The Excel Calculation Spread Sheet: 1132987



The objective of the calculation is to estimate the area of a triangular closed shape, for which one side is irregular

Procedure employed:

  • The irregular side of the triangle is approximated for several small triangles.
  • The area of each of these triangles is estimated from the base length and the height.
  • Further the total area of the triangle is calculated from these findings
  • Total area of the triangle is reported accordingly.

Formulae employed: Area of the triangle is calculated using the equation,

: ½* Base * Height.

Note: approximation of the findings to 3 decimal points

Results: The total area of the triangle is found to be 206985.113 mm2

Formulae used: Trapezoidal rule = ½* (a+b)*h

Area of triangle = sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))



To determine the average length of the side of a triangular plot of land.

The final area of ABC to about 3dp.


The dimensions of AB and BC are fixed.

The third length of the AC has been measured number of times.

To determine average value of AC from statistical principles.

(Given frequency and the measured values).

Results: The total are of the triangle is found to be 8810.135 mm2

Formulae used:  Mean length = (sum of class average* Frequency)/ Total instances

Results: Are of the triangle is found to be 8810.135 mm2.


Fisz, M., & Bartoszyński, R. (2018). Probability theory and mathematical statistics (Vol. 3). J. wiley.

Pipes, L. A., & Harvill, L. R. (2014). Applied mathematics for engineers and physicists. Courier Corporation.


Formulae details: