Strategic Marketing Plan : 647913


Q3 – What does the service offer allow to do as a company, review pages 7-9 as this will help you add the extra detail?

Q4a – Although you have some good information this question needs you to explain and you have listed the reasons for importance of delivering consistently high-quality service. Please can you review your answer forming full sentences? 

Q9a & 9b – both of these questions need you to relate legislation to an environment in which you have worked and how this can impact on customer service.

Q10 – please can you review your learning material on pages 33-38; this will then help you to explain how the ethical choice made such as only using Fairtrade products can impact on the customer and the steps an organisation might need to take?

Q12 – Can you explain how sensitive information might be protected in relation to security and storage, pages 38-40 should help.

Q13- please can you explain what each of these means wants, needs and expectations, pages 40-53 will help with this.

Q15 – Please can you explain why managing customers and managers’ expectations need to be taken in to account? Pages 40-53 will help you answer this question.

Q18a – It is important to follow up on actions and promises, can you explain what would happen if you didn’t?

Q20 – Can you identify the piece of legislation that relates to this question and what requirements they may have?

Q21 – Can you explain your answer to this question a little further after reviewing pages 57-60.

Q22 – you are correct by meeting the needs of the customer through keeping promises will make those customers loyal, can you explain why the company’s needs should be balanced with the promises made to the customer? What could be the impact of they don’t?

Q23 – if you were at work and a customer came into complain can you explain when and to whom you would escalate the complaint to; pages 63-64 will help you answer this.

Q26 – after reviewing pages 66-72 can you explain the importance of systems to manage customer service information, consider the types of systems that could be used and why an efficient and well managed system is important.

Q28 – can you please review pages 73-76 and identify the features of sections/elements that make up an effective complaints process.

Q29 – You are correct organisations should be accepting of customer complaints; however can you describe the use of the customer complaints procedure. Reviewing pages 73-76 will help you answer this question.

Q32 – can you review your answer to this question to further explain the importance of using customer service language that reflects and supports the brand promise. Reviewing pages 76-83 will help you.

Q33 – Please review pages 76-83 and identify your role as customer service in ensuring the brand promise is delivered. If you are unsure what this means please ask.

Please can you review these answers as the questions have asked you to explain or describe and you have composed bulleted lists.

Q4b, Q14, Q18b, Q24, Q25

Q41 – This question has asked you to explain, although you have made a good first attempt but you do need to provide further detail on the potential consequences of customer dissatisfaction. 

Q43 – please can you give more detail in your responses to this question as you have been asked to describe different methods of attracting and retaining customers?

Q47 – Can you further explain how reputation is an internal influence on the organisation?


Q3 Service offer allows the company to add an edge into its business. This edge is what will allow the company to have a niche in the market thus commanding a certain share of the market.

Q4a Delivering consistent customer service enables the company to develop its brand in the market such that the company will have an identity in the market and people can recognize its products or services just by the way they are being presented to the clients or the market.

Q9 I did not find this question on files uploaded. Please provide it.

Q10 Ethical choices made communicates to the customer the nature of the company in terms of integrity and how transparent the company is in its dealings. If the ethical choices made by the company are controversial then this has potential to deem customer confidence on the company products. If the company decides to pursue fair trade for example then this has potential of raising customer confidence on the company products or services. The steps the company might need to take to ensure that its decisions are ethical are; researching on the issue using secondary data, carrying out pilot projects and finally implementing the decision depending on the outcome of the first two steps.

Q12   Data protection act stipulates that customer personal information must not be used for the purposes not authorized by the client and must not be shared with any other third party without full authorization by the customer. Its storage must be such that no unauthorized personal can access these data.

Q13 Wants means goods and/or service that are compulsory/primary for any survival of human beings while needs means those goods and/or services that are secondary to the survival of human beings. Expectations or the other hand means those prospects that one believed will achieve.

Q14 This can be done by carrying out a survey through which respondents can be asked to mention what they think lack most in the market in regard to certain type of product or service. There expectations on the product or service under consideration should also be sourced.

Robert Bacal, Perfect Phrases For Customer Service (McGraw-Hill 2011).

Penni McLean-Conner, Customer Service (PennWell Corp 2011).

Q15 Managing customers is an important expect in customer services and needs to be taken into account because it has potential of raising customers anxiety which will negatively affect customer relations and the company brand. Managers’ expectation also determines how the manager can make decision which has an effect on how the customers can be served. If for example there is an urgent situation that needs to be resolved as soon as possible then the managers must also have this kind of expectation for him or her to make desired decision which will resolve the situation correctly1

Q18a  If actions are not followed up to see or asses the outcome of the action taken then in the event that that unintended result or outcome comes up then the company stands to loose clients or negatively affect its brand. It is therefore paramount that actions are followed up just to check on the progress and ensure that all the expected outcomes are what are achieved in the end. Promises must also be followed up because this affects how customers view the company. If promises are not met for example the company brand will be affected negatively and no customer can believe the company again when making promises on best they are in provision of their services or how good are their goods.

Q18 b The Company will suffer from negative ratings from the customers leading to lowering the levels of brand of the company. The company will eventually loose its market share and thus sales revenue will drop leading to drop in profits and if not checked may lead to business making loses.

Q20 Treating customers fairly policy. This policy requires that all customers are accorded due respect during their relationship with the company. The client interest must come first and can not be generalized.

Q22 The company needs should be balanced with promises made to the customer because the company is in business it can not make promises to the customer that it can not afford as this will make the business unsustainable at the same time the company should make corresponding promises to the customer’s money as under-promising will make the client feel he/she is not getting value for money2.

1Peter R Garber, 25 Reproducible Activities For Customer Service Excellence (HRD Press 2013).

2Pei Chao, ‘Exploring The Nature Of The Relationships Between Service Quality And Customer Loyalty: An Attribute-Level Analysis’ (2008) 28 The Service Industries Journal.

Q23. I will escalate this after checking the background information regarding complain made such as when and how did it happen. I will also try to resolve it on my own before escalating it to my immediate senior at work.

Q24 First, this can be done by requesting feedback from the clients and assessing them against expected standards that I am expected to perform. Secondly, I can measure my effectiveness in customer services by checking my performance on target sales as assigned by the company. If I am performing well in this category then it means I could be doing well on customer service. Thirdly, I can ask my colleagues to rate me/peer review and measure this against expectation of the company on my performance.

Q25 Customer service information can be used to come up with reward program for the clients, managing customer complains and carrying out surveys aimed at improving the level of customer service to the clients. All the ways through which this information can be used should be such that no breach of the customer data is made in accordance to Data protection act.

Q26 A Customer relationship management system is important system in customer management because it organizes customer information and data in an orderly manner that ensures that all customer issues are handled effectively and timely. A CRM system that ensures all customer information are put together without scattering them ensures that customers can be served effectively by resolving all the issues concerning a particular customer at one go. Efficient and effective management of system is important because it ensures that all customers are served as per the expectations and all the issues are resolved within SLA3.

Q28 Effective complain process must have timeliness feature where events concerning complain made are chronologically recorded. The system must also have escalation procedures and levels of priority of complain made.

Q29 The first procedure should be listening to the customer keenly. This where you let the customer air his or her grievances without interrupting, then ask questions systematically to interrogate complain made. Apology to the customer will be made at this point to ensure the customer feels that you are concerned about his or her problem. Asking the customer what is the acceptable solution to him or her to ensure that you capture the imagination of the customer on what the best solution will be like.

Q32 Using customer service language that is in tandem with the brand promise ensures that the client understand what the promise really entails so that the customers may not have expectations that can not be met by the company or leading to a situation where a client is getting less compared to what promised in the brand language.


Q33 My role as customer service in ensuring brand promise is delivered is by offering services that will lead to the outcome promised by the brand. This also entails making promises with correct timelines and other specifications as contained in the brand.

Q41 Customer dissatisfaction has a potential of customers giving the company negative ratings which will damage the brand name of the company and thus lower its market share. It also has a potential of increasing the number of complains lodged to the company by the customers which may lead to low moral at work for the company employees4.

Q43 customers can be attracted through offers whereby the company gives good offers on its products thereafter continue to provide high quality and consistent customer service. The company can also attract customers by aggressive marketing highlighting its strength and edge it has over the alternative products or services available in the market. Another way is through serving the already existing clients exceptionally well such that they can spread the word to their colleagues and other people they came into contact with.

Q47 reputation of a company is as a result of they way the company is carrying out its activities that please customers. The leaders in the company influence the juniors to act in a certain way that make the company services or products exceptional in the market. The internal influence which may begin with one leader in the company and spread both laterally and vertically is likely to earn the company a good reputation5.