Steps to Prepare Client Base Distribution Report-2310680

This analysis involved getting how many clients came from each region. I used the UNIQUE function  =UNIQUE(Table4[Customer Region]) under the Phase 1 Tab in cell A33 to pull unique regions.

In cell B33, I used the COUNTIF function to count how many members were in each region: =COUNTIF(G: G, A33). Then select A32:B38, Insert under Ribbon, charts, bar chart. It created a bar chart as represented in the Phase- Data analysis,

Part c

I prepared three reports out of which I will give a summary of what they were.

1.Revenue by Month report

This report represented the 7 months’ revenue that the employees earned.

Significance of the report

The report informs us of the highest periods of success and how the revenue growth has been over time

The report is important to help in predicting and planning for better financial outcomes

It is an eye-opener to adjust the marketing for better performance

Areas to upscale

There is a need  for an advanced dashboard to monitor the revenues and visitor trend

Manage staff through digital marketing strategies

2. Revenue by Vehicle Type

The analysis shows how each type of vehicle contributed to the revenue

Significance of the report

The report points out which vehicle type is the most profitable

It drives the company to strategies on how to do marketing

Improvement areas

Do track which services are offered to which vehicle regularly

Do a ground analysis to understand what clients really need

3. Client Base Distribution Report

It shows how the customers are distributed in different zones

Significance of the report

It shows how the business has spread

The report shows which are the unentered regions

It is a key to know which area needs more allocation of resources to do well

Areas of improvement

Be focused on identifying the areas that need penetration

Run campaigns to understand what each region needs or expects from the company

Phase 2

Part b

Steps to Prepare Employee Productivity Report

To make this report, the following directions were used. I used the INDEX and MATCH function  =INDEX(P:P, MATCH([@[Invoice ‘#]], L: L,0))  under the Phase 2 Tab in cell Y3  to pull the staff members based on the Invoice number and in column Z I converted the minutes that were in column X to hours.

From that data, I created a pivot table that is to represent Employee Productivity based on the hours.

This report is given by dividing the Fee received per service level by the number of hours that service takes. Depending on the figures and the chart, each service was charged correctly based on the service rendered. The difference from one level to the next is not significant, representing fairness and consideration. Because there is no standard or control charge, regular feedback from the client will inform him of the fairness of the charges.

Part c

I prepared three reports out of which I will give a summary of what they were.

1. Email Campaign Report

This report is essential in understanding the amount of revenue that email campaign brings hence crucial for calculating the Return on Investment of digital marketing

Significance of the report

It shows whether the efforts of digital marketing are worthy or not

Give the road map for getting more customers

From the pivot chart shot, the firm received some customers from the email campaign. It is hard to do a statistical analysis like ROI because we do not have the email campaign’s initial cost. Therefore , they can compute the ROI as they progress by monitoring the operations.

2. Accuracy of Budgeted Hours Report

The report is to show us the variation between the actual service hours and the budget hours

Significance of the report

The time report will inform of the required price level and the benefit earned from it

It shows the importance of time management when delivering services

Improvement areas

Track carefully how the time is spent and forecast in the coming days

Check the discrepancies in service and hours allocated and make adjustment

3. Employee Productivity

It simply shows how many hours each employee worked

Significance of the report

It is crucial to understand the performance of the company and where to adjust

The report shows where the gaps are in mentoring and training sessions

Areas of improvement

Invent employee’s feedback mechanisms to understand their needs

Create channels of communication where important messages can be delivered to the workforce to encourage and motivate them.