Sociology : 1372037

Ans1a.  The government, school or education and religion can be considered to be the major social institutions that prevail in Australia. Huang et al., (2019),  notes the fact that the main function of the government of Australia is to establish the national policy, make plans for the management of trade, foreign affairs and even manage the immigration and the environment. The main function of the schools or the education is to help the individuals to develop their own abilities for their correct participation in the place of the work, society and for personal growth. Researches show that Australia follows a secular government. The churches act as an important role in the development of the health, education and the services of the welfare.

On the other hand, it is being noted by Gelbe (2019),  that the cultural institutions in the Australian society are that of the library, churches and the museums. As per the Library act of 1960, the role of the library is to ensure that the documentary resources of the national significance in regards to Australia and the people of Australia. The churches provide assistance to the Christians, and the function of the museum was to bring the cultures of the world to Australia in even present the history and the culture of Australia to the world. The churches through the help of the spread of the principle of consciousness and community services helps in the development of the health education as well as the in the welfare services.

Ans1b.  Religion is being defined by the oxford dictionary as the belief as well as the worship in the super human controlling power ((Dictionary & Street, 2019). Sweger-Hollingsworth (2019), notes Karl Marx, notes the fact that the religion can be defined as opium of the masses

 According to Ahmed, Y. A. M., & Subhani, Z. H. (2019), Durkheim believes that the religion tend to have tree main functions in the society. He further mentions that the religion tend to provide the social cohesion in order to maintain the social solidarity through the ritual and the belief which are being shared. Another function of the religion is that it helps in maintaining social control to enforce the morals which are based on the religion. It also helps in offering meaning and purpose in order to answer the existential questions. Religion or churches tend to have a huge impact on communities and families. It gives the direction to beliefs and even enables the individuals to believe and act in a particular manner. Churches tends to be a major source of the social services. It helps in providing the schooling and the medical care, an inspiration in art, culture and that of the philosophy.  The churches helps in conducting the influential factor in the terms of the politics and the religion. In various ways, the church tends to have a huge impact on the western attitude and the virtue.

The government also tend to have a huge impact on communities and the family as they must follow the rules and the regulations that are being imposed by the government.  It is very much important to follow the rules and the regulations in order to ensure that all the practices of the religion are being maintained.  Following the rules and the regulations of the government will ensure peace and harmony among all the religions.

Ans 2a. Social stratification can be interpreted in two different perspectives. According to the functionalist perspective, the system only lies because of providing benefits to talented individuals who are important for the right maintenance of society. Competition among the individuals can be considered as the example here.  

 According to the conflict theorist, the stratification is very much harmful as it only gives advantages of the powerful by creating a system of the winner and the loser. The example of the rich and the poor, the employers and the employees can be considered as the example here.

Ans2 b. The inequality can be experienced in our society in terms of the differences in income, gender, health and the social class.

Some clients tend to get more care and support in terms of others. Researches show that the clients who are able to provide with the maximization of the profits are being given better form of the treatment.

Ans 2c. The long term unemployment of the individual leads to the low income of the individual. It also leads to the poorer health of the family. Researches show that in such situations, the academic performance of the children also worsens. Distress lies in the family.

Society tends to see the person who is unemployed for a long time as the one who is not of high value. Vrbka and Lutan (2019),  notes that the society sees an individual with no job as the one who is more inclined towards crime and therefore is socially ignored.


  • Homelessness – Baum  (2019),  notes the fact that the homelessness can be defined as the living in housing which is below the minimum form of the standard and which lacks the secure form of the tenure. This can lead the client to suffer from depression and various forms of issues of health.
  • Family breakdown- Family plays a great role in providing the emotional strength to the individual. However, the breakdown in the family can lead the individual to suffer from various issues.  The breakdown in the family can be arranged because of various reasons. The financial problems, domestic violence are some of them.  It tend to have negative impact upon the members of the family. The emotional stability within the members of the family also gets disturbed.  The breakdown in the family can lead the individual to acquire the consumption of the alcohol and the even have owner attainment of the education.

