Tax Agent Skill Set

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Answer to question 2.1: Income from Various Sources

Computation of Selena Income
For the year ended 14/15
Particulars Amt ($)
Assessable Income 53000
Fully franked dividend (70%) 9800
Franking credit (30%) 4200.00
Gross value of fully franked dividend 14000.00
Interest 963.00
Unranked Dividend 900.00
Total taxable income 72100.00
Taxable Income 14979.5
Franking credit (30%) -4200
Total Tax Payable 10779.50


Answer to question 2.26: Taxable Income from Business and Rental Property

Calculation of Taxable income and Tax Payable
Particulars Amount Amount
Income from Business
Cash Sales  $    15,000.00
Credit Sales (Note 1)  $ 1,80,500.00
Volume rebate received from supplier  $      3,000.00
Total Income from business    $ 1,98,500.00
Income from Rent
Rental Income (Note 2)  $    12,700.00
Total Income from Rent    $    12,700.00
Other Income    
Insurance for loss of income  $      7,000.00  
Total other income    $      7,000.00
Total Assessable Income  $ 2,11,200.00
Allowable deductions
Deduction from business and rental property  $ 1,32,000.00
Total Taxable Income  $    79,200.00
Tax Payable  
Tax on Taxable Income (3572+(79200-37000)*32.5%)  $    17,287.00
Medicare Levy @ 2%  $         345.74
Total Tax Payable  $    17,632.74


The Medicare Levy surcharge is not applicable as there is private health insurance
Private health insurance rebate is allowed tax offset but the insurance premium amount is not provided in the question.

Note 1: Calculation of credit sales
Particulars Amount
Receipt from debtors  $ 1,72,000.00
Closing debtors  $    27,500.00
opening debtors  $  (19,000.00)
Credit Sales  $ 1,80,500.00


Note 2: Rental Income
Particulars Amount
Rent Received  $    12,000.00
rent received at the close  $      2,000.00
Rent receivable at the beginning  $    (1,300.00)
Rental Income  $    12,700.00


Answer to question 6.19: Termination, Medical Levy Surcharge Whole of Income Cap

Calculation of Taxable income and Tax Payable
Particulars Amount Amount
Salary (Net)  ₹ 1,20,000.00
Add: PAYG  ₹    41,000.00
Gross Salary    ₹ 1,61,000.00
Unused Annual Leave (received)  ₹      6,800.00
Add: Tax withholding  ₹      3,200.00
Gross Un used Annual Leave    ₹    10,000.00
Severance Payment  ₹ 1,67,000.00
Add: PAYG withheld  ₹    31,255.00
Gross Severance Payment    ₹ 1,98,255.00
Taxable Income    ₹ 3,69,255.00
Tax Payable
Tax on taxable income (17547+ (369255-80000)*37%) 124571.35
Medicare Levy 2491.427
Medicare Levy Surcharge 5678.325
Total Tax payable   132741.102
Reportable Fringe benefit  ₹      9,300.00



Answer to question 9.1: Car Expenses, Car Cost Limit

Calculation of deduction available for Car Expenses
For the Tax year 2014-15
Particulars Amount
Cents per Kilometre method
Rate of cents per kilometre determined under subsection 4  $               0.66
Work related Kilometre (Maximum Limit u/s 28-25) 5000
Deduction Available under Cents per Kilometre method (A)  $        3,300.00
Original Value Method
Cost of the car  $      81,270.00
Rate 12%
Deduction Available under 12% original value method (B)  $        9,752.40
Allowable deduction (Higher of A or B)  $        9,752.40


The logbook method and the one third of actual expenses method cannot be applied as the details of expenses is not provided in the question.


Answer to question 1.7: Application of Medicare Levy surcharge for single tax payer

Taxable Income Medical levy Medical levy Surcharge
Garima 69000 1380 Nil
Ian 99000 1980 990
Morgan 92000 1980 920
Ethan 115000 2300 1437.5
Reg 83000 1660 Nil
Tyrone 183000 3660 2745


Answer to question 1.8: Principles of Medicare Levy Surcharge for a Family:

Computation of Samantha and Kristian’s total income
A Samantha total income 165000
Kristian’s Total Income 17000
Total Income 182000
B Samantha total income 165000
Kristian’s Total Income 17000
Total Income 182000
Medicare Liability 3300
Medicare liability surcharge 1820
C Kristian’s Taxable Income 17000
Add: Fringe benefit 5000
Total Income 22000
Medicare Levy 110.4
Medicare  Levy Surcharge 1870
D Kristian’s Taxable Income 21000
Medicare Levy 10.4
Medicare Levy Surcharge 1860
E Samantha total income 165000
Kristian’s Total Income 17000
Threshold for dependents @1500 4500
Threshold Limit 1,80,000


Answer to question 11.13: Low Cost Assets business taxpayer

Calculation of allowable deduction for decline in the value of assets
For the Tax year 2014-15 using the Prime cost Method
Particulars Assets Cost Days held/365 100%/assets effective life Depreciation
Couch  $      5,800.00 1 0.142857143  $         828.57
Computer  $      2,800.00 1 0.25  $         700.00
Laptop  $      5,200.00 0.082191781 0.333333333  $         142.47
Desk and chair  $      5,100.00 1 0.142857143  $         728.57
Total Deduction allowable using Prime Method (A)  $      2,399.61


Calculation of allowable deduction for decline in the value of assets
For the Tax year 2014-15 using the Diminishing Value Method
Particulars Assets Cost Days held/365 200%/assets effective life Depreciation
Library  $      3,900.00 1 0.285714286  $      1,114.29
Carpet  $      7,100.00 1 0.333333333  $      2,366.67
Stereo System  $      3,300.00 1 0.25  $         825.00
Total Deduction allowable using Diminishing Value Method (B)  $      4,305.95


Calculation of Allowable deduction for decline in value of assets of low value pool
Particulars Low value pool Tax Rate Depreciation
Balance of the pool  $      1,400.00 37.50%  $          525.00
Wall Unit  $         800.00 18.75%  $          150.00
Micro wave oven  $         540.00 18.75%  $          101.25
Total Deduction Allowable for low value assets (C )  $          776.25


Calculation of Total Allowable deduction for decline in value of assets
Particulars Amount
Total Deduction allowable using Prime Method (A)  $ 2,399.61
Total Deduction allowable using Diminishing Value Method (B)  $ 4,305.95
Total Deduction Allowable for low value assets (C )  $    776.25
Total  $ 7,481.81