Research Tools: 1490040

The use of the correct research tools is quite imperative when undertaking a research projects. Tools entail the strategies or the methods of data collection and data analysis that are adopted by the researcher in order to extract information that can help to answer key or vital research questions that are posed at the time of conceptualizing the research (Park and Park 2016).  This assignment discusses the possible tools of analysis that can be used when investigating a topic such the Impact of Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression Training of Nurse’s Performance at Hamad Medical Corporations. When it comes to the actual data collection and data analysis process for this project, what is worth keeping in mind is the fact that primary sources of information, that is the information that is obtained from first hand sources or places is what ought to be used in order to give the project the type of legitimacy that it deserves. To this end it needs to be stated that the collection of data ought to be undertaken using quantitative research methods, with a primary research survey, an online survey being conducted on a respondent population to uncover information that can help in answering the research questions (Apuke 2017).

The survey will entail the use of a questionnaire comprising of at least 20 questions, with each question being designed in a way that it helps in obtaining information that can answer all the research questions posed in the study. The research that is obtained from the survey can then be analyzed using SPSS statistical techniques, with co-relation and regression analysis being both undertaken in order to ascertain the information that was obtained from the survey and to relate it to findings that had earlier been obtained from the study of secondary literature. In this way, the research hypothesis that was developed earlier on can be validated. Finally, it must be pointed out that a sampling technique like the random and non-probabilistic sampling technique ought to be used to create the sample on which the study shall be based (Mellinger and Hanson 2016).

Alternatively, some of the instruments that can be used for data analysis are the Perception of Aggression which is a newly developed tool that makes an accurate assessment of the attitudes that are demonstrated by patients who are rather aggressive in nature. The scale is characterized by a discriminatory capacity, and is able to judge different attitudes of different nurses towards patients who show aggressive behavior (Haefner et al. 2020).  The Tolerance scale is yet another scale that can be used in the upcoming project, and which has been developed only as recently as July 2016 (Apuke 2017). This is a quantitative device that has been developed with the specific purpose of evaluating the tolerance capacity in human beings and can be an effective tool to use in judging the tolerance levels of nurses that are sampled and studied for this research project. The Impact of Patient Aggression on Carer’s is also an effective psychometric tool that has been developed to judge the impact that patient aggression can have on caregivers. It makes use of in-depth psychometric testing in order to judge such an impact (Haefner et al. 2020).

The above tools are effective tools of quantitative analysis and can be used in the proposed research with success.


Apuke, O.D., 2017. Quantitative research methods: A synopsis approach. Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 33(5471), pp.1-8.

Haefner, J., Dunn, I. and McFarland, M., 2020. A quality improvement project using verbal de-escalation to reduce seclusion and patient aggression in an inpatient psychiatric unit. Issues in mental health nursing, pp.1-7.

Mellinger, C.D. and Hanson, T.A., 2016. Quantitative research methods in translation and interpreting studies. Taylor & Francis.

Park, J. and Park, M., 2016. Qualitative versus quantitative research methods: Discovery or justification?. Journal of Marketing Thought, 3(1), pp.1-8.

Queirós, A., Faria, D. and Almeida, F., 2017. Strengths and limitations of qualitative and quantitative research methods. European Journal of Education Studies.