Ans3a. Trinkner et al (2019),  notes the fact that in the case of social psychology, a stereotype can be considered to be the over-generalized brief about a specific category of the people. It can be considered to be an exception that people tend to have about every individual of a specific group.

Researches show that though the stereotypes tend to occur at any age, stereotypes are generally acquired in early childhood and under the influence of the parents, teachers, media and the friend’s group.

Ans3b.  Caidi et al (2020),  notes the fact that there are 3.8 millions of Australians within the age of 65 as per the report of 2017. He further notes that the older people in Australia are being treated as a “social problem” or are even considered as the “burden”.

These tend to create emotional stress on the life of the elders. They feel more isolated and suffer from depression.

Ans 3c. The attitudes or the stereotypes of the youth in Australia is that it is being perceived that the youths are very much dishonest, lazy and narcissistic.

This tends to make the youth feel very much isolated and lonely. This factors also make them go against society as well.

Ans 4 a. socialism– Bronner (2019), notes the fact that the socialism can be considered as the political, social, financial philosophy which incorporates a range of the social, financial system which is in fact characterized by the social ownership of the means of the production and self-management of the workers.  Equal form of the opportunity. Democracy, co-operation are some of its characteristics.

b. capitalism– Zuboff (2019),  notes the fact that the capitalism can be considered as the economic system which is based on the private ownership of the means of the production along with their operation for the purpose of benefits.  Some of the characteristics of capitalism is that of the recognition of the rights of the property,  wage labour, voluntary exchange etc.

c. democracy– Acemoglu et al (2019), notes the fact that democracy can be considered as the form of the government in which the people have the right to choose their own administering legislation. Free and fair election, respect for the law and the active participation of the citizens are some of the characteristics of the democracy.

Ans5a. Richardson (2019), notes that social security can be considered as the system of the social welfare payments, which is being provided by the Australian government to the citizens of Australia who are eligible. The Australian government aid policy considers the empowerment of the women and the girls.  It helps in examining the resolution of gender equality in the Asia Pacific region and helps in understanding the limited educational opportunities as well.

Ans 5b. Researches show that the three trends that dominate the society are that of the simplicity, rise of the lifestyle of the cities and the domination of the new generation.  The simplicity helps in maintaining social policies by maintaining peace and order.  The rise of the lifestyles raises to new developments which effects the policies. Cuervo  and Miranda (2019),  notes that the new generation is more rational, and therefore, they are constantly challenging the national policies.

Ans6a. The function of the community service worker is to arrange for the gathering of the community and help their clients  who requires the help of the counselling. However, in order to improve the functions of the community service workers, various number of steps can be implemented.

  • The community service workers can collect feedback from the clients in order to monitor the impact of work and make the necessary changes in the plan in accordance to the feedback.
  • The community service workers can even make campaigns where all the individuals will be participating.
  • The  community service workers can even go from door to door in ordre to provide their service from the clients and take the opinions from them.
  • A website can be created in order to engage the clients where the clients will share their valuable thoughts.

Ans 6b. The community service workers are very much beneficial in addressing the social and the cultural issues that affected the clients and the communities as they provide counselling to the clients who require it. They even help people in acquiring various advantages and services.  They even help in administering the food banks, and it even helps in giving aids to the members of the community by helping them to access to medical care.   One of the significant benefits of the community service workers in addressing the social and the cultural issues is that they even help in referring the clients who require the additional form of help.  The community service workers even give emotional support to that of the client.  They mainly focus o the outreach of the community and the care.  They tend to have strong skills in communication and that of the social skills as they consistently interact with the clients.  They mainly focus on the clients who are suffering or have been the victim of substance abuse or provides counselling to the individuals who have been from suffering from issues like human relationships, rehabilitation.

Ans 6c.  In order to improve the working of the community service, the community can incorporate more number of volunteers. They can even make campaigns which will help in the funding which they can further use for the development of their clients.  The leadership roles must be assigned so that the leader can drive the community towards the path of success. Additionally, in order to improve the working of the community services, options of providing little benefits can be provided to the volunteers, which will even encourage them to work more for the community. On the other hand, it is very much important for community services even to record and even provide rewards to individuals who are performing and conducting good deeds.


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