and soul, is much more essential.
Nowadays, many people, in the name of dieting and consuming nutritious food have eating habits that are very much unrealistic and I don’t think that one can consume such food on a daily basis- not with much satisfaction. To me living ‘healthy’ implies, consuming just the right amount that a body need- the right mount of protein, carbohydrates, fibre, and others. Moreover, if a person has health issues- one must modify their food to meet the body’s needs. As for me, I prefer to eat vegan and gluten free products; I cherish the vegetables that me and my family tend to and nurture in the garden and always prefer them and while shopping from vegetables, I always target unprocessed food products and buy from the local farmer’s market. They sell fresh vegetables and it feels wonderful to support local community business.
Saying all these, it does not mean that we do not consume junk or spicy foods- my husband always reserve Friday nights for a takeout or for pizza and he prefers eating foods with lots of sauce and spices. Therefore, a balance always prevails in our family, where for 3 days we eat food that are nutritious and healthy and the rest of the days are reserved for spicy and ‘unhealthy’ foods (TofuBud, 2024). I know that eating junk foods increases stress and the will to work hard; however, when life becomes too stressful and dark, eating ice creams and pizzas always helps with family always help.
This is my philosophy regarding food- that is, eat healthy but no so much that one forgets the fine delicacies that life offers. Therefore, my suggestion is to eat food that nourishes your body as well as mind.
(Write your name).
Australian Macadamias. (2020, October 9). Why shopping at a farmers’ market is more important than ever! Australian Macadamias. https://www.australian-macadamias.org/consumer/why-shopping-at-a-farmers-market-is-more-important-than-ever/#:~:text=Buying%20directly%20from%20a%20local
Fine, R. (2023, November 21). Strategies to overcome and break your food rules – Dance Nutrition. Dance Nutrition. https://dancenutrition.com/breaking-food-rules/
Green City Market. (2022). Supporting Local Farmers. Green City Market. https://www.greencitymarket.org/what-we-do/supporting-local-farmers
Harvard Health Publishing. (2022, January 6). The sweet danger of sugar. Harvard Health. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/the-sweet-danger-of-sugar
NHS Health Scotland. (2023, January 4). Health benefits of eating well. Www.nhsinform. scot. https://www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/food-and-nutrition/eating-well/health-benefits-of-eating-well/
Pollan, M. (2009). Food Rules : An Eater’s Manual. Penguin Books.
TofuBud. (2024). Healthy vs. Unhealthy Foods: Building a Balanced Diet. TofuBud. https://tofubud.com/blogs/tips/healthy-vs-unhealthy#:~:text=The%2080%2F20%20Split
Urban Roots. (2022, May 25). The Top 5 Benefits of Growing Your Own Vegetables – Urban Roots Garden Market. Urbanrootsgardenmarket.ca. https://urbanrootsgardenmarket.ca/the-top-5-benefits-of-growing-your-own-vegetables